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1from collections import OrderedDict 

2from typing import Dict, Optional 


4from ...typing import HueType 

5from .. import BaseProvider, ElementsType 

6from .color import RandomColor 


8localized = True 



11class Provider(BaseProvider): 

12 """Implement default color provider for Faker.""" 


14 all_colors: Dict[str, str] = OrderedDict( 

15 ( 

16 ("AliceBlue", "#F0F8FF"), 

17 ("AntiqueWhite", "#FAEBD7"), 

18 ("Aqua", "#00FFFF"), 

19 ("Aquamarine", "#7FFFD4"), 

20 ("Azure", "#F0FFFF"), 

21 ("Beige", "#F5F5DC"), 

22 ("Bisque", "#FFE4C4"), 

23 ("Black", "#000000"), 

24 ("BlanchedAlmond", "#FFEBCD"), 

25 ("Blue", "#0000FF"), 

26 ("BlueViolet", "#8A2BE2"), 

27 ("Brown", "#A52A2A"), 

28 ("BurlyWood", "#DEB887"), 

29 ("CadetBlue", "#5F9EA0"), 

30 ("Chartreuse", "#7FFF00"), 

31 ("Chocolate", "#D2691E"), 

32 ("Coral", "#FF7F50"), 

33 ("CornflowerBlue", "#6495ED"), 

34 ("Cornsilk", "#FFF8DC"), 

35 ("Crimson", "#DC143C"), 

36 ("Cyan", "#00FFFF"), 

37 ("DarkBlue", "#00008B"), 

38 ("DarkCyan", "#008B8B"), 

39 ("DarkGoldenRod", "#B8860B"), 

40 ("DarkGray", "#A9A9A9"), 

41 ("DarkGreen", "#006400"), 

42 ("DarkKhaki", "#BDB76B"), 

43 ("DarkMagenta", "#8B008B"), 

44 ("DarkOliveGreen", "#556B2F"), 

45 ("DarkOrange", "#FF8C00"), 

46 ("DarkOrchid", "#9932CC"), 

47 ("DarkRed", "#8B0000"), 

48 ("DarkSalmon", "#E9967A"), 

49 ("DarkSeaGreen", "#8FBC8F"), 

50 ("DarkSlateBlue", "#483D8B"), 

51 ("DarkSlateGray", "#2F4F4F"), 

52 ("DarkTurquoise", "#00CED1"), 

53 ("DarkViolet", "#9400D3"), 

54 ("DeepPink", "#FF1493"), 

55 ("DeepSkyBlue", "#00BFFF"), 

56 ("DimGray", "#696969"), 

57 ("DodgerBlue", "#1E90FF"), 

58 ("FireBrick", "#B22222"), 

59 ("FloralWhite", "#FFFAF0"), 

60 ("ForestGreen", "#228B22"), 

61 ("Fuchsia", "#FF00FF"), 

62 ("Gainsboro", "#DCDCDC"), 

63 ("GhostWhite", "#F8F8FF"), 

64 ("Gold", "#FFD700"), 

65 ("GoldenRod", "#DAA520"), 

66 ("Gray", "#808080"), 

67 ("Green", "#008000"), 

68 ("GreenYellow", "#ADFF2F"), 

69 ("HoneyDew", "#F0FFF0"), 

70 ("HotPink", "#FF69B4"), 

71 ("IndianRed", "#CD5C5C"), 

72 ("Indigo", "#4B0082"), 

73 ("Ivory", "#FFFFF0"), 

74 ("Khaki", "#F0E68C"), 

75 ("Lavender", "#E6E6FA"), 

76 ("LavenderBlush", "#FFF0F5"), 

77 ("LawnGreen", "#7CFC00"), 

78 ("LemonChiffon", "#FFFACD"), 

79 ("LightBlue", "#ADD8E6"), 

80 ("LightCoral", "#F08080"), 

81 ("LightCyan", "#E0FFFF"), 

82 ("LightGoldenRodYellow", "#FAFAD2"), 

83 ("LightGray", "#D3D3D3"), 

84 ("LightGreen", "#90EE90"), 

85 ("LightPink", "#FFB6C1"), 

86 ("LightSalmon", "#FFA07A"), 

87 ("LightSeaGreen", "#20B2AA"), 

88 ("LightSkyBlue", "#87CEFA"), 

89 ("LightSlateGray", "#778899"), 

90 ("LightSteelBlue", "#B0C4DE"), 

91 ("LightYellow", "#FFFFE0"), 

92 ("Lime", "#00FF00"), 

93 ("LimeGreen", "#32CD32"), 

94 ("Linen", "#FAF0E6"), 

95 ("Magenta", "#FF00FF"), 

96 ("Maroon", "#800000"), 

97 ("MediumAquaMarine", "#66CDAA"), 

98 ("MediumBlue", "#0000CD"), 

99 ("MediumOrchid", "#BA55D3"), 

100 ("MediumPurple", "#9370DB"), 

101 ("MediumSeaGreen", "#3CB371"), 

102 ("MediumSlateBlue", "#7B68EE"), 

103 ("MediumSpringGreen", "#00FA9A"), 

104 ("MediumTurquoise", "#48D1CC"), 

105 ("MediumVioletRed", "#C71585"), 

106 ("MidnightBlue", "#191970"), 

107 ("MintCream", "#F5FFFA"), 

108 ("MistyRose", "#FFE4E1"), 

109 ("Moccasin", "#FFE4B5"), 

110 ("NavajoWhite", "#FFDEAD"), 

111 ("Navy", "#000080"), 

112 ("OldLace", "#FDF5E6"), 

113 ("Olive", "#808000"), 

114 ("OliveDrab", "#6B8E23"), 

115 ("Orange", "#FFA500"), 

116 ("OrangeRed", "#FF4500"), 

117 ("Orchid", "#DA70D6"), 

118 ("PaleGoldenRod", "#EEE8AA"), 

119 ("PaleGreen", "#98FB98"), 

120 ("PaleTurquoise", "#AFEEEE"), 

121 ("PaleVioletRed", "#DB7093"), 

122 ("PapayaWhip", "#FFEFD5"), 

123 ("PeachPuff", "#FFDAB9"), 

124 ("Peru", "#CD853F"), 

125 ("Pink", "#FFC0CB"), 

126 ("Plum", "#DDA0DD"), 

127 ("PowderBlue", "#B0E0E6"), 

128 ("Purple", "#800080"), 

129 ("Red", "#FF0000"), 

130 ("RosyBrown", "#BC8F8F"), 

131 ("RoyalBlue", "#4169E1"), 

132 ("SaddleBrown", "#8B4513"), 

133 ("Salmon", "#FA8072"), 

134 ("SandyBrown", "#F4A460"), 

135 ("SeaGreen", "#2E8B57"), 

136 ("SeaShell", "#FFF5EE"), 

137 ("Sienna", "#A0522D"), 

138 ("Silver", "#C0C0C0"), 

139 ("SkyBlue", "#87CEEB"), 

140 ("SlateBlue", "#6A5ACD"), 

141 ("SlateGray", "#708090"), 

142 ("Snow", "#FFFAFA"), 

143 ("SpringGreen", "#00FF7F"), 

144 ("SteelBlue", "#4682B4"), 

145 ("Tan", "#D2B48C"), 

146 ("Teal", "#008080"), 

147 ("Thistle", "#D8BFD8"), 

148 ("Tomato", "#FF6347"), 

149 ("Turquoise", "#40E0D0"), 

150 ("Violet", "#EE82EE"), 

151 ("Wheat", "#F5DEB3"), 

152 ("White", "#FFFFFF"), 

153 ("WhiteSmoke", "#F5F5F5"), 

154 ("Yellow", "#FFFF00"), 

155 ("YellowGreen", "#9ACD32"), 

156 ) 

157 ) 


159 safe_colors: ElementsType[str] = ( 

160 "black", 

161 "maroon", 

162 "green", 

163 "navy", 

164 "olive", 

165 "purple", 

166 "teal", 

167 "lime", 

168 "blue", 

169 "silver", 

170 "gray", 

171 "yellow", 

172 "fuchsia", 

173 "aqua", 

174 "white", 

175 ) 


177 def color_name(self) -> str: 

178 """Generate a color name.""" 

179 return self.random_element(self.all_colors.keys()) 


181 def safe_color_name(self) -> str: 

182 """Generate a web-safe color name.""" 

183 return self.random_element(self.safe_colors) 


185 def hex_color(self) -> str: 

186 """Generate a color formatted as a hex triplet.""" 

187 return f"#{self.random_int(1, 16777215):06x}" 


189 def safe_hex_color(self) -> str: 

190 """Generate a web-safe color formatted as a hex triplet.""" 

191 return f"#{self.random_int(0, 15) * 17:02x}{self.random_int(0, 15) * 17:02x}{self.random_int(0, 15) * 17:02x}" 


193 def rgb_color(self) -> str: 

194 """Generate a color formatted as a comma-separated RGB value.""" 

195 return ",".join(map(str, (self.random_int(0, 255) for _ in range(3)))) 


197 def rgb_css_color(self) -> str: 

198 """Generate a color formatted as a CSS rgb() function.""" 

199 return f"rgb({self.random_int(0, 255)},{self.random_int(0, 255)},{self.random_int(0, 255)})" 


201 def color( 

202 self, 

203 hue: Optional[HueType] = None, 

204 luminosity: Optional[str] = None, 

205 color_format: str = "hex", 

206 ) -> str: 

207 """Generate a color in a human-friendly way. 


209 Under the hood, this method first creates a color represented in the HSV 

210 color model and then converts it to the desired ``color_format``. The 

211 argument ``hue`` controls the H value according to the following 

212 rules: 


214 - If the value is a number from ``0`` to ``360``, it will serve as the H 

215 value of the generated color. 

216 - If the value is a tuple/list of 2 numbers from 0 to 360, the color's H 

217 value will be randomly selected from that range. 

218 - If the value is a valid string, the color's H value will be randomly 

219 selected from the H range corresponding to the supplied string. Valid 

220 values are ``'monochrome'``, ``'red'``, ``'orange'``, ``'yellow'``, 

221 ``'green'``, ``'blue'``, ``'purple'``, and ``'pink'``. 


223 The argument ``luminosity`` influences both S and V values and is 

224 partially affected by ``hue`` as well. The finer details of this 

225 relationship are somewhat involved, so please refer to the source code 

226 instead if you wish to dig deeper. To keep the interface simple, this 

227 argument either can be omitted or can accept the following string 

228 values:``'bright'``, ``'dark'``, ``'light'``, or ``'random'``. 


230 The argument ``color_format`` controls in which color model the color is 

231 represented. Valid values are ``'hsv'``, ``'hsl'``, ``'rgb'``, or 

232 ``'hex'`` (default). 


234 :sample: hue='red' 

235 :sample: luminosity='light' 

236 :sample: hue=(100, 200), color_format='rgb' 

237 :sample: hue='orange', luminosity='bright' 

238 :sample: hue=135, luminosity='dark', color_format='hsv' 

239 :sample: hue=(300, 20), luminosity='random', color_format='hsl' 

240 """ 

241 return RandomColor(self.generator).generate( 

242 hue=hue, 

243 luminosity=luminosity, 

244 color_format=color_format, 

245 )