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1import abc 


3class BaseImage: 

4 """ 

5 Base QRCode image output class. 

6 """ 

7 kind = None 

8 allowed_kinds = None 

9 needs_context = False 

10 needs_processing = False 


12 def __init__(self, border, width, box_size, *args, **kwargs): 

13 self.border = border 

14 self.width = width 

15 self.box_size = box_size 

16 self.pixel_size = (self.width + self.border*2) * self.box_size 

17 self._img = self.new_image(**kwargs) 


19 @abc.abstractmethod 

20 def drawrect(self, row, col): 

21 """ 

22 Draw a single rectangle of the QR code. 

23 """ 


25 def drawrect_context(self, row, col, active, context): 

26 """ 

27 Draw a single rectangle of the QR code given the surrounding context 

28 """ 

29 raise NotImplementedError("BaseImage.drawrect_context") 


31 def process(self): 

32 """ 

33 Processes QR code after completion 

34 """ 

35 raise NotImplementedError("BaseImage.drawimage") 


37 @abc.abstractmethod 

38 def save(self, stream, kind=None): 

39 """ 

40 Save the image file. 

41 """ 


43 def pixel_box(self, row, col): 

44 """ 

45 A helper method for pixel-based image generators that specifies the 

46 four pixel coordinates for a single rect. 

47 """ 

48 x = (col + self.border) * self.box_size 

49 y = (row + self.border) * self.box_size 

50 return [(x, y), (x + self.box_size - 1, y + self.box_size - 1)] 


52 @abc.abstractmethod 

53 def new_image(self, **kwargs): 

54 """ 

55 Build the image class. Subclasses should return the class created. 

56 """ 


58 def get_image(self, **kwargs): 

59 """ 

60 Return the image class for further processing. 

61 """ 

62 return self._img 


64 def check_kind(self, kind, transform=None): 

65 """ 

66 Get the image type. 

67 """ 

68 if kind is None: 

69 kind = self.kind 

70 allowed = not self.allowed_kinds or kind in self.allowed_kinds 

71 if transform: 

72 kind = transform(kind) 

73 if not allowed: 

74 allowed = kind in self.allowed_kinds 

75 if not allowed: 

76 raise ValueError( 

77 f"Cannot set {type(self).__name__} type to {kind}") 

78 return kind