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73 statements  

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1from __future__ import annotations 


3from contextlib import contextmanager 

4from typing import ( 


6 Iterator, 



9from pandas.plotting._core import _get_plot_backend 


11if TYPE_CHECKING: 11 ↛ 12line 11 didn't jump to line 12, because the condition on line 11 was never true

12 from matplotlib.axes import Axes 

13 from matplotlib.figure import Figure 

14 import numpy as np 


16 from pandas import ( 

17 DataFrame, 

18 Series, 

19 ) 



22def table(ax, data, rowLabels=None, colLabels=None, **kwargs): 

23 """ 

24 Helper function to convert DataFrame and Series to matplotlib.table. 


26 Parameters 

27 ---------- 

28 ax : Matplotlib axes object 

29 data : DataFrame or Series 

30 Data for table contents. 

31 **kwargs 

32 Keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.table.table. 

33 If `rowLabels` or `colLabels` is not specified, data index or column 

34 name will be used. 


36 Returns 

37 ------- 

38 matplotlib table object 

39 """ 

40 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

41 return plot_backend.table( 

42 ax=ax, data=data, rowLabels=None, colLabels=None, **kwargs 

43 ) 



46def register() -> None: 

47 """ 

48 Register pandas formatters and converters with matplotlib. 


50 This function modifies the global ``matplotlib.units.registry`` 

51 dictionary. pandas adds custom converters for 


53 * pd.Timestamp 

54 * pd.Period 

55 * np.datetime64 

56 * datetime.datetime 

57 * 

58 * datetime.time 


60 See Also 

61 -------- 

62 deregister_matplotlib_converters : Remove pandas formatters and converters. 

63 """ 

64 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

65 plot_backend.register() 



68def deregister() -> None: 

69 """ 

70 Remove pandas formatters and converters. 


72 Removes the custom converters added by :func:`register`. This 

73 attempts to set the state of the registry back to the state before 

74 pandas registered its own units. Converters for pandas' own types like 

75 Timestamp and Period are removed completely. Converters for types 

76 pandas overwrites, like ``datetime.datetime``, are restored to their 

77 original value. 


79 See Also 

80 -------- 

81 register_matplotlib_converters : Register pandas formatters and converters 

82 with matplotlib. 

83 """ 

84 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

85 plot_backend.deregister() 



88def scatter_matrix( 

89 frame: DataFrame, 

90 alpha: float = 0.5, 

91 figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = None, 

92 ax: Axes | None = None, 

93 grid: bool = False, 

94 diagonal: str = "hist", 

95 marker: str = ".", 

96 density_kwds=None, 

97 hist_kwds=None, 

98 range_padding: float = 0.05, 

99 **kwargs, 

100) -> np.ndarray: 

101 """ 

102 Draw a matrix of scatter plots. 


104 Parameters 

105 ---------- 

106 frame : DataFrame 

107 alpha : float, optional 

108 Amount of transparency applied. 

109 figsize : (float,float), optional 

110 A tuple (width, height) in inches. 

111 ax : Matplotlib axis object, optional 

112 grid : bool, optional 

113 Setting this to True will show the grid. 

114 diagonal : {'hist', 'kde'} 

115 Pick between 'kde' and 'hist' for either Kernel Density Estimation or 

116 Histogram plot in the diagonal. 

117 marker : str, optional 

118 Matplotlib marker type, default '.'. 

119 density_kwds : keywords 

120 Keyword arguments to be passed to kernel density estimate plot. 

121 hist_kwds : keywords 

122 Keyword arguments to be passed to hist function. 

123 range_padding : float, default 0.05 

124 Relative extension of axis range in x and y with respect to 

125 (x_max - x_min) or (y_max - y_min). 

126 **kwargs 

127 Keyword arguments to be passed to scatter function. 


129 Returns 

130 ------- 

131 numpy.ndarray 

132 A matrix of scatter plots. 


134 Examples 

135 -------- 


137 .. plot:: 

138 :context: close-figs 


140 >>> df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(1000, 4), columns=['A','B','C','D']) 

141 >>> pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(df, alpha=0.2) 

142 array([[<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='A'>, 

143 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='A'>, 

144 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='A'>, 

145 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='A'>], 

146 [<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='B'>, 

147 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='B'>, 

148 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='B'>, 

149 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='B'>], 

150 [<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='C'>, 

151 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='C'>, 

152 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='C'>, 

153 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='C'>], 

154 [<AxesSubplot: xlabel='A', ylabel='D'>, 

155 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='B', ylabel='D'>, 

156 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='C', ylabel='D'>, 

157 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='D', ylabel='D'>]], dtype=object) 

158 """ 

159 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

160 return plot_backend.scatter_matrix( 

161 frame=frame, 

162 alpha=alpha, 

163 figsize=figsize, 

164 ax=ax, 

165 grid=grid, 

166 diagonal=diagonal, 

167 marker=marker, 

168 density_kwds=density_kwds, 

169 hist_kwds=hist_kwds, 

170 range_padding=range_padding, 

171 **kwargs, 

172 ) 



175def radviz( 

176 frame: DataFrame, 

177 class_column: str, 

178 ax: Axes | None = None, 

179 color: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, 

180 colormap=None, 

181 **kwds, 

182) -> Axes: 

183 """ 

184 Plot a multidimensional dataset in 2D. 


186 Each Series in the DataFrame is represented as a evenly distributed 

187 slice on a circle. Each data point is rendered in the circle according to 

188 the value on each Series. Highly correlated `Series` in the `DataFrame` 

189 are placed closer on the unit circle. 


191 RadViz allow to project a N-dimensional data set into a 2D space where the 

192 influence of each dimension can be interpreted as a balance between the 

193 influence of all dimensions. 


195 More info available at the `original article 

196 <>`_ 

197 describing RadViz. 


199 Parameters 

200 ---------- 

201 frame : `DataFrame` 

202 Object holding the data. 

203 class_column : str 

204 Column name containing the name of the data point category. 

205 ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional 

206 A plot instance to which to add the information. 

207 color : list[str] or tuple[str], optional 

208 Assign a color to each category. Example: ['blue', 'green']. 

209 colormap : str or :class:`matplotlib.colors.Colormap`, default None 

210 Colormap to select colors from. If string, load colormap with that 

211 name from matplotlib. 

212 **kwds 

213 Options to pass to matplotlib scatter plotting method. 


215 Returns 

216 ------- 

217 class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` 


219 See Also 

220 -------- 

221 plotting.andrews_curves : Plot clustering visualization. 


223 Examples 

224 -------- 


226 .. plot:: 

227 :context: close-figs 


229 >>> df = pd.DataFrame( 

230 ... { 

231 ... 'SepalLength': [6.5, 7.7, 5.1, 5.8, 7.6, 5.0, 5.4, 4.6, 6.7, 4.6], 

232 ... 'SepalWidth': [3.0, 3.8, 3.8, 2.7, 3.0, 2.3, 3.0, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6], 

233 ... 'PetalLength': [5.5, 6.7, 1.9, 5.1, 6.6, 3.3, 4.5, 1.4, 5.7, 1.0], 

234 ... 'PetalWidth': [1.8, 2.2, 0.4, 1.9, 2.1, 1.0, 1.5, 0.2, 2.1, 0.2], 

235 ... 'Category': [ 

236 ... 'virginica', 

237 ... 'virginica', 

238 ... 'setosa', 

239 ... 'virginica', 

240 ... 'virginica', 

241 ... 'versicolor', 

242 ... 'versicolor', 

243 ... 'setosa', 

244 ... 'virginica', 

245 ... 'setosa' 

246 ... ] 

247 ... } 

248 ... ) 

249 >>> pd.plotting.radviz(df, 'Category') 

250 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='y(t)', ylabel='y(t + 1)'> 

251 """ 

252 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

253 return plot_backend.radviz( 

254 frame=frame, 

255 class_column=class_column, 

256 ax=ax, 

257 color=color, 

258 colormap=colormap, 

259 **kwds, 

260 ) 



263def andrews_curves( 

264 frame: DataFrame, 

265 class_column: str, 

266 ax: Axes | None = None, 

267 samples: int = 200, 

268 color: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, 

269 colormap=None, 

270 **kwargs, 

271) -> Axes: 

272 """ 

273 Generate a matplotlib plot for visualising clusters of multivariate data. 


275 Andrews curves have the functional form: 


277 f(t) = x_1/sqrt(2) + x_2 sin(t) + x_3 cos(t) + 

278 x_4 sin(2t) + x_5 cos(2t) + ... 


280 Where x coefficients correspond to the values of each dimension and t is 

281 linearly spaced between -pi and +pi. Each row of frame then corresponds to 

282 a single curve. 


284 Parameters 

285 ---------- 

286 frame : DataFrame 

287 Data to be plotted, preferably normalized to (0.0, 1.0). 

288 class_column : Name of the column containing class names 

289 ax : matplotlib axes object, default None 

290 samples : Number of points to plot in each curve 

291 color : list or tuple, optional 

292 Colors to use for the different classes. 

293 colormap : str or matplotlib colormap object, default None 

294 Colormap to select colors from. If string, load colormap with that name 

295 from matplotlib. 

296 **kwargs 

297 Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method. 


299 Returns 

300 ------- 

301 class:`matplotlip.axis.Axes` 


303 Examples 

304 -------- 


306 .. plot:: 

307 :context: close-figs 


309 >>> df = pd.read_csv( 

310 ... '' 

311 ... 'pandas/main/pandas/tests/io/data/csv/iris.csv' 

312 ... ) 

313 >>> pd.plotting.andrews_curves(df, 'Name') 

314 <AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'width'}> 

315 """ 

316 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

317 return plot_backend.andrews_curves( 

318 frame=frame, 

319 class_column=class_column, 

320 ax=ax, 

321 samples=samples, 

322 color=color, 

323 colormap=colormap, 

324 **kwargs, 

325 ) 



328def bootstrap_plot( 

329 series: Series, 

330 fig: Figure | None = None, 

331 size: int = 50, 

332 samples: int = 500, 

333 **kwds, 

334) -> Figure: 

335 """ 

336 Bootstrap plot on mean, median and mid-range statistics. 


338 The bootstrap plot is used to estimate the uncertainty of a statistic 

339 by relaying on random sampling with replacement [1]_. This function will 

340 generate bootstrapping plots for mean, median and mid-range statistics 

341 for the given number of samples of the given size. 


343 .. [1] "Bootstrapping (statistics)" in \ 



346 Parameters 

347 ---------- 

348 series : pandas.Series 

349 Series from where to get the samplings for the bootstrapping. 

350 fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure, default None 

351 If given, it will use the `fig` reference for plotting instead of 

352 creating a new one with default parameters. 

353 size : int, default 50 

354 Number of data points to consider during each sampling. It must be 

355 less than or equal to the length of the `series`. 

356 samples : int, default 500 

357 Number of times the bootstrap procedure is performed. 

358 **kwds 

359 Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method. 


361 Returns 

362 ------- 

363 matplotlib.figure.Figure 

364 Matplotlib figure. 


366 See Also 

367 -------- 

368 DataFrame.plot : Basic plotting for DataFrame objects. 

369 Series.plot : Basic plotting for Series objects. 


371 Examples 

372 -------- 

373 This example draws a basic bootstrap plot for a Series. 


375 .. plot:: 

376 :context: close-figs 


378 >>> s = pd.Series(np.random.uniform(size=100)) 

379 >>> pd.plotting.bootstrap_plot(s) 

380 <Figure size 640x480 with 6 Axes> 

381 """ 

382 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

383 return plot_backend.bootstrap_plot( 

384 series=series, fig=fig, size=size, samples=samples, **kwds 

385 ) 



388def parallel_coordinates( 

389 frame: DataFrame, 

390 class_column: str, 

391 cols: list[str] | None = None, 

392 ax: Axes | None = None, 

393 color: list[str] | tuple[str, ...] | None = None, 

394 use_columns: bool = False, 

395 xticks: list | tuple | None = None, 

396 colormap=None, 

397 axvlines: bool = True, 

398 axvlines_kwds=None, 

399 sort_labels: bool = False, 

400 **kwargs, 

401) -> Axes: 

402 """ 

403 Parallel coordinates plotting. 


405 Parameters 

406 ---------- 

407 frame : DataFrame 

408 class_column : str 

409 Column name containing class names. 

410 cols : list, optional 

411 A list of column names to use. 

412 ax : matplotlib.axis, optional 

413 Matplotlib axis object. 

414 color : list or tuple, optional 

415 Colors to use for the different classes. 

416 use_columns : bool, optional 

417 If true, columns will be used as xticks. 

418 xticks : list or tuple, optional 

419 A list of values to use for xticks. 

420 colormap : str or matplotlib colormap, default None 

421 Colormap to use for line colors. 

422 axvlines : bool, optional 

423 If true, vertical lines will be added at each xtick. 

424 axvlines_kwds : keywords, optional 

425 Options to be passed to axvline method for vertical lines. 

426 sort_labels : bool, default False 

427 Sort class_column labels, useful when assigning colors. 

428 **kwargs 

429 Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method. 


431 Returns 

432 ------- 

433 class:`matplotlib.axis.Axes` 


435 Examples 

436 -------- 


438 .. plot:: 

439 :context: close-figs 


441 >>> df = pd.read_csv( 

442 ... '' 

443 ... 'pandas/main/pandas/tests/io/data/csv/iris.csv' 

444 ... ) 

445 >>> pd.plotting.parallel_coordinates( 

446 ... df, 'Name', color=('#556270', '#4ECDC4', '#C7F464') 

447 ... ) 

448 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='y(t)', ylabel='y(t + 1)'> 

449 """ 

450 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

451 return plot_backend.parallel_coordinates( 

452 frame=frame, 

453 class_column=class_column, 

454 cols=cols, 

455 ax=ax, 

456 color=color, 

457 use_columns=use_columns, 

458 xticks=xticks, 

459 colormap=colormap, 

460 axvlines=axvlines, 

461 axvlines_kwds=axvlines_kwds, 

462 sort_labels=sort_labels, 

463 **kwargs, 

464 ) 



467def lag_plot(series: Series, lag: int = 1, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwds) -> Axes: 

468 """ 

469 Lag plot for time series. 


471 Parameters 

472 ---------- 

473 series : Time series 

474 lag : lag of the scatter plot, default 1 

475 ax : Matplotlib axis object, optional 

476 **kwds 

477 Matplotlib scatter method keyword arguments. 


479 Returns 

480 ------- 

481 class:`matplotlib.axis.Axes` 


483 Examples 

484 -------- 


486 Lag plots are most commonly used to look for patterns in time series data. 


488 Given the following time series 


490 .. plot:: 

491 :context: close-figs 


493 >>> np.random.seed(5) 

494 >>> x = np.cumsum(np.random.normal(loc=1, scale=5, size=50)) 

495 >>> s = pd.Series(x) 

496 >>> s.plot() 

497 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='Midrange'> 


499 A lag plot with ``lag=1`` returns 


501 .. plot:: 

502 :context: close-figs 


504 >>> pd.plotting.lag_plot(s, lag=1) 

505 <AxesSubplot: xlabel='y(t)', ylabel='y(t + 1)'> 

506 """ 

507 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

508 return plot_backend.lag_plot(series=series, lag=lag, ax=ax, **kwds) 



511def autocorrelation_plot(series: Series, ax: Axes | None = None, **kwargs) -> Axes: 

512 """ 

513 Autocorrelation plot for time series. 


515 Parameters 

516 ---------- 

517 series : Time series 

518 ax : Matplotlib axis object, optional 

519 **kwargs 

520 Options to pass to matplotlib plotting method. 


522 Returns 

523 ------- 

524 class:`matplotlib.axis.Axes` 


526 Examples 

527 -------- 


529 The horizontal lines in the plot correspond to 95% and 99% confidence bands. 


531 The dashed line is 99% confidence band. 


533 .. plot:: 

534 :context: close-figs 


536 >>> spacing = np.linspace(-9 * np.pi, 9 * np.pi, num=1000) 

537 >>> s = pd.Series(0.7 * np.random.rand(1000) + 0.3 * np.sin(spacing)) 

538 >>> pd.plotting.autocorrelation_plot(s) 

539 <AxesSubplot: title={'center': 'width'}, xlabel='Lag', ylabel='Autocorrelation'> 

540 """ 

541 plot_backend = _get_plot_backend("matplotlib") 

542 return plot_backend.autocorrelation_plot(series=series, ax=ax, **kwargs) 



545class _Options(dict): 

546 """ 

547 Stores pandas plotting options. 


549 Allows for parameter aliasing so you can just use parameter names that are 

550 the same as the plot function parameters, but is stored in a canonical 

551 format that makes it easy to breakdown into groups later. 

552 """ 


554 # alias so the names are same as plotting method parameter names 

555 _ALIASES = {"x_compat": "xaxis.compat"} 

556 _DEFAULT_KEYS = ["xaxis.compat"] 


558 def __init__(self, deprecated: bool = False) -> None: 

559 self._deprecated = deprecated 

560 super().__setitem__("xaxis.compat", False) 


562 def __getitem__(self, key): 

563 key = self._get_canonical_key(key) 

564 if key not in self: 

565 raise ValueError(f"{key} is not a valid pandas plotting option") 

566 return super().__getitem__(key) 


568 def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: 

569 key = self._get_canonical_key(key) 

570 super().__setitem__(key, value) 


572 def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: 

573 key = self._get_canonical_key(key) 

574 if key in self._DEFAULT_KEYS: 

575 raise ValueError(f"Cannot remove default parameter {key}") 

576 super().__delitem__(key) 


578 def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: 

579 key = self._get_canonical_key(key) 

580 return super().__contains__(key) 


582 def reset(self) -> None: 

583 """ 

584 Reset the option store to its initial state 


586 Returns 

587 ------- 

588 None 

589 """ 

590 # error: Cannot access "__init__" directly 

591 self.__init__() # type: ignore[misc] 


593 def _get_canonical_key(self, key): 

594 return self._ALIASES.get(key, key) 


596 @contextmanager 

597 def use(self, key, value) -> Iterator[_Options]: 

598 """ 

599 Temporarily set a parameter value using the with statement. 

600 Aliasing allowed. 

601 """ 

602 old_value = self[key] 

603 try: 

604 self[key] = value 

605 yield self 

606 finally: 

607 self[key] = old_value 



610plot_params = _Options()