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1from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, cast 


3from .. import BaseProvider 


5localized = True 


7# 'Latin' is the default locale 

8default_locale = "la" 



11class Provider(BaseProvider): 

12 """Implement default lorem provider for Faker. 


14 .. important:: 

15 The default locale of the lorem provider is ``la``. When using a locale 

16 without a localized lorem provider, the ``la`` lorem provider will be 

17 used, so generated words will be in pseudo-Latin. The locale used for 

18 the standard provider docs was ``en_US``, and ``en_US`` has a localized 

19 lorem provider which is why the samples here show words in American 

20 English. 

21 """ 


23 word_connector = " " 

24 sentence_punctuation = "." 


26 def words( 

27 self, 

28 nb: int = 3, 

29 part_of_speech: Optional[str] = None, 

30 ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, 

31 unique: bool = False, 

32 ) -> List[str]: 

33 """Generate a tuple of words. 


35 The ``nb`` argument controls the number of words in the resulting list, 

36 and if ``ext_word_list`` is provided, words from that list will be used 

37 instead of those from the locale provider's built-in word list. 


39 If ``unique`` is ``True``, this method will return a list containing 

40 unique words. Under the hood, |random_sample| will be used for sampling 

41 without replacement. If ``unique`` is ``False``, |random_choices| is 

42 used instead, and the list returned may contain duplicates. 


44 ``part_of_speech`` is a parameter that defines to what part of speech 

45 the returned word belongs. If ``ext_word_list`` is not ``None``, then 

46 ``part_of_speech`` is ignored. If the value of ``part_of_speech`` does 

47 not correspond to an existent part of speech according to the set locale, 

48 then an exception is raised. 


50 .. warning:: 

51 Depending on the length of a locale provider's built-in word list or 

52 on the length of ``ext_word_list`` if provided, a large ``nb`` can 

53 exhaust said lists if ``unique`` is ``True``, raising an exception. 


55 :sample: 

56 :sample: nb=5 

57 :sample: nb=5, ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

58 :sample: nb=4, ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'], unique=True 

59 """ 

60 if ext_word_list is not None: 60 ↛ 61line 60 didn't jump to line 61, because the condition on line 60 was never true

61 word_list = ext_word_list 

62 elif part_of_speech: 62 ↛ 63line 62 didn't jump to line 63, because the condition on line 62 was never true

63 if part_of_speech not in self.parts_of_speech: # type: ignore[attr-defined] 

64 raise ValueError(f"{part_of_speech} is not recognized as a part of speech.") 

65 else: 

66 word_list = self.parts_of_speech[part_of_speech] # type: ignore[attr-defined] 

67 else: 

68 word_list = self.word_list # type: ignore[attr-defined] 


70 if unique: 70 ↛ 71line 70 didn't jump to line 71, because the condition on line 70 was never true

71 unique_samples = cast(List[str], self.random_sample(word_list, length=nb)) 

72 return unique_samples 

73 samples = cast(List[str], self.random_choices(word_list, length=nb)) 

74 return samples 


76 def word(self, part_of_speech: Optional[str] = None, ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> str: 

77 """Generate a word. 


79 This method uses |words| under the hood with the ``nb`` argument set to 

80 ``1`` to generate the result. 


82 :sample: 

83 :sample: ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

84 """ 

85 return self.words(1, part_of_speech, ext_word_list)[0] 


87 def sentence( 

88 self, nb_words: int = 6, variable_nb_words: bool = True, ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None 

89 ) -> str: 

90 """Generate a sentence. 


92 The ``nb_words`` argument controls how many words the sentence will 

93 contain, and setting ``variable_nb_words`` to ``False`` will generate 

94 the exact amount, while setting it to ``True`` (default) will generate 

95 a random amount (+/-40%, minimum of 1) using |randomize_nb_elements|. 


97 Under the hood, |words| is used to generate the words, so the argument 

98 ``ext_word_list`` works in the same way here as it would in that method. 


100 :sample: nb_words=10 

101 :sample: nb_words=10, variable_nb_words=False 

102 :sample: nb_words=10, ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

103 :sample: nb_words=10, variable_nb_words=True, 

104 ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

105 """ 

106 if nb_words <= 0: 

107 return "" 


109 if variable_nb_words: 

110 nb_words = self.randomize_nb_elements(nb_words, min=1) 


112 words = list(self.words(nb=nb_words, ext_word_list=ext_word_list)) 

113 words[0] = words[0].title() 


115 return self.word_connector.join(words) + self.sentence_punctuation 


117 def sentences(self, nb: int = 3, ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> List[str]: 

118 """Generate a list of sentences. 


120 This method uses |sentence| under the hood to generate sentences, and 

121 the ``nb`` argument controls exactly how many sentences the list will 

122 contain. The ``ext_word_list`` argument works in exactly the same way 

123 as well. 


125 :sample: 

126 :sample: nb=5 

127 :sample: nb=5, ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

128 """ 

129 return [self.sentence(ext_word_list=ext_word_list) for _ in range(0, nb)] 


131 def paragraph( 

132 self, nb_sentences: int = 3, variable_nb_sentences: bool = True, ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None 

133 ) -> str: 

134 """Generate a paragraph. 


136 The ``nb_sentences`` argument controls how many sentences the paragraph 

137 will contain, and setting ``variable_nb_sentences`` to ``False`` will 

138 generate the exact amount, while setting it to ``True`` (default) will 

139 generate a random amount (+/-40%, minimum of 1) using 

140 |randomize_nb_elements|. 


142 Under the hood, |sentences| is used to generate the sentences, so the 

143 argument ``ext_word_list`` works in the same way here as it would in 

144 that method. 


146 :sample: nb_sentences=5 

147 :sample: nb_sentences=5, variable_nb_sentences=False 

148 :sample: nb_sentences=5, ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

149 :sample: nb_sentences=5, variable_nb_sentences=False, 

150 ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

151 """ 

152 if nb_sentences <= 0: 

153 return "" 


155 if variable_nb_sentences: 

156 nb_sentences = self.randomize_nb_elements(nb_sentences, min=1) 


158 para = self.word_connector.join(self.sentences(nb_sentences, ext_word_list=ext_word_list)) 


160 return para 


162 def paragraphs(self, nb: int = 3, ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> List[str]: 

163 """Generate a list of paragraphs. 


165 This method uses |paragraph| under the hood to generate paragraphs, and 

166 the ``nb`` argument controls exactly how many sentences the list will 

167 contain. The ``ext_word_list`` argument works in exactly the same way 

168 as well. 


170 :sample: nb=5 

171 :sample: nb=5, ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

172 """ 

173 return [self.paragraph(ext_word_list=ext_word_list) for _ in range(0, nb)] 


175 def text(self, max_nb_chars: int = 200, ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> str: 

176 """Generate a text string. 


178 The ``max_nb_chars`` argument controls the approximate number of 

179 characters the text string will have, and depending on its value, this 

180 method may use either |words|, |sentences|, or |paragraphs| for text 

181 generation. The ``ext_word_list`` argument works in exactly the same way 

182 it would in any of those methods. 


184 :sample: max_nb_chars=20 

185 :sample: max_nb_chars=80 

186 :sample: max_nb_chars=160 

187 :sample: ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

188 """ 

189 text: List[str] = [] 

190 if max_nb_chars < 5: 190 ↛ 191line 190 didn't jump to line 191, because the condition on line 190 was never true

191 raise ValueError("text() can only generate text of at least 5 characters") 


193 if max_nb_chars < 25: 193 ↛ 207line 193 didn't jump to line 207, because the condition on line 193 was never false

194 # join words 

195 while not text: 

196 size = 0 

197 # determine how many words are needed to reach the $max_nb_chars 

198 # once; 

199 while size < max_nb_chars: 

200 word = (self.word_connector if size else "") + self.word(ext_word_list=ext_word_list) 

201 text.append(word) 

202 size += len(word) 

203 text.pop() 

204 text[0] = text[0][0].upper() + text[0][1:] 

205 last_index = len(text) - 1 

206 text[last_index] += self.sentence_punctuation 

207 elif max_nb_chars < 100: 

208 # join sentences 

209 while not text: 

210 size = 0 

211 # determine how many sentences are needed to reach the 

212 # $max_nb_chars once 

213 while size < max_nb_chars: 

214 sentence = (self.word_connector if size else "") + self.sentence(ext_word_list=ext_word_list) 

215 text.append(sentence) 

216 size += len(sentence) 

217 text.pop() 

218 else: 

219 # join paragraphs 

220 while not text: 

221 size = 0 

222 # determine how many paragraphs are needed to reach the 

223 # $max_nb_chars once 

224 while size < max_nb_chars: 

225 paragraph = ("\n" if size else "") + self.paragraph(ext_word_list=ext_word_list) 

226 text.append(paragraph) 

227 size += len(paragraph) 

228 text.pop() 


230 return "".join(text) 


232 def texts( 

233 self, nb_texts: int = 3, max_nb_chars: int = 200, ext_word_list: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None 

234 ) -> List[str]: 

235 """Generate a list of text strings. 


237 The ``nb_texts`` argument controls how many text strings the list will 

238 contain, and this method uses |text| under the hood for text generation, 

239 so the two remaining arguments, ``max_nb_chars`` and ``ext_word_list`` 

240 will work in exactly the same way as well. 


242 :sample: nb_texts=5 

243 :sample: nb_texts=5, max_nb_chars=50 

244 :sample: nb_texts=5, max_nb_chars=50, 

245 ext_word_list=['abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl'] 

246 """ 

247 return [self.text(max_nb_chars, ext_word_list) for _ in range(0, nb_texts)]