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1from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError 

2from django.utils.functional import SimpleLazyObject 

3from django.utils.text import format_lazy 



6def prefix_validation_error(error, prefix, code, params): 

7 """ 

8 Prefix a validation error message while maintaining the existing 

9 validation data structure. 

10 """ 

11 if error.error_list == [error]: 

12 error_params = error.params or {} 

13 return ValidationError( 

14 # We can't simply concatenate messages since they might require 

15 # their associated parameters to be expressed correctly which 

16 # is not something `format_lazy` does. For example, proxied 

17 # ngettext calls require a count parameter and are converted 

18 # to an empty string if they are missing it. 

19 message=format_lazy( 

20 "{} {}", 

21 SimpleLazyObject(lambda: prefix % params), 

22 SimpleLazyObject(lambda: error.message % error_params), 

23 ), 

24 code=code, 

25 params={**error_params, **params}, 

26 ) 

27 return ValidationError( 

28 [prefix_validation_error(e, prefix, code, params) for e in error.error_list] 

29 )