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1import os 

2import pathlib 


4from django.core.exceptions import SuspiciousFileOperation 



7def validate_file_name(name, allow_relative_path=False): 

8 # Remove potentially dangerous names 

9 if os.path.basename(name) in {"", ".", ".."}: 9 ↛ 10line 9 didn't jump to line 10, because the condition on line 9 was never true

10 raise SuspiciousFileOperation("Could not derive file name from '%s'" % name) 


12 if allow_relative_path: 

13 # Use PurePosixPath() because this branch is checked only in 

14 # FileField.generate_filename() where all file paths are expected to be 

15 # Unix style (with forward slashes). 

16 path = pathlib.PurePosixPath(name) 

17 if path.is_absolute() or ".." in 17 ↛ 18line 17 didn't jump to line 18, because the condition on line 17 was never true

18 raise SuspiciousFileOperation( 

19 "Detected path traversal attempt in '%s'" % name 

20 ) 

21 elif name != os.path.basename(name): 21 ↛ 22line 21 didn't jump to line 22, because the condition on line 21 was never true

22 raise SuspiciousFileOperation("File name '%s' includes path elements" % name) 


24 return name 



27class FileProxyMixin: 

28 """ 

29 A mixin class used to forward file methods to an underlaying file 

30 object. The internal file object has to be called "file":: 


32 class FileProxy(FileProxyMixin): 

33 def __init__(self, file): 

34 self.file = file 

35 """ 


37 encoding = property(lambda self: self.file.encoding) 37 ↛ exitline 37 didn't run the lambda on line 37

38 fileno = property(lambda self: self.file.fileno) 38 ↛ exitline 38 didn't run the lambda on line 38

39 flush = property(lambda self: self.file.flush) 39 ↛ exitline 39 didn't run the lambda on line 39

40 isatty = property(lambda self: self.file.isatty) 40 ↛ exitline 40 didn't run the lambda on line 40

41 newlines = property(lambda self: self.file.newlines) 41 ↛ exitline 41 didn't run the lambda on line 41

42 read = property(lambda self: 

43 readinto = property(lambda self: self.file.readinto) 43 ↛ exitline 43 didn't run the lambda on line 43

44 readline = property(lambda self: self.file.readline) 44 ↛ exitline 44 didn't run the lambda on line 44

45 readlines = property(lambda self: self.file.readlines) 45 ↛ exitline 45 didn't run the lambda on line 45

46 seek = property(lambda self: 

47 tell = property(lambda self: self.file.tell) 47 ↛ exitline 47 didn't run the lambda on line 47

48 truncate = property(lambda self: self.file.truncate) 48 ↛ exitline 48 didn't run the lambda on line 48

49 write = property(lambda self: self.file.write) 49 ↛ exitline 49 didn't run the lambda on line 49

50 writelines = property(lambda self: self.file.writelines) 50 ↛ exitline 50 didn't run the lambda on line 50


52 @property 

53 def closed(self): 

54 return not self.file or self.file.closed 


56 def readable(self): 

57 if self.closed: 

58 return False 

59 if hasattr(self.file, "readable"): 

60 return self.file.readable() 

61 return True 


63 def writable(self): 

64 if self.closed: 

65 return False 

66 if hasattr(self.file, "writable"): 

67 return self.file.writable() 

68 return "w" in getattr(self.file, "mode", "") 


70 def seekable(self): 

71 if self.closed: 

72 return False 

73 if hasattr(self.file, "seekable"): 

74 return self.file.seekable() 

75 return True 


77 def __iter__(self): 

78 return iter(self.file)