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1"""HTTP Client library""" 

2import json 

3import logging 

4from .exceptions import handle_error 



7 # Python 3 

8 import urllib.request as urllib 

9 from urllib.parse import urlencode 

10 from urllib.error import HTTPError 

11except ImportError: 

12 # Python 2 

13 import urllib2 as urllib 

14 from urllib2 import HTTPError 

15 from urllib import urlencode 


17_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



20class Response(object): 

21 """Holds the response from an API call.""" 


23 def __init__(self, response): 

24 """ 

25 :param response: The return value from a open call 

26 on a urllib.build_opener() 

27 :type response: urllib response object 

28 """ 

29 self._status_code = response.getcode() 

30 self._body = 

31 self._headers = 


33 @property 

34 def status_code(self): 

35 """ 

36 :return: integer, status code of API call 

37 """ 

38 return self._status_code 


40 @property 

41 def body(self): 

42 """ 

43 :return: response from the API 

44 """ 

45 return self._body 


47 @property 

48 def headers(self): 

49 """ 

50 :return: dict of response headers 

51 """ 

52 return self._headers 


54 @property 

55 def to_dict(self): 

56 """ 

57 :return: dict of response from the API 

58 """ 

59 if self.body: 

60 return json.loads(self.body.decode('utf-8')) 

61 else: 

62 return None 



65class Client(object): 

66 """Quickly and easily access any REST or REST-like API.""" 


68 # These are the supported HTTP verbs 

69 methods = {'delete', 'get', 'patch', 'post', 'put'} 


71 def __init__(self, 

72 host, 

73 request_headers=None, 

74 version=None, 

75 url_path=None, 

76 append_slash=False, 

77 timeout=None): 

78 """ 

79 :param host: Base URL for the api. (e.g. 

80 :type host: string 

81 :param request_headers: A dictionary of the headers you want 

82 applied on all calls 

83 :type request_headers: dictionary 

84 :param version: The version number of the API. 

85 Subclass _build_versioned_url for custom behavior. 

86 Or just pass the version as part of the URL 

87 (e.g. client._("/v3")) 

88 :type version: integer 

89 :param url_path: A list of the url path segments 

90 :type url_path: list of strings 

91 """ 

92 = host 

93 self.request_headers = request_headers or {} 

94 self._version = version 

95 # _url_path keeps track of the dynamically built url 

96 self._url_path = url_path or [] 

97 # APPEND SLASH set 

98 self.append_slash = append_slash 

99 self.timeout = timeout 


101 def _build_versioned_url(self, url): 

102 """Subclass this function for your own needs. 

103 Or just pass the version as part of the URL 

104 (e.g. client._('/v3')) 

105 :param url: URI portion of the full URL being requested 

106 :type url: string 

107 :return: string 

108 """ 

109 return '{}/v{}{}'.format(, str(self._version), url) 


111 def _build_url(self, query_params): 

112 """Build the final URL to be passed to urllib 


114 :param query_params: A dictionary of all the query parameters 

115 :type query_params: dictionary 

116 :return: string 

117 """ 

118 url = '' 

119 count = 0 

120 while count < len(self._url_path): 

121 url += '/{}'.format(self._url_path[count]) 

122 count += 1 


124 # add slash 

125 if self.append_slash: 125 ↛ 126line 125 didn't jump to line 126, because the condition on line 125 was never true

126 url += '/' 


128 if query_params: 128 ↛ 129line 128 didn't jump to line 129, because the condition on line 128 was never true

129 url_values = urlencode(sorted(query_params.items()), True) 

130 url = '{}?{}'.format(url, url_values) 


132 if self._version: 132 ↛ 135line 132 didn't jump to line 135, because the condition on line 132 was never false

133 url = self._build_versioned_url(url) 

134 else: 

135 url = '{}{}'.format(, url) 

136 return url 


138 def _update_headers(self, request_headers): 

139 """Update the headers for the request 


141 :param request_headers: headers to set for the API call 

142 :type request_headers: dictionary 

143 :return: dictionary 

144 """ 

145 self.request_headers.update(request_headers) 


147 def _build_client(self, name=None): 

148 """Make a new Client object 


150 :param name: Name of the url segment 

151 :type name: string 

152 :return: A Client object 

153 """ 

154 url_path = self._url_path + [name] if name else self._url_path 

155 return Client(, 

156 version=self._version, 

157 request_headers=self.request_headers, 

158 url_path=url_path, 

159 append_slash=self.append_slash, 

160 timeout=self.timeout) 


162 def _make_request(self, opener, request, timeout=None): 

163 """Make the API call and return the response. This is separated into 

164 it's own function, so we can mock it easily for testing. 


166 :param opener: 

167 :type opener: 

168 :param request: url payload to request 

169 :type request: urllib.Request object 

170 :param timeout: timeout value or None 

171 :type timeout: float 

172 :return: urllib response 

173 """ 

174 timeout = timeout or self.timeout 

175 try: 

176 return, timeout=timeout) 

177 except HTTPError as err: 

178 exc = handle_error(err) 

179 exc.__cause__ = None 

180 _logger.debug('{method} Response: {status} {body}'.format( 

181 method=request.get_method(), 

182 status=exc.status_code, 

183 body=exc.body)) 

184 raise exc 


186 def _(self, name): 

187 """Add variable values to the url. 

188 (e.g. /your/api/{variable_value}/call) 

189 Another example: if you have a Python reserved word, such as global, 

190 in your url, you must use this method. 


192 :param name: Name of the url segment 

193 :type name: string 

194 :return: Client object 

195 """ 

196 return self._build_client(name) 


198 def __getattr__(self, name): 

199 """Dynamically add method calls to the url, then call a method. 

200 (e.g. 

201 You can also add a version number by using .version(<int>) 


203 :param name: Name of the url segment or method call 

204 :type name: string or integer if name == version 

205 :return: mixed 

206 """ 

207 if name == 'version': 207 ↛ 208line 207 didn't jump to line 208, because the condition on line 207 was never true

208 def get_version(*args, **kwargs): 

209 """ 

210 :param args: dict of settings 

211 :param kwargs: unused 

212 :return: string, version 

213 """ 

214 self._version = args[0] 

215 return self._build_client() 

216 return get_version 


218 # We have reached the end of the method chain, make the API call 

219 if name in self.methods: 

220 method = name.upper() 


222 def http_request( 

223 request_body=None, 

224 query_params=None, 

225 request_headers=None, 

226 timeout=None, 

227 **_): 

228 """Make the API call 

229 :param timeout: HTTP request timeout. Will be propagated to 

230 urllib client 

231 :type timeout: float 

232 :param request_headers: HTTP headers. Will be merged into 

233 current client object state 

234 :type request_headers: dict 

235 :param query_params: HTTP query parameters 

236 :type query_params: dict 

237 :param request_body: HTTP request body 

238 :type request_body: string or json-serializable object 

239 :param kwargs: 

240 :return: Response object 

241 """ 

242 if request_headers: 242 ↛ 243line 242 didn't jump to line 243, because the condition on line 242 was never true

243 self._update_headers(request_headers) 


245 if request_body is None: 245 ↛ 246line 245 didn't jump to line 246, because the condition on line 245 was never true

246 data = None 

247 else: 

248 # Don't serialize to a JSON formatted str 

249 # if we don't have a JSON Content-Type 

250 if 'Content-Type' in self.request_headers and \ 250 ↛ 253line 250 didn't jump to line 253, because the condition on line 250 was never true

251 self.request_headers['Content-Type'] != \ 

252 'application/json': 

253 data = request_body.encode('utf-8') 

254 else: 

255 self.request_headers.setdefault( 

256 'Content-Type', 'application/json') 

257 data = json.dumps(request_body).encode('utf-8') 


259 opener = urllib.build_opener() 

260 request = urllib.Request( 

261 self._build_url(query_params), 

262 headers=self.request_headers, 

263 data=data, 

264 ) 

265 request.get_method = lambda: method 


267 _logger.debug('{method} Request: {url}'.format( 

268 method=method, 

269 url=request.get_full_url())) 

270 if 270 ↛ 273line 270 didn't jump to line 273, because the condition on line 270 was never false

271 _logger.debug('PAYLOAD: {data}'.format( 


273 _logger.debug('HEADERS: {headers}'.format( 

274 headers=request.headers)) 


276 response = Response( 

277 self._make_request(opener, request, timeout=timeout) 

278 ) 


280 _logger.debug('{method} Response: {status} {body}'.format( 

281 method=method, 

282 status=response.status_code, 

283 body=response.body)) 


285 return response 


287 return http_request 

288 else: 

289 # Add a segment to the URL 

290 return self._(name) 


292 def __getstate__(self): 

293 return self.__dict__ 


295 def __setstate__(self, state): 

296 self.__dict__ = state