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2Parsers are used to parse the content of incoming HTTP requests. 


4They give us a generic way of being able to handle various media types 

5on the request, such as form content or json encoded data. 


7import codecs 

8from urllib import parse 


10from django.conf import settings 

11from django.core.files.uploadhandler import StopFutureHandlers 

12from django.http import QueryDict 

13from django.http.multipartparser import ChunkIter 

14from django.http.multipartparser import \ 

15 MultiPartParser as DjangoMultiPartParser 

16from django.http.multipartparser import MultiPartParserError, parse_header 

17from django.utils.encoding import force_str 


19from rest_framework import renderers 

20from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError 

21from rest_framework.settings import api_settings 

22from rest_framework.utils import json 



25class DataAndFiles: 

26 def __init__(self, data, files): 

27 = data 

28 self.files = files 



31class BaseParser: 

32 """ 

33 All parsers should extend `BaseParser`, specifying a `media_type` 

34 attribute, and overriding the `.parse()` method. 

35 """ 

36 media_type = None 


38 def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None): 

39 """ 

40 Given a stream to read from, return the parsed representation. 

41 Should return parsed data, or a `DataAndFiles` object consisting of the 

42 parsed data and files. 

43 """ 

44 raise NotImplementedError(".parse() must be overridden.") 



47class JSONParser(BaseParser): 

48 """ 

49 Parses JSON-serialized data. 

50 """ 

51 media_type = 'application/json' 

52 renderer_class = renderers.JSONRenderer 

53 strict = api_settings.STRICT_JSON 


55 def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None): 

56 """ 

57 Parses the incoming bytestream as JSON and returns the resulting data. 

58 """ 

59 parser_context = parser_context or {} 

60 encoding = parser_context.get('encoding', settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET) 


62 try: 

63 decoded_stream = codecs.getreader(encoding)(stream) 

64 parse_constant = json.strict_constant if self.strict else None 

65 return json.load(decoded_stream, parse_constant=parse_constant) 

66 except ValueError as exc: 

67 raise ParseError('JSON parse error - %s' % str(exc)) 



70class FormParser(BaseParser): 

71 """ 

72 Parser for form data. 

73 """ 

74 media_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 


76 def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None): 

77 """ 

78 Parses the incoming bytestream as a URL encoded form, 

79 and returns the resulting QueryDict. 

80 """ 

81 parser_context = parser_context or {} 

82 encoding = parser_context.get('encoding', settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET) 

83 return QueryDict(, encoding=encoding) 



86class MultiPartParser(BaseParser): 

87 """ 

88 Parser for multipart form data, which may include file data. 

89 """ 

90 media_type = 'multipart/form-data' 


92 def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None): 

93 """ 

94 Parses the incoming bytestream as a multipart encoded form, 

95 and returns a DataAndFiles object. 


97 `.data` will be a `QueryDict` containing all the form parameters. 

98 `.files` will be a `QueryDict` containing all the form files. 

99 """ 

100 parser_context = parser_context or {} 

101 request = parser_context['request'] 

102 encoding = parser_context.get('encoding', settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET) 

103 meta = request.META.copy() 

104 meta['CONTENT_TYPE'] = media_type 

105 upload_handlers = request.upload_handlers 


107 try: 

108 parser = DjangoMultiPartParser(meta, stream, upload_handlers, encoding) 

109 data, files = parser.parse() 

110 return DataAndFiles(data, files) 

111 except MultiPartParserError as exc: 

112 raise ParseError('Multipart form parse error - %s' % str(exc)) 



115class FileUploadParser(BaseParser): 

116 """ 

117 Parser for file upload data. 

118 """ 

119 media_type = '*/*' 

120 errors = { 

121 'unhandled': 'FileUpload parse error - none of upload handlers can handle the stream', 

122 'no_filename': 'Missing filename. Request should include a Content-Disposition header with a filename parameter.', 

123 } 


125 def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None): 

126 """ 

127 Treats the incoming bytestream as a raw file upload and returns 

128 a `DataAndFiles` object. 


130 `.data` will be None (we expect request body to be a file content). 

131 `.files` will be a `QueryDict` containing one 'file' element. 

132 """ 

133 parser_context = parser_context or {} 

134 request = parser_context['request'] 

135 encoding = parser_context.get('encoding', settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET) 

136 meta = request.META 

137 upload_handlers = request.upload_handlers 

138 filename = self.get_filename(stream, media_type, parser_context) 


140 if not filename: 

141 raise ParseError(self.errors['no_filename']) 


143 # Note that this code is extracted from Django's handling of 

144 # file uploads in MultiPartParser. 

145 content_type = meta.get('HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE', 

146 meta.get('CONTENT_TYPE', '')) 

147 try: 

148 content_length = int(meta.get('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH', 

149 meta.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', 0))) 

150 except (ValueError, TypeError): 

151 content_length = None 


153 # See if the handler will want to take care of the parsing. 

154 for handler in upload_handlers: 

155 result = handler.handle_raw_input(stream, 

156 meta, 

157 content_length, 

158 None, 

159 encoding) 

160 if result is not None: 

161 return DataAndFiles({}, {'file': result[1]}) 


163 # This is the standard case. 

164 possible_sizes = [x.chunk_size for x in upload_handlers if x.chunk_size] 

165 chunk_size = min([2 ** 31 - 4] + possible_sizes) 

166 chunks = ChunkIter(stream, chunk_size) 

167 counters = [0] * len(upload_handlers) 


169 for index, handler in enumerate(upload_handlers): 

170 try: 

171 handler.new_file(None, filename, content_type, 

172 content_length, encoding) 

173 except StopFutureHandlers: 

174 upload_handlers = upload_handlers[:index + 1] 

175 break 


177 for chunk in chunks: 

178 for index, handler in enumerate(upload_handlers): 

179 chunk_length = len(chunk) 

180 chunk = handler.receive_data_chunk(chunk, counters[index]) 

181 counters[index] += chunk_length 

182 if chunk is None: 

183 break 


185 for index, handler in enumerate(upload_handlers): 

186 file_obj = handler.file_complete(counters[index]) 

187 if file_obj is not None: 

188 return DataAndFiles({}, {'file': file_obj}) 


190 raise ParseError(self.errors['unhandled']) 


192 def get_filename(self, stream, media_type, parser_context): 

193 """ 

194 Detects the uploaded file name. First searches a 'filename' url kwarg. 

195 Then tries to parse Content-Disposition header. 

196 """ 

197 try: 

198 return parser_context['kwargs']['filename'] 

199 except KeyError: 

200 pass 


202 try: 

203 meta = parser_context['request'].META 

204 disposition = parse_header(meta['HTTP_CONTENT_DISPOSITION'].encode()) 

205 filename_parm = disposition[1] 

206 if 'filename*' in filename_parm: 

207 return self.get_encoded_filename(filename_parm) 

208 return force_str(filename_parm['filename']) 

209 except (AttributeError, KeyError, ValueError): 

210 pass 


212 def get_encoded_filename(self, filename_parm): 

213 """ 

214 Handle encoded filenames per RFC6266. See also: 


216 """ 

217 encoded_filename = force_str(filename_parm['filename*']) 

218 try: 

219 charset, lang, filename = encoded_filename.split('\'', 2) 

220 filename = parse.unquote(filename) 

221 except (ValueError, LookupError): 

222 filename = force_str(filename_parm['filename']) 

223 return filename