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138 statements  

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1from __future__ import annotations 


3import re 

4from typing import TYPE_CHECKING 

5import warnings 


7import numpy as np 


9from pandas.util._decorators import ( 

10 Appender, 

11 deprecate_kwarg, 


13from pandas.util._exceptions import find_stack_level 


15from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( 

16 is_extension_array_dtype, 

17 is_list_like, 


19from pandas.core.dtypes.concat import concat_compat 

20from pandas.core.dtypes.missing import notna 


22import pandas.core.algorithms as algos 

23from pandas.core.arrays import Categorical 

24import pandas.core.common as com 

25from pandas.core.indexes.api import ( 

26 Index, 

27 MultiIndex, 


29from pandas.core.reshape.concat import concat 

30from pandas.core.reshape.util import tile_compat 

31from pandas.core.shared_docs import _shared_docs 

32from import to_numeric 


34if TYPE_CHECKING: 34 ↛ 35line 34 didn't jump to line 35, because the condition on line 34 was never true

35 from pandas import DataFrame 



38@Appender(_shared_docs["melt"] % {"caller": "pd.melt(df, ", "other": "DataFrame.melt"}) 

39def melt( 

40 frame: DataFrame, 

41 id_vars=None, 

42 value_vars=None, 

43 var_name=None, 

44 value_name="value", 

45 col_level=None, 

46 ignore_index: bool = True, 

47) -> DataFrame: 

48 # If multiindex, gather names of columns on all level for checking presence 

49 # of `id_vars` and `value_vars` 

50 if isinstance(frame.columns, MultiIndex): 

51 cols = [x for c in frame.columns for x in c] 

52 else: 

53 cols = list(frame.columns) 


55 if value_name in frame.columns: 

56 warnings.warn( 

57 "This dataframe has a column name that matches the 'value_name' column " 

58 "name of the resulting Dataframe. " 

59 "In the future this will raise an error, please set the 'value_name' " 

60 "parameter of DataFrame.melt to a unique name.", 

61 FutureWarning, 

62 stacklevel=find_stack_level(), 

63 ) 


65 if id_vars is not None: 

66 if not is_list_like(id_vars): 

67 id_vars = [id_vars] 

68 elif isinstance(frame.columns, MultiIndex) and not isinstance(id_vars, list): 

69 raise ValueError( 

70 "id_vars must be a list of tuples when columns are a MultiIndex" 

71 ) 

72 else: 

73 # Check that `id_vars` are in frame 

74 id_vars = list(id_vars) 

75 missing = Index(com.flatten(id_vars)).difference(cols) 

76 if not missing.empty: 

77 raise KeyError( 

78 "The following 'id_vars' are not present " 

79 f"in the DataFrame: {list(missing)}" 

80 ) 

81 else: 

82 id_vars = [] 


84 if value_vars is not None: 

85 if not is_list_like(value_vars): 

86 value_vars = [value_vars] 

87 elif isinstance(frame.columns, MultiIndex) and not isinstance(value_vars, list): 

88 raise ValueError( 

89 "value_vars must be a list of tuples when columns are a MultiIndex" 

90 ) 

91 else: 

92 value_vars = list(value_vars) 

93 # Check that `value_vars` are in frame 

94 missing = Index(com.flatten(value_vars)).difference(cols) 

95 if not missing.empty: 

96 raise KeyError( 

97 "The following 'value_vars' are not present in " 

98 f"the DataFrame: {list(missing)}" 

99 ) 

100 if col_level is not None: 

101 idx = frame.columns.get_level_values(col_level).get_indexer( 

102 id_vars + value_vars 

103 ) 

104 else: 

105 idx = algos.unique(frame.columns.get_indexer_for(id_vars + value_vars)) 

106 frame = frame.iloc[:, idx] 

107 else: 

108 frame = frame.copy() 


110 if col_level is not None: # allow list or other? 

111 # frame is a copy 

112 frame.columns = frame.columns.get_level_values(col_level) 


114 if var_name is None: 

115 if isinstance(frame.columns, MultiIndex): 

116 if len(frame.columns.names) == len(set(frame.columns.names)): 

117 var_name = frame.columns.names 

118 else: 

119 var_name = [f"variable_{i}" for i in range(len(frame.columns.names))] 

120 else: 

121 var_name = [ 

122 if is not None else "variable" 

123 ] 

124 if isinstance(var_name, str): 

125 var_name = [var_name] 


127 N, K = frame.shape 

128 K -= len(id_vars) 


130 mdata = {} 

131 for col in id_vars: 

132 id_data = frame.pop(col) 

133 if is_extension_array_dtype(id_data): 

134 if K > 0: 

135 id_data = concat([id_data] * K, ignore_index=True) 

136 else: 

137 # We can't concat empty list. (GH 46044) 

138 id_data = type(id_data)([],, dtype=id_data.dtype) 

139 else: 

140 # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type 

141 # "ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]]", variable has type "Series") 

142 id_data = np.tile(id_data._values, K) # type: ignore[assignment] 

143 mdata[col] = id_data 


145 mcolumns = id_vars + var_name + [value_name] 


147 # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", 

148 # target has type "Series") 

149 mdata[value_name] = frame._values.ravel("F") # type: ignore[assignment] 

150 for i, col in enumerate(var_name): 

151 # asanyarray will keep the columns as an Index 


153 # error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", target 

154 # has type "Series") 

155 mdata[col] = np.asanyarray( # type: ignore[assignment] 

156 frame.columns._get_level_values(i) 

157 ).repeat(N) 


159 result = frame._constructor(mdata, columns=mcolumns) 


161 if not ignore_index: 

162 result.index = tile_compat(frame.index, K) 


164 return result 



167@deprecate_kwarg(old_arg_name="label", new_arg_name=None) 

168def lreshape(data: DataFrame, groups, dropna: bool = True, label=None) -> DataFrame: 

169 """ 

170 Reshape wide-format data to long. Generalized inverse of DataFrame.pivot. 


172 Accepts a dictionary, ``groups``, in which each key is a new column name 

173 and each value is a list of old column names that will be "melted" under 

174 the new column name as part of the reshape. 


176 Parameters 

177 ---------- 

178 data : DataFrame 

179 The wide-format DataFrame. 

180 groups : dict 

181 {new_name : list_of_columns}. 

182 dropna : bool, default True 

183 Do not include columns whose entries are all NaN. 

184 label : None 

185 Not used. 


187 .. deprecated:: 1.0.0 


189 Returns 

190 ------- 

191 DataFrame 

192 Reshaped DataFrame. 


194 See Also 

195 -------- 

196 melt : Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format, optionally leaving 

197 identifiers set. 

198 pivot : Create a spreadsheet-style pivot table as a DataFrame. 

199 DataFrame.pivot : Pivot without aggregation that can handle 

200 non-numeric data. 

201 DataFrame.pivot_table : Generalization of pivot that can handle 

202 duplicate values for one index/column pair. 

203 DataFrame.unstack : Pivot based on the index values instead of a 

204 column. 

205 wide_to_long : Wide panel to long format. Less flexible but more 

206 user-friendly than melt. 


208 Examples 

209 -------- 

210 >>> data = pd.DataFrame({'hr1': [514, 573], 'hr2': [545, 526], 

211 ... 'team': ['Red Sox', 'Yankees'], 

212 ... 'year1': [2007, 2007], 'year2': [2008, 2008]}) 

213 >>> data 

214 hr1 hr2 team year1 year2 

215 0 514 545 Red Sox 2007 2008 

216 1 573 526 Yankees 2007 2008 


218 >>> pd.lreshape(data, {'year': ['year1', 'year2'], 'hr': ['hr1', 'hr2']}) 

219 team year hr 

220 0 Red Sox 2007 514 

221 1 Yankees 2007 573 

222 2 Red Sox 2008 545 

223 3 Yankees 2008 526 

224 """ 

225 if isinstance(groups, dict): 

226 keys = list(groups.keys()) 

227 values = list(groups.values()) 

228 else: 

229 keys, values = zip(*groups) 


231 all_cols = list(set.union(*(set(x) for x in values))) 

232 id_cols = list(data.columns.difference(all_cols)) 


234 K = len(values[0]) 


236 for seq in values: 

237 if len(seq) != K: 

238 raise ValueError("All column lists must be same length") 


240 mdata = {} 

241 pivot_cols = [] 


243 for target, names in zip(keys, values): 

244 to_concat = [data[col]._values for col in names] 


246 mdata[target] = concat_compat(to_concat) 

247 pivot_cols.append(target) 


249 for col in id_cols: 

250 mdata[col] = np.tile(data[col]._values, K) 


252 if dropna: 

253 mask = np.ones(len(mdata[pivot_cols[0]]), dtype=bool) 

254 for c in pivot_cols: 

255 mask &= notna(mdata[c]) 

256 if not mask.all(): 

257 mdata = {k: v[mask] for k, v in mdata.items()} 


259 return data._constructor(mdata, columns=id_cols + pivot_cols) 



262def wide_to_long( 

263 df: DataFrame, stubnames, i, j, sep: str = "", suffix: str = r"\d+" 

264) -> DataFrame: 

265 r""" 

266 Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format. 


268 Less flexible but more user-friendly than melt. 


270 With stubnames ['A', 'B'], this function expects to find one or more 

271 group of columns with format 

272 A-suffix1, A-suffix2,..., B-suffix1, B-suffix2,... 

273 You specify what you want to call this suffix in the resulting long format 

274 with `j` (for example `j='year'`) 


276 Each row of these wide variables are assumed to be uniquely identified by 

277 `i` (can be a single column name or a list of column names) 


279 All remaining variables in the data frame are left intact. 


281 Parameters 

282 ---------- 

283 df : DataFrame 

284 The wide-format DataFrame. 

285 stubnames : str or list-like 

286 The stub name(s). The wide format variables are assumed to 

287 start with the stub names. 

288 i : str or list-like 

289 Column(s) to use as id variable(s). 

290 j : str 

291 The name of the sub-observation variable. What you wish to name your 

292 suffix in the long format. 

293 sep : str, default "" 

294 A character indicating the separation of the variable names 

295 in the wide format, to be stripped from the names in the long format. 

296 For example, if your column names are A-suffix1, A-suffix2, you 

297 can strip the hyphen by specifying `sep='-'`. 

298 suffix : str, default '\\d+' 

299 A regular expression capturing the wanted suffixes. '\\d+' captures 

300 numeric suffixes. Suffixes with no numbers could be specified with the 

301 negated character class '\\D+'. You can also further disambiguate 

302 suffixes, for example, if your wide variables are of the form A-one, 

303 B-two,.., and you have an unrelated column A-rating, you can ignore the 

304 last one by specifying `suffix='(!?one|two)'`. When all suffixes are 

305 numeric, they are cast to int64/float64. 


307 Returns 

308 ------- 

309 DataFrame 

310 A DataFrame that contains each stub name as a variable, with new index 

311 (i, j). 


313 See Also 

314 -------- 

315 melt : Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format, optionally leaving 

316 identifiers set. 

317 pivot : Create a spreadsheet-style pivot table as a DataFrame. 

318 DataFrame.pivot : Pivot without aggregation that can handle 

319 non-numeric data. 

320 DataFrame.pivot_table : Generalization of pivot that can handle 

321 duplicate values for one index/column pair. 

322 DataFrame.unstack : Pivot based on the index values instead of a 

323 column. 


325 Notes 

326 ----- 

327 All extra variables are left untouched. This simply uses 

328 `pandas.melt` under the hood, but is hard-coded to "do the right thing" 

329 in a typical case. 


331 Examples 

332 -------- 

333 >>> np.random.seed(123) 

334 >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A1970" : {0 : "a", 1 : "b", 2 : "c"}, 

335 ... "A1980" : {0 : "d", 1 : "e", 2 : "f"}, 

336 ... "B1970" : {0 : 2.5, 1 : 1.2, 2 : .7}, 

337 ... "B1980" : {0 : 3.2, 1 : 1.3, 2 : .1}, 

338 ... "X" : dict(zip(range(3), np.random.randn(3))) 

339 ... }) 

340 >>> df["id"] = df.index 

341 >>> df 

342 A1970 A1980 B1970 B1980 X id 

343 0 a d 2.5 3.2 -1.085631 0 

344 1 b e 1.2 1.3 0.997345 1 

345 2 c f 0.7 0.1 0.282978 2 

346 >>> pd.wide_to_long(df, ["A", "B"], i="id", j="year") 

347 ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 

348 X A B 

349 id year 

350 0 1970 -1.085631 a 2.5 

351 1 1970 0.997345 b 1.2 

352 2 1970 0.282978 c 0.7 

353 0 1980 -1.085631 d 3.2 

354 1 1980 0.997345 e 1.3 

355 2 1980 0.282978 f 0.1 


357 With multiple id columns 


359 >>> df = pd.DataFrame({ 

360 ... 'famid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 

361 ... 'birth': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 

362 ... 'ht1': [2.8, 2.9, 2.2, 2, 1.8, 1.9, 2.2, 2.3, 2.1], 

363 ... 'ht2': [3.4, 3.8, 2.9, 3.2, 2.8, 2.4, 3.3, 3.4, 2.9] 

364 ... }) 

365 >>> df 

366 famid birth ht1 ht2 

367 0 1 1 2.8 3.4 

368 1 1 2 2.9 3.8 

369 2 1 3 2.2 2.9 

370 3 2 1 2.0 3.2 

371 4 2 2 1.8 2.8 

372 5 2 3 1.9 2.4 

373 6 3 1 2.2 3.3 

374 7 3 2 2.3 3.4 

375 8 3 3 2.1 2.9 

376 >>> l = pd.wide_to_long(df, stubnames='ht', i=['famid', 'birth'], j='age') 

377 >>> l 

378 ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 

379 ht 

380 famid birth age 

381 1 1 1 2.8 

382 2 3.4 

383 2 1 2.9 

384 2 3.8 

385 3 1 2.2 

386 2 2.9 

387 2 1 1 2.0 

388 2 3.2 

389 2 1 1.8 

390 2 2.8 

391 3 1 1.9 

392 2 2.4 

393 3 1 1 2.2 

394 2 3.3 

395 2 1 2.3 

396 2 3.4 

397 3 1 2.1 

398 2 2.9 


400 Going from long back to wide just takes some creative use of `unstack` 


402 >>> w = l.unstack() 

403 >>> w.columns ='{0[0]}{0[1]}'.format) 

404 >>> w.reset_index() 

405 famid birth ht1 ht2 

406 0 1 1 2.8 3.4 

407 1 1 2 2.9 3.8 

408 2 1 3 2.2 2.9 

409 3 2 1 2.0 3.2 

410 4 2 2 1.8 2.8 

411 5 2 3 1.9 2.4 

412 6 3 1 2.2 3.3 

413 7 3 2 2.3 3.4 

414 8 3 3 2.1 2.9 


416 Less wieldy column names are also handled 


418 >>> np.random.seed(0) 

419 >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A(weekly)-2010': np.random.rand(3), 

420 ... 'A(weekly)-2011': np.random.rand(3), 

421 ... 'B(weekly)-2010': np.random.rand(3), 

422 ... 'B(weekly)-2011': np.random.rand(3), 

423 ... 'X' : np.random.randint(3, size=3)}) 

424 >>> df['id'] = df.index 

425 >>> df # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS 

426 A(weekly)-2010 A(weekly)-2011 B(weekly)-2010 B(weekly)-2011 X id 

427 0 0.548814 0.544883 0.437587 0.383442 0 0 

428 1 0.715189 0.423655 0.891773 0.791725 1 1 

429 2 0.602763 0.645894 0.963663 0.528895 1 2 


431 >>> pd.wide_to_long(df, ['A(weekly)', 'B(weekly)'], i='id', 

432 ... j='year', sep='-') 

433 ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 

434 X A(weekly) B(weekly) 

435 id year 

436 0 2010 0 0.548814 0.437587 

437 1 2010 1 0.715189 0.891773 

438 2 2010 1 0.602763 0.963663 

439 0 2011 0 0.544883 0.383442 

440 1 2011 1 0.423655 0.791725 

441 2 2011 1 0.645894 0.528895 


443 If we have many columns, we could also use a regex to find our 

444 stubnames and pass that list on to wide_to_long 


446 >>> stubnames = sorted( 

447 ... set([match[0] for match in df.columns.str.findall( 

448 ... r'[A-B]\(.*\)').values if match != []]) 

449 ... ) 

450 >>> list(stubnames) 

451 ['A(weekly)', 'B(weekly)'] 


453 All of the above examples have integers as suffixes. It is possible to 

454 have non-integers as suffixes. 


456 >>> df = pd.DataFrame({ 

457 ... 'famid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3], 

458 ... 'birth': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 

459 ... 'ht_one': [2.8, 2.9, 2.2, 2, 1.8, 1.9, 2.2, 2.3, 2.1], 

460 ... 'ht_two': [3.4, 3.8, 2.9, 3.2, 2.8, 2.4, 3.3, 3.4, 2.9] 

461 ... }) 

462 >>> df 

463 famid birth ht_one ht_two 

464 0 1 1 2.8 3.4 

465 1 1 2 2.9 3.8 

466 2 1 3 2.2 2.9 

467 3 2 1 2.0 3.2 

468 4 2 2 1.8 2.8 

469 5 2 3 1.9 2.4 

470 6 3 1 2.2 3.3 

471 7 3 2 2.3 3.4 

472 8 3 3 2.1 2.9 


474 >>> l = pd.wide_to_long(df, stubnames='ht', i=['famid', 'birth'], j='age', 

475 ... sep='_', suffix=r'\w+') 

476 >>> l 

477 ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 

478 ht 

479 famid birth age 

480 1 1 one 2.8 

481 two 3.4 

482 2 one 2.9 

483 two 3.8 

484 3 one 2.2 

485 two 2.9 

486 2 1 one 2.0 

487 two 3.2 

488 2 one 1.8 

489 two 2.8 

490 3 one 1.9 

491 two 2.4 

492 3 1 one 2.2 

493 two 3.3 

494 2 one 2.3 

495 two 3.4 

496 3 one 2.1 

497 two 2.9 

498 """ 


500 def get_var_names(df, stub: str, sep: str, suffix: str) -> list[str]: 

501 regex = rf"^{re.escape(stub)}{re.escape(sep)}{suffix}$" 

502 pattern = re.compile(regex) 

503 return [col for col in df.columns if pattern.match(col)] 


505 def melt_stub(df, stub: str, i, j, value_vars, sep: str): 

506 newdf = melt( 

507 df, 

508 id_vars=i, 

509 value_vars=value_vars, 

510 value_name=stub.rstrip(sep), 

511 var_name=j, 

512 ) 

513 newdf[j] = Categorical(newdf[j]) 

514 newdf[j] = newdf[j].str.replace(re.escape(stub + sep), "", regex=True) 


516 # GH17627 Cast numerics suffixes to int/float 

517 newdf[j] = to_numeric(newdf[j], errors="ignore") 


519 return newdf.set_index(i + [j]) 


521 if not is_list_like(stubnames): 

522 stubnames = [stubnames] 

523 else: 

524 stubnames = list(stubnames) 


526 if any(col in stubnames for col in df.columns): 

527 raise ValueError("stubname can't be identical to a column name") 


529 if not is_list_like(i): 

530 i = [i] 

531 else: 

532 i = list(i) 


534 if df[i].duplicated().any(): 

535 raise ValueError("the id variables need to uniquely identify each row") 


537 value_vars = [get_var_names(df, stub, sep, suffix) for stub in stubnames] 


539 value_vars_flattened = [e for sublist in value_vars for e in sublist] 

540 id_vars = list(set(df.columns.tolist()).difference(value_vars_flattened)) 


542 _melted = [melt_stub(df, s, i, j, v, sep) for s, v in zip(stubnames, value_vars)] 

543 melted = _melted[0].join(_melted[1:], how="outer") 


545 if len(i) == 1: 

546 new = df[id_vars].set_index(i).join(melted) 

547 return new 


549 new = df[id_vars].merge(melted.reset_index(), on=i).set_index(i + [j]) 


551 return new