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1# need a dict to set bloody .name field 

2from io import BytesIO 

3import logging 

4import os 

5import stat 

6import uuid 


8import git 

9from git.cmd import Git 

10from git.compat import ( 

11 defenc, 

12 is_win, 


14from git.config import SectionConstraint, GitConfigParser, cp 

15from git.exc import ( 

16 InvalidGitRepositoryError, 

17 NoSuchPathError, 

18 RepositoryDirtyError, 

19 BadName, 


21from git.objects.base import IndexObject, Object 

22from git.objects.util import TraversableIterableObj 


24from git.util import ( 

25 join_path_native, 

26 to_native_path_linux, 

27 RemoteProgress, 

28 rmtree, 

29 unbare_repo, 

30 IterableList, 


32from git.util import HIDE_WINDOWS_KNOWN_ERRORS 


34import os.path as osp 


36from .util import ( 

37 mkhead, 

38 sm_name, 

39 sm_section, 

40 SubmoduleConfigParser, 

41 find_first_remote_branch, 




45# typing ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 

46from typing import Callable, Dict, Mapping, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING, cast 

47from typing import Any, Iterator, Union 


49from git.types import Commit_ish, Literal, PathLike, TBD 


51if TYPE_CHECKING: 51 ↛ 52line 51 didn't jump to line 52, because the condition on line 51 was never true

52 from git.index import IndexFile 

53 from git.repo import Repo 

54 from git.refs import Head 



57# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


59__all__ = ["Submodule", "UpdateProgress"] 



62log = logging.getLogger("git.objects.submodule.base") 




66class UpdateProgress(RemoteProgress): 


68 """Class providing detailed progress information to the caller who should 

69 derive from it and implement the ``update(...)`` message""" 


71 CLONE, FETCH, UPDWKTREE = [1 << x for x in range(RemoteProgress._num_op_codes, RemoteProgress._num_op_codes + 3)] 

72 _num_op_codes: int = RemoteProgress._num_op_codes + 3 


74 __slots__ = () 



77BEGIN = UpdateProgress.BEGIN 

78END = UpdateProgress.END 

79CLONE = UpdateProgress.CLONE 

80FETCH = UpdateProgress.FETCH 




84# IndexObject comes via util module, its a 'hacky' fix thanks to pythons import 

85# mechanism which cause plenty of trouble of the only reason for packages and 

86# modules is refactoring - subpackages shouldn't depend on parent packages 

87class Submodule(IndexObject, TraversableIterableObj): 


89 """Implements access to a git submodule. They are special in that their sha 

90 represents a commit in the submodule's repository which is to be checked out 

91 at the path of this instance. 

92 The submodule type does not have a string type associated with it, as it exists 

93 solely as a marker in the tree and index. 


95 All methods work in bare and non-bare repositories.""" 


97 _id_attribute_ = "name" 

98 k_modules_file = ".gitmodules" 

99 k_head_option = "branch" 

100 k_head_default = "master" 

101 k_default_mode = stat.S_IFDIR | stat.S_IFLNK # submodules are directories with link-status 


103 # this is a bogus type for base class compatibility 

104 type: Literal["submodule"] = "submodule" # type: ignore 


106 __slots__ = ("_parent_commit", "_url", "_branch_path", "_name", "__weakref__") 

107 _cache_attrs = ("path", "_url", "_branch_path") 


109 def __init__( 

110 self, 

111 repo: "Repo", 

112 binsha: bytes, 

113 mode: Union[int, None] = None, 

114 path: Union[PathLike, None] = None, 

115 name: Union[str, None] = None, 

116 parent_commit: Union[Commit_ish, None] = None, 

117 url: Union[str, None] = None, 

118 branch_path: Union[PathLike, None] = None, 

119 ) -> None: 

120 """Initialize this instance with its attributes. We only document the ones 

121 that differ from ``IndexObject`` 


123 :param repo: Our parent repository 

124 :param binsha: binary sha referring to a commit in the remote repository, see url parameter 

125 :param parent_commit: see set_parent_commit() 

126 :param url: The url to the remote repository which is the submodule 

127 :param branch_path: full (relative) path to ref to checkout when cloning the remote repository""" 

128 super(Submodule, self).__init__(repo, binsha, mode, path) 

129 self.size = 0 

130 self._parent_commit = parent_commit 

131 if url is not None: 

132 self._url = url 

133 if branch_path is not None: 

134 # assert isinstance(branch_path, str) 

135 self._branch_path = branch_path 

136 if name is not None: 

137 self._name = name 


139 def _set_cache_(self, attr: str) -> None: 

140 if attr in ("path", "_url", "_branch_path"): 

141 reader: SectionConstraint = self.config_reader() 

142 # default submodule values 

143 try: 

144 self.path = reader.get("path") 

145 except cp.NoSectionError as e: 

146 if self.repo.working_tree_dir is not None: 

147 raise ValueError( 

148 "This submodule instance does not exist anymore in '%s' file" 

149 % osp.join(self.repo.working_tree_dir, ".gitmodules") 

150 ) from e 

151 # end 

152 self._url = reader.get("url") 

153 # git-python extension values - optional 

154 self._branch_path = reader.get_value(self.k_head_option, git.Head.to_full_path(self.k_head_default)) 

155 elif attr == "_name": 

156 raise AttributeError("Cannot retrieve the name of a submodule if it was not set initially") 

157 else: 

158 super(Submodule, self)._set_cache_(attr) 

159 # END handle attribute name 


161 @classmethod 

162 def _get_intermediate_items(cls, item: "Submodule") -> IterableList["Submodule"]: 

163 """:return: all the submodules of our module repository""" 

164 try: 

165 return cls.list_items(item.module()) 

166 except InvalidGitRepositoryError: 

167 return IterableList("") 

168 # END handle intermediate items 


170 @classmethod 

171 def _need_gitfile_submodules(cls, git: Git) -> bool: 

172 return git.version_info[:3] >= (1, 7, 5) 


174 def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: 

175 """Compare with another submodule""" 

176 # we may only compare by name as this should be the ID they are hashed with 

177 # Otherwise this type wouldn't be hashable 

178 # return self.path == other.path and self.url == other.url and super(Submodule, self).__eq__(other) 

179 return self._name == other._name 


181 def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: 

182 """Compare with another submodule for inequality""" 

183 return not (self == other) 


185 def __hash__(self) -> int: 

186 """Hash this instance using its logical id, not the sha""" 

187 return hash(self._name) 


189 def __str__(self) -> str: 

190 return self._name 


192 def __repr__(self) -> str: 

193 return "git.%s(name=%s, path=%s, url=%s, branch_path=%s)" % ( 

194 type(self).__name__, 

195 self._name, 

196 self.path, 

197 self.url, 

198 self.branch_path, 

199 ) 


201 @classmethod 

202 def _config_parser( 

203 cls, repo: "Repo", parent_commit: Union[Commit_ish, None], read_only: bool 

204 ) -> SubmoduleConfigParser: 

205 """:return: Config Parser constrained to our submodule in read or write mode 

206 :raise IOError: If the .gitmodules file cannot be found, either locally or in the repository 

207 at the given parent commit. Otherwise the exception would be delayed until the first 

208 access of the config parser""" 

209 parent_matches_head = True 

210 if parent_commit is not None: 

211 try: 

212 parent_matches_head = repo.head.commit == parent_commit 

213 except ValueError: 

214 # We are most likely in an empty repository, so the HEAD doesn't point to a valid ref 

215 pass 

216 # end handle parent_commit 

217 fp_module: Union[str, BytesIO] 

218 if not repo.bare and parent_matches_head and repo.working_tree_dir: 

219 fp_module = osp.join(repo.working_tree_dir, cls.k_modules_file) 

220 else: 

221 assert parent_commit is not None, "need valid parent_commit in bare repositories" 

222 try: 

223 fp_module = cls._sio_modules(parent_commit) 

224 except KeyError as e: 

225 raise IOError( 

226 "Could not find %s file in the tree of parent commit %s" % (cls.k_modules_file, parent_commit) 

227 ) from e 

228 # END handle exceptions 

229 # END handle non-bare working tree 


231 if not read_only and (repo.bare or not parent_matches_head): 

232 raise ValueError("Cannot write blobs of 'historical' submodule configurations") 

233 # END handle writes of historical submodules 


235 return SubmoduleConfigParser(fp_module, read_only=read_only) 


237 def _clear_cache(self) -> None: 

238 # clear the possibly changed values 

239 for name in self._cache_attrs: 

240 try: 

241 delattr(self, name) 

242 except AttributeError: 

243 pass 

244 # END try attr deletion 

245 # END for each name to delete 


247 @classmethod 

248 def _sio_modules(cls, parent_commit: Commit_ish) -> BytesIO: 

249 """:return: Configuration file as BytesIO - we only access it through the respective blob's data""" 

250 sio = BytesIO(parent_commit.tree[cls.k_modules_file] 

251 = cls.k_modules_file 

252 return sio 


254 def _config_parser_constrained(self, read_only: bool) -> SectionConstraint: 

255 """:return: Config Parser constrained to our submodule in read or write mode""" 

256 try: 

257 pc: Union["Commit_ish", None] = self.parent_commit 

258 except ValueError: 

259 pc = None 

260 # end handle empty parent repository 

261 parser = self._config_parser(self.repo, pc, read_only) 

262 parser.set_submodule(self) 

263 return SectionConstraint(parser, sm_section( 


265 @classmethod 

266 def _module_abspath(cls, parent_repo: "Repo", path: PathLike, name: str) -> PathLike: 

267 if cls._need_gitfile_submodules(parent_repo.git): 

268 return osp.join(parent_repo.git_dir, "modules", name) 

269 if parent_repo.working_tree_dir: 

270 return osp.join(parent_repo.working_tree_dir, path) 

271 raise NotADirectoryError() 

272 # end 


274 @classmethod 

275 def _clone_repo(cls, repo: "Repo", url: str, path: PathLike, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> "Repo": 

276 """:return: Repo instance of newly cloned repository 

277 :param repo: our parent repository 

278 :param url: url to clone from 

279 :param path: repository - relative path to the submodule checkout location 

280 :param name: canonical of the submodule 

281 :param kwrags: additinoal arguments given to git.clone""" 

282 module_abspath = cls._module_abspath(repo, path, name) 

283 module_checkout_path = module_abspath 

284 if cls._need_gitfile_submodules(repo.git): 

285 kwargs["separate_git_dir"] = module_abspath 

286 module_abspath_dir = osp.dirname(module_abspath) 

287 if not osp.isdir(module_abspath_dir): 

288 os.makedirs(module_abspath_dir) 

289 module_checkout_path = osp.join(str(repo.working_tree_dir), path) 

290 # end 


292 clone = git.Repo.clone_from(url, module_checkout_path, **kwargs) 

293 if cls._need_gitfile_submodules(repo.git): 

294 cls._write_git_file_and_module_config(module_checkout_path, module_abspath) 

295 # end 

296 return clone 


298 @classmethod 

299 def _to_relative_path(cls, parent_repo: "Repo", path: PathLike) -> PathLike: 

300 """:return: a path guaranteed to be relative to the given parent - repository 

301 :raise ValueError: if path is not contained in the parent repository's working tree""" 

302 path = to_native_path_linux(path) 

303 if path.endswith("/"): 

304 path = path[:-1] 

305 # END handle trailing slash 


307 if osp.isabs(path) and parent_repo.working_tree_dir: 

308 working_tree_linux = to_native_path_linux(parent_repo.working_tree_dir) 

309 if not path.startswith(working_tree_linux): 

310 raise ValueError( 

311 "Submodule checkout path '%s' needs to be within the parents repository at '%s'" 

312 % (working_tree_linux, path) 

313 ) 

314 path = path[len(working_tree_linux.rstrip("/")) + 1 :] 

315 if not path: 

316 raise ValueError("Absolute submodule path '%s' didn't yield a valid relative path" % path) 

317 # end verify converted relative path makes sense 

318 # end convert to a relative path 


320 return path 


322 @classmethod 

323 def _write_git_file_and_module_config(cls, working_tree_dir: PathLike, module_abspath: PathLike) -> None: 

324 """Writes a .git file containing a(preferably) relative path to the actual git module repository. 

325 It is an error if the module_abspath cannot be made into a relative path, relative to the working_tree_dir 

326 :note: will overwrite existing files ! 

327 :note: as we rewrite both the git file as well as the module configuration, we might fail on the configuration 

328 and will not roll back changes done to the git file. This should be a non - issue, but may easily be fixed 

329 if it becomes one 

330 :param working_tree_dir: directory to write the .git file into 

331 :param module_abspath: absolute path to the bare repository 

332 """ 

333 git_file = osp.join(working_tree_dir, ".git") 

334 rela_path = osp.relpath(module_abspath, start=working_tree_dir) 

335 if is_win: 

336 if osp.isfile(git_file): 

337 os.remove(git_file) 

338 with open(git_file, "wb") as fp: 

339 fp.write(("gitdir: %s" % rela_path).encode(defenc)) 


341 with GitConfigParser(osp.join(module_abspath, "config"), read_only=False, merge_includes=False) as writer: 

342 writer.set_value( 

343 "core", 

344 "worktree", 

345 to_native_path_linux(osp.relpath(working_tree_dir, start=module_abspath)), 

346 ) 


348 # { Edit Interface 


350 @classmethod 

351 def add( 

352 cls, 

353 repo: "Repo", 

354 name: str, 

355 path: PathLike, 

356 url: Union[str, None] = None, 

357 branch: Union[str, None] = None, 

358 no_checkout: bool = False, 

359 depth: Union[int, None] = None, 

360 env: Union[Mapping[str, str], None] = None, 

361 clone_multi_options: Union[Sequence[TBD], None] = None, 

362 ) -> "Submodule": 

363 """Add a new submodule to the given repository. This will alter the index 

364 as well as the .gitmodules file, but will not create a new commit. 

365 If the submodule already exists, no matter if the configuration differs 

366 from the one provided, the existing submodule will be returned. 


368 :param repo: Repository instance which should receive the submodule 

369 :param name: The name/identifier for the submodule 

370 :param path: repository-relative or absolute path at which the submodule 

371 should be located 

372 It will be created as required during the repository initialization. 

373 :param url: git-clone compatible URL, see git-clone reference for more information 

374 If None, the repository is assumed to exist, and the url of the first 

375 remote is taken instead. This is useful if you want to make an existing 

376 repository a submodule of anotherone. 

377 :param branch: name of branch at which the submodule should (later) be checked out. 

378 The given branch must exist in the remote repository, and will be checked 

379 out locally as a tracking branch. 

380 It will only be written into the configuration if it not None, which is 

381 when the checked out branch will be the one the remote HEAD pointed to. 

382 The result you get in these situation is somewhat fuzzy, and it is recommended 

383 to specify at least 'master' here. 

384 Examples are 'master' or 'feature/new' 

385 :param no_checkout: if True, and if the repository has to be cloned manually, 

386 no checkout will be performed 

387 :param depth: Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the 

388 specified number of commits. 

389 :param env: Optional dictionary containing the desired environment variables. 

390 Note: Provided variables will be used to update the execution 

391 environment for `git`. If some variable is not specified in `env` 

392 and is defined in `os.environ`, value from `os.environ` will be used. 

393 If you want to unset some variable, consider providing empty string 

394 as its value. 

395 :param clone_multi_options: A list of Clone options. Please see ``git.repo.base.Repo.clone`` 

396 for details. 

397 :return: The newly created submodule instance 

398 :note: works atomically, such that no change will be done if the repository 

399 update fails for instance""" 


401 if repo.bare: 

402 raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("Cannot add submodules to bare repositories") 

403 # END handle bare repos 


405 path = cls._to_relative_path(repo, path) 


407 # assure we never put backslashes into the url, as some operating systems 

408 # like it ... 

409 if url is not None: 

410 url = to_native_path_linux(url) 

411 # END assure url correctness 



414 sm = cls( 

415 repo, 

416 cls.NULL_BIN_SHA, 

417 cls.k_default_mode, 

418 path, 

419 name, 

420 url="invalid-temporary", 

421 ) 

422 if sm.exists(): 

423 # reretrieve submodule from tree 

424 try: 

425 sm = repo.head.commit.tree[str(path)] 

426 sm._name = name 

427 return sm 

428 except KeyError: 

429 # could only be in index 

430 index = repo.index 

431 entry = index.entries[index.entry_key(path, 0)] 

432 sm.binsha = entry.binsha 

433 return sm 

434 # END handle exceptions 

435 # END handle existing 


437 # fake-repo - we only need the functionality on the branch instance 

438 br = git.Head(repo, git.Head.to_full_path(str(branch) or cls.k_head_default)) 

439 has_module = sm.module_exists() 

440 branch_is_default = branch is None 

441 if has_module and url is not None: 

442 if url not in [r.url for r in sm.module().remotes]: 

443 raise ValueError( 

444 "Specified URL '%s' does not match any remote url of the repository at '%s'" % (url, sm.abspath) 

445 ) 

446 # END check url 

447 # END verify urls match 


449 mrepo: Union[Repo, None] = None 


451 if url is None: 

452 if not has_module: 

453 raise ValueError("A URL was not given and a repository did not exist at %s" % path) 

454 # END check url 

455 mrepo = sm.module() 

456 # assert isinstance(mrepo, git.Repo) 

457 urls = [r.url for r in mrepo.remotes] 

458 if not urls: 

459 raise ValueError("Didn't find any remote url in repository at %s" % sm.abspath) 

460 # END verify we have url 

461 url = urls[0] 

462 else: 

463 # clone new repo 

464 kwargs: Dict[str, Union[bool, int, str, Sequence[TBD]]] = {"n": no_checkout} 

465 if not branch_is_default: 

466 kwargs["b"] = 

467 # END setup checkout-branch 


469 if depth: 

470 if isinstance(depth, int): 

471 kwargs["depth"] = depth 

472 else: 

473 raise ValueError("depth should be an integer") 

474 if clone_multi_options: 

475 kwargs["multi_options"] = clone_multi_options 


477 # _clone_repo(cls, repo, url, path, name, **kwargs): 

478 mrepo = cls._clone_repo(repo, url, path, name, env=env, **kwargs) 

479 # END verify url 


481 ## See #525 for ensuring git urls in config-files valid under Windows. 

482 url = Git.polish_url(url) 


484 # It's important to add the URL to the parent config, to let `git submodule` know. 

485 # otherwise there is a '-' character in front of the submodule listing 

486 # a38efa84daef914e4de58d1905a500d8d14aaf45 mymodule (v0.9.0-1-ga38efa8) 

487 # -a38efa84daef914e4de58d1905a500d8d14aaf45 submodules/intermediate/one 

488 writer: Union[GitConfigParser, SectionConstraint] 


490 with sm.repo.config_writer() as writer: 

491 writer.set_value(sm_section(name), "url", url) 


493 # update configuration and index 

494 index = sm.repo.index 

495 with sm.config_writer(index=index, write=False) as writer: 

496 writer.set_value("url", url) 

497 writer.set_value("path", path) 


499 sm._url = url 

500 if not branch_is_default: 

501 # store full path 

502 writer.set_value(cls.k_head_option, br.path) 

503 sm._branch_path = br.path 


505 # we deliberately assume that our head matches our index ! 

506 if mrepo: 

507 sm.binsha = mrepo.head.commit.binsha 

508 index.add([sm], write=True) 


510 return sm 


512 def update( 

513 self, 

514 recursive: bool = False, 

515 init: bool = True, 

516 to_latest_revision: bool = False, 

517 progress: Union["UpdateProgress", None] = None, 

518 dry_run: bool = False, 

519 force: bool = False, 

520 keep_going: bool = False, 

521 env: Union[Mapping[str, str], None] = None, 

522 clone_multi_options: Union[Sequence[TBD], None] = None, 

523 ) -> "Submodule": 

524 """Update the repository of this submodule to point to the checkout 

525 we point at with the binsha of this instance. 


527 :param recursive: if True, we will operate recursively and update child- 

528 modules as well. 

529 :param init: if True, the module repository will be cloned into place if necessary 

530 :param to_latest_revision: if True, the submodule's sha will be ignored during checkout. 

531 Instead, the remote will be fetched, and the local tracking branch updated. 

532 This only works if we have a local tracking branch, which is the case 

533 if the remote repository had a master branch, or of the 'branch' option 

534 was specified for this submodule and the branch existed remotely 

535 :param progress: UpdateProgress instance or None if no progress should be shown 

536 :param dry_run: if True, the operation will only be simulated, but not performed. 

537 All performed operations are read - only 

538 :param force: 

539 If True, we may reset heads even if the repository in question is dirty. Additinoally we will be allowed 

540 to set a tracking branch which is ahead of its remote branch back into the past or the location of the 

541 remote branch. This will essentially 'forget' commits. 

542 If False, local tracking branches that are in the future of their respective remote branches will simply 

543 not be moved. 

544 :param keep_going: if True, we will ignore but log all errors, and keep going recursively. 

545 Unless dry_run is set as well, keep_going could cause subsequent / inherited errors you wouldn't see 

546 otherwise. 

547 In conjunction with dry_run, it can be useful to anticipate all errors when updating submodules 

548 :param env: Optional dictionary containing the desired environment variables. 

549 Note: Provided variables will be used to update the execution 

550 environment for `git`. If some variable is not specified in `env` 

551 and is defined in `os.environ`, value from `os.environ` will be used. 

552 If you want to unset some variable, consider providing empty string 

553 as its value. 

554 :param clone_multi_options: list of Clone options. Please see ``git.repo.base.Repo.clone`` 

555 for details. Only take effect with `init` option. 

556 :note: does nothing in bare repositories 

557 :note: method is definitely not atomic if recurisve is True 

558 :return: self""" 

559 if self.repo.bare: 

560 return self 

561 # END pass in bare mode 


563 if progress is None: 

564 progress = UpdateProgress() 

565 # END handle progress 

566 prefix = "" 

567 if dry_run: 

568 prefix = "DRY-RUN: " 

569 # END handle prefix 


571 # to keep things plausible in dry-run mode 

572 if dry_run: 

573 mrepo = None 

574 # END init mrepo 


576 try: 


578 ##################################### 

579 try: 

580 mrepo = self.module() 

581 rmts = mrepo.remotes 

582 len_rmts = len(rmts) 

583 for i, remote in enumerate(rmts): 

584 op = FETCH 

585 if i == 0: 

586 op |= BEGIN 

587 # END handle start 


589 progress.update( 

590 op, 

591 i, 

592 len_rmts, 

593 prefix + "Fetching remote %s of submodule %r" % (remote,, 

594 ) 

595 # =============================== 

596 if not dry_run: 

597 remote.fetch(progress=progress) 

598 # END handle dry-run 

599 # =============================== 

600 if i == len_rmts - 1: 

601 op |= END 

602 # END handle end 

603 progress.update( 

604 op, 

605 i, 

606 len_rmts, 

607 prefix + "Done fetching remote of submodule %r" %, 

608 ) 

609 # END fetch new data 

610 except InvalidGitRepositoryError: 

611 mrepo = None 

612 if not init: 

613 return self 

614 # END early abort if init is not allowed 


616 # there is no git-repository yet - but delete empty paths 

617 checkout_module_abspath = self.abspath 

618 if not dry_run and osp.isdir(checkout_module_abspath): 

619 try: 

620 os.rmdir(checkout_module_abspath) 

621 except OSError as e: 

622 raise OSError( 

623 "Module directory at %r does already exist and is non-empty" % checkout_module_abspath 

624 ) from e 

625 # END handle OSError 

626 # END handle directory removal 


628 # don't check it out at first - nonetheless it will create a local 

629 # branch according to the remote-HEAD if possible 

630 progress.update( 


632 0, 

633 1, 

634 prefix 

635 + "Cloning url '%s' to '%s' in submodule %r" % (self.url, checkout_module_abspath,, 

636 ) 

637 if not dry_run: 

638 mrepo = self._clone_repo( 

639 self.repo, 

640 self.url, 

641 self.path, 


643 n=True, 

644 env=env, 

645 multi_options=clone_multi_options, 

646 ) 

647 # END handle dry-run 

648 progress.update( 

649 END | CLONE, 

650 0, 

651 1, 

652 prefix + "Done cloning to %s" % checkout_module_abspath, 

653 ) 


655 if not dry_run: 

656 # see whether we have a valid branch to checkout 

657 try: 

658 mrepo = cast("Repo", mrepo) 

659 # find a remote which has our branch - we try to be flexible 

660 remote_branch = find_first_remote_branch(mrepo.remotes, self.branch_name) 

661 local_branch = mkhead(mrepo, self.branch_path) 


663 # have a valid branch, but no checkout - make sure we can figure 

664 # that out by marking the commit with a null_sha 

665 local_branch.set_object(Object(mrepo, self.NULL_BIN_SHA)) 

666 # END initial checkout + branch creation 


668 # make sure HEAD is not detached 

669 mrepo.head.set_reference( 

670 local_branch, 

671 logmsg="submodule: attaching head to %s" % local_branch, 

672 ) 

673 mrepo.head.reference.set_tracking_branch(remote_branch) 

674 except (IndexError, InvalidGitRepositoryError): 

675 log.warning("Failed to checkout tracking branch %s", self.branch_path) 

676 # END handle tracking branch 


678 # NOTE: Have to write the repo config file as well, otherwise 

679 # the default implementation will be offended and not update the repository 

680 # Maybe this is a good way to assure it doesn't get into our way, but 

681 # we want to stay backwards compatible too ... . Its so redundant ! 

682 with self.repo.config_writer() as writer: 

683 writer.set_value(sm_section(, "url", self.url) 

684 # END handle dry_run 

685 # END handle initialization 



688 ############################ 

689 binsha = self.binsha 

690 hexsha = self.hexsha 

691 if mrepo is not None: 

692 # mrepo is only set if we are not in dry-run mode or if the module existed 

693 is_detached = mrepo.head.is_detached 

694 # END handle dry_run 


696 if mrepo is not None and to_latest_revision: 

697 msg_base = "Cannot update to latest revision in repository at %r as " % mrepo.working_dir 

698 if not is_detached: 

699 rref = mrepo.head.reference.tracking_branch() 

700 if rref is not None: 

701 rcommit = rref.commit 

702 binsha = rcommit.binsha 

703 hexsha = rcommit.hexsha 

704 else: 

705 log.error( 

706 "%s a tracking branch was not set for local branch '%s'", 

707 msg_base, 

708 mrepo.head.reference, 

709 ) 

710 # END handle remote ref 

711 else: 

712 log.error("%s there was no local tracking branch", msg_base) 

713 # END handle detached head 

714 # END handle to_latest_revision option 


716 # update the working tree 

717 # handles dry_run 

718 if mrepo is not None and mrepo.head.commit.binsha != binsha: 

719 # We must assure that our destination sha (the one to point to) is in the future of our current head. 

720 # Otherwise, we will reset changes that might have been done on the submodule, but were not yet pushed 

721 # We also handle the case that history has been rewritten, leaving no merge-base. In that case 

722 # we behave conservatively, protecting possible changes the user had done 

723 may_reset = True 

724 if mrepo.head.commit.binsha != self.NULL_BIN_SHA: 

725 base_commit = mrepo.merge_base(mrepo.head.commit, hexsha) 

726 if len(base_commit) == 0 or (base_commit[0] is not None and base_commit[0].hexsha == hexsha): 

727 if force: 

728 msg = "Will force checkout or reset on local branch that is possibly in the future of" 

729 msg += "the commit it will be checked out to, effectively 'forgetting' new commits" 

730 log.debug(msg) 

731 else: 

732 msg = "Skipping %s on branch '%s' of submodule repo '%s' as it contains un-pushed commits" 

733 msg %= ( 

734 is_detached and "checkout" or "reset", 

735 mrepo.head, 

736 mrepo, 

737 ) 


739 may_reset = False 

740 # end handle force 

741 # end handle if we are in the future 


743 if may_reset and not force and mrepo.is_dirty(index=True, working_tree=True, untracked_files=True): 

744 raise RepositoryDirtyError(mrepo, "Cannot reset a dirty repository") 

745 # end handle force and dirty state 

746 # end handle empty repo 


748 # end verify future/past 

749 progress.update( 


751 0, 

752 1, 

753 prefix 

754 + "Updating working tree at %s for submodule %r to revision %s" % (self.path,, hexsha), 

755 ) 


757 if not dry_run and may_reset: 

758 if is_detached: 

759 # NOTE: for now we force, the user is no supposed to change detached 

760 # submodules anyway. Maybe at some point this becomes an option, to 

761 # properly handle user modifications - see below for future options 

762 # regarding rebase and merge. 

763 mrepo.git.checkout(hexsha, force=force) 

764 else: 

765 mrepo.head.reset(hexsha, index=True, working_tree=True) 

766 # END handle checkout 

767 # if we may reset/checkout 

768 progress.update( 


770 0, 

771 1, 

772 prefix + "Done updating working tree for submodule %r" %, 

773 ) 

774 # END update to new commit only if needed 

775 except Exception as err: 

776 if not keep_going: 

777 raise 

778 log.error(str(err)) 

779 # end handle keep_going 



782 ################## 

783 if recursive: 

784 # in dry_run mode, the module might not exist 

785 if mrepo is not None: 

786 for submodule in self.iter_items(self.module()): 

787 submodule.update( 

788 recursive, 

789 init, 

790 to_latest_revision, 

791 progress=progress, 

792 dry_run=dry_run, 

793 force=force, 

794 keep_going=keep_going, 

795 ) 

796 # END handle recursive update 

797 # END handle dry run 

798 # END for each submodule 


800 return self 


802 @unbare_repo 

803 def move(self, module_path: PathLike, configuration: bool = True, module: bool = True) -> "Submodule": 

804 """Move the submodule to a another module path. This involves physically moving 

805 the repository at our current path, changing the configuration, as well as 

806 adjusting our index entry accordingly. 


808 :param module_path: the path to which to move our module in the parent repostory's working tree, 

809 given as repository - relative or absolute path. Intermediate directories will be created 

810 accordingly. If the path already exists, it must be empty. 

811 Trailing(back)slashes are removed automatically 

812 :param configuration: if True, the configuration will be adjusted to let 

813 the submodule point to the given path. 

814 :param module: if True, the repository managed by this submodule 

815 will be moved as well. If False, we don't move the submodule's checkout, which may leave 

816 the parent repository in an inconsistent state. 

817 :return: self 

818 :raise ValueError: if the module path existed and was not empty, or was a file 

819 :note: Currently the method is not atomic, and it could leave the repository 

820 in an inconsistent state if a sub - step fails for some reason 

821 """ 

822 if module + configuration < 1: 

823 raise ValueError("You must specify to move at least the module or the configuration of the submodule") 

824 # END handle input 


826 module_checkout_path = self._to_relative_path(self.repo, module_path) 



829 if module_checkout_path == self.path: 

830 return self 

831 # END handle no change 


833 module_checkout_abspath = join_path_native(str(self.repo.working_tree_dir), module_checkout_path) 

834 if osp.isfile(module_checkout_abspath): 

835 raise ValueError("Cannot move repository onto a file: %s" % module_checkout_abspath) 

836 # END handle target files 


838 index = self.repo.index 

839 tekey = index.entry_key(module_checkout_path, 0) 

840 # if the target item already exists, fail 

841 if configuration and tekey in index.entries: 

842 raise ValueError("Index entry for target path did already exist") 

843 # END handle index key already there 


845 # remove existing destination 

846 if module: 

847 if osp.exists(module_checkout_abspath): 

848 if len(os.listdir(module_checkout_abspath)): 

849 raise ValueError("Destination module directory was not empty") 

850 # END handle non-emptiness 


852 if osp.islink(module_checkout_abspath): 

853 os.remove(module_checkout_abspath) 

854 else: 

855 os.rmdir(module_checkout_abspath) 

856 # END handle link 

857 else: 

858 # recreate parent directories 

859 # NOTE: renames() does that now 

860 pass 

861 # END handle existence 

862 # END handle module 


864 # move the module into place if possible 

865 cur_path = self.abspath 

866 renamed_module = False 

867 if module and osp.exists(cur_path): 

868 os.renames(cur_path, module_checkout_abspath) 

869 renamed_module = True 


871 if osp.isfile(osp.join(module_checkout_abspath, ".git")): 

872 module_abspath = self._module_abspath(self.repo, self.path, 

873 self._write_git_file_and_module_config(module_checkout_abspath, module_abspath) 

874 # end handle git file rewrite 

875 # END move physical module 


877 # rename the index entry - have to manipulate the index directly as 

878 # git-mv cannot be used on submodules ... yeah 

879 previous_sm_path = self.path 

880 try: 

881 if configuration: 

882 try: 

883 ekey = index.entry_key(self.path, 0) 

884 entry = index.entries[ekey] 

885 del index.entries[ekey] 

886 nentry = git.IndexEntry(entry[:3] + (module_checkout_path,) + entry[4:]) 

887 index.entries[tekey] = nentry 

888 except KeyError as e: 

889 raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("Submodule's entry at %r did not exist" % (self.path)) from e 

890 # END handle submodule doesn't exist 


892 # update configuration 

893 with self.config_writer(index=index) as writer: # auto-write 

894 writer.set_value("path", module_checkout_path) 

895 self.path = module_checkout_path 

896 # END handle configuration flag 

897 except Exception: 

898 if renamed_module: 

899 os.renames(module_checkout_abspath, cur_path) 

900 # END undo module renaming 

901 raise 

902 # END handle undo rename 


904 # Auto-rename submodule if it's name was 'default', that is, the checkout directory 

905 if previous_sm_path == 

906 self.rename(module_checkout_path) 

907 # end 


909 return self 


911 @unbare_repo 

912 def remove( 

913 self, 

914 module: bool = True, 

915 force: bool = False, 

916 configuration: bool = True, 

917 dry_run: bool = False, 

918 ) -> "Submodule": 

919 """Remove this submodule from the repository. This will remove our entry 

920 from the .gitmodules file and the entry in the .git / config file. 


922 :param module: If True, the module checkout we point to will be deleted 

923 as well. If the module is currently on a commit which is not part 

924 of any branch in the remote, if the currently checked out branch 

925 working tree, or untracked files, 

926 is ahead of its tracking branch, if you have modifications in the 

927 In case the removal of the repository fails for these reasons, the 

928 submodule status will not have been altered. 

929 If this submodule has child - modules on its own, these will be deleted 

930 prior to touching the own module. 

931 :param force: Enforces the deletion of the module even though it contains 

932 modifications. This basically enforces a brute - force file system based 

933 deletion. 

934 :param configuration: if True, the submodule is deleted from the configuration, 

935 otherwise it isn't. Although this should be enabled most of the times, 

936 this flag enables you to safely delete the repository of your submodule. 

937 :param dry_run: if True, we will not actually do anything, but throw the errors 

938 we would usually throw 

939 :return: self 

940 :note: doesn't work in bare repositories 

941 :note: doesn't work atomically, as failure to remove any part of the submodule will leave 

942 an inconsistent state 

943 :raise InvalidGitRepositoryError: thrown if the repository cannot be deleted 

944 :raise OSError: if directories or files could not be removed""" 

945 if not (module or configuration): 

946 raise ValueError("Need to specify to delete at least the module, or the configuration") 

947 # END handle parameters 


949 # Recursively remove children of this submodule 

950 nc = 0 

951 for csm in self.children(): 

952 nc += 1 

953 csm.remove(module, force, configuration, dry_run) 

954 del csm 

955 # end 

956 if configuration and not dry_run and nc > 0: 

957 # Assure we don't leave the parent repository in a dirty state, and commit our changes 

958 # It's important for recursive, unforced, deletions to work as expected 

959 self.module().index.commit("Removed at least one of child-modules of '%s'" % 

960 # end handle recursion 



963 ################################ 

964 if module and self.module_exists(): 

965 mod = self.module() 

966 git_dir = mod.git_dir 

967 if force: 

968 # take the fast lane and just delete everything in our module path 

969 # TODO: If we run into permission problems, we have a highly inconsistent 

970 # state. Delete the .git folders last, start with the submodules first 

971 mp = self.abspath 

972 method: Union[None, Callable[[PathLike], None]] = None 

973 if osp.islink(mp): 

974 method = os.remove 

975 elif osp.isdir(mp): 

976 method = rmtree 

977 elif osp.exists(mp): 

978 raise AssertionError("Cannot forcibly delete repository as it was neither a link, nor a directory") 

979 # END handle brutal deletion 

980 if not dry_run: 

981 assert method 

982 method(mp) 

983 # END apply deletion method 

984 else: 

985 # verify we may delete our module 

986 if mod.is_dirty(index=True, working_tree=True, untracked_files=True): 

987 raise InvalidGitRepositoryError( 

988 "Cannot delete module at %s with any modifications, unless force is specified" 

989 % mod.working_tree_dir 

990 ) 

991 # END check for dirt 


993 # figure out whether we have new commits compared to the remotes 

994 # NOTE: If the user pulled all the time, the remote heads might 

995 # not have been updated, so commits coming from the remote look 

996 # as if they come from us. But we stay strictly read-only and 

997 # don't fetch beforehand. 

998 for remote in mod.remotes: 

999 num_branches_with_new_commits = 0 

1000 rrefs = remote.refs 

1001 for rref in rrefs: 

1002 num_branches_with_new_commits += len(mod.git.cherry(rref)) != 0 

1003 # END for each remote ref 

1004 # not a single remote branch contained all our commits 

1005 if len(rrefs) and num_branches_with_new_commits == len(rrefs): 

1006 raise InvalidGitRepositoryError( 

1007 "Cannot delete module at %s as there are new commits" % mod.working_tree_dir 

1008 ) 

1009 # END handle new commits 

1010 # have to manually delete references as python's scoping is 

1011 # not existing, they could keep handles open ( on windows this is a problem ) 

1012 if len(rrefs): 

1013 del rref # skipcq: PYL-W0631 

1014 # END handle remotes 

1015 del rrefs 

1016 del remote 

1017 # END for each remote 


1019 # finally delete our own submodule 

1020 if not dry_run: 

1021 self._clear_cache() 

1022 wtd = mod.working_tree_dir 

1023 del mod # release file-handles (windows) 

1024 import gc 


1026 gc.collect() 

1027 try: 

1028 rmtree(str(wtd)) 

1029 except Exception as ex: 


1031 from unittest import SkipTest 


1033 raise SkipTest("FIXME: fails with: PermissionError\n {}".format(ex)) from ex 

1034 raise 

1035 # END delete tree if possible 

1036 # END handle force 


1038 if not dry_run and osp.isdir(git_dir): 

1039 self._clear_cache() 

1040 try: 

1041 rmtree(git_dir) 

1042 except Exception as ex: 


1044 from unittest import SkipTest 


1046 raise SkipTest(f"FIXME: fails with: PermissionError\n {ex}") from ex 

1047 else: 

1048 raise 

1049 # end handle separate bare repository 

1050 # END handle module deletion 


1052 # void our data not to delay invalid access 

1053 if not dry_run: 

1054 self._clear_cache() 



1057 ###################### 

1058 if configuration and not dry_run: 

1059 # first the index-entry 

1060 parent_index = self.repo.index 

1061 try: 

1062 del parent_index.entries[parent_index.entry_key(self.path, 0)] 

1063 except KeyError: 

1064 pass 

1065 # END delete entry 

1066 parent_index.write() 


1068 # now git config - need the config intact, otherwise we can't query 

1069 # information anymore 


1071 with self.repo.config_writer() as gcp_writer: 

1072 gcp_writer.remove_section(sm_section( 


1074 with self.config_writer() as sc_writer: 

1075 sc_writer.remove_section() 

1076 # END delete configuration 


1078 return self 


1080 def set_parent_commit(self, commit: Union[Commit_ish, None], check: bool = True) -> "Submodule": 

1081 """Set this instance to use the given commit whose tree is supposed to 

1082 contain the .gitmodules blob. 


1084 :param commit: 

1085 Commit'ish reference pointing at the root_tree, or None to always point to the 

1086 most recent commit 

1087 :param check: 

1088 if True, relatively expensive checks will be performed to verify 

1089 validity of the submodule. 

1090 :raise ValueError: if the commit's tree didn't contain the .gitmodules blob. 

1091 :raise ValueError: 

1092 if the parent commit didn't store this submodule under the current path 

1093 :return: self""" 

1094 if commit is None: 

1095 self._parent_commit = None 

1096 return self 

1097 # end handle None 

1098 pcommit = self.repo.commit(commit) 

1099 pctree = pcommit.tree 

1100 if self.k_modules_file not in pctree: 

1101 raise ValueError("Tree of commit %s did not contain the %s file" % (commit, self.k_modules_file)) 

1102 # END handle exceptions 


1104 prev_pc = self._parent_commit 

1105 self._parent_commit = pcommit 


1107 if check: 

1108 parser = self._config_parser(self.repo, self._parent_commit, read_only=True) 

1109 if not parser.has_section(sm_section( 

1110 self._parent_commit = prev_pc 

1111 raise ValueError("Submodule at path %r did not exist in parent commit %s" % (self.path, commit)) 

1112 # END handle submodule did not exist 

1113 # END handle checking mode 


1115 # update our sha, it could have changed 

1116 # If check is False, we might see a parent-commit that doesn't even contain the submodule anymore. 

1117 # in that case, mark our sha as being NULL 

1118 try: 

1119 self.binsha = pctree[str(self.path)].binsha 

1120 except KeyError: 

1121 self.binsha = self.NULL_BIN_SHA 

1122 # end 


1124 self._clear_cache() 

1125 return self 


1127 @unbare_repo 

1128 def config_writer( 

1129 self, index: Union["IndexFile", None] = None, write: bool = True 

1130 ) -> SectionConstraint["SubmoduleConfigParser"]: 

1131 """:return: a config writer instance allowing you to read and write the data 

1132 belonging to this submodule into the .gitmodules file. 


1134 :param index: if not None, an IndexFile instance which should be written. 

1135 defaults to the index of the Submodule's parent repository. 

1136 :param write: if True, the index will be written each time a configuration 

1137 value changes. 

1138 :note: the parameters allow for a more efficient writing of the index, 

1139 as you can pass in a modified index on your own, prevent automatic writing, 

1140 and write yourself once the whole operation is complete 

1141 :raise ValueError: if trying to get a writer on a parent_commit which does not 

1142 match the current head commit 

1143 :raise IOError: If the .gitmodules file/blob could not be read""" 

1144 writer = self._config_parser_constrained(read_only=False) 

1145 if index is not None: 

1146 writer.config._index = index 

1147 writer.config._auto_write = write 

1148 return writer 


1150 @unbare_repo 

1151 def rename(self, new_name: str) -> "Submodule": 

1152 """Rename this submodule 

1153 :note: This method takes care of renaming the submodule in various places, such as 


1155 * $parent_git_dir / config 

1156 * $working_tree_dir / .gitmodules 

1157 * (git >= v1.8.0: move submodule repository to new name) 


1159 As .gitmodules will be changed, you would need to make a commit afterwards. The changed .gitmodules file 

1160 will already be added to the index 


1162 :return: this submodule instance 

1163 """ 

1164 if == new_name: 

1165 return self 


1167 # .git/config 

1168 with self.repo.config_writer() as pw: 

1169 # As we ourselves didn't write anything about submodules into the parent .git/config, 

1170 # we will not require it to exist, and just ignore missing entries. 

1171 if pw.has_section(sm_section( 

1172 pw.rename_section(sm_section(, sm_section(new_name)) 


1174 # .gitmodules 

1175 with self.config_writer(write=True).config as cw: 

1176 cw.rename_section(sm_section(, sm_section(new_name)) 


1178 self._name = new_name 


1180 # .git/modules 

1181 mod = self.module() 

1182 if mod.has_separate_working_tree(): 

1183 destination_module_abspath = self._module_abspath(self.repo, self.path, new_name) 

1184 source_dir = mod.git_dir 

1185 # Let's be sure the submodule name is not so obviously tied to a directory 

1186 if str(destination_module_abspath).startswith(str(mod.git_dir)): 

1187 tmp_dir = self._module_abspath(self.repo, self.path, str(uuid.uuid4())) 

1188 os.renames(source_dir, tmp_dir) 

1189 source_dir = tmp_dir 

1190 # end handle self-containment 

1191 os.renames(source_dir, destination_module_abspath) 

1192 if mod.working_tree_dir: 

1193 self._write_git_file_and_module_config(mod.working_tree_dir, destination_module_abspath) 

1194 # end move separate git repository 


1196 return self 


1198 # } END edit interface 


1200 # { Query Interface 


1202 @unbare_repo 

1203 def module(self) -> "Repo": 

1204 """:return: Repo instance initialized from the repository at our submodule path 

1205 :raise InvalidGitRepositoryError: if a repository was not available. This could 

1206 also mean that it was not yet initialized""" 

1207 # late import to workaround circular dependencies 

1208 module_checkout_abspath = self.abspath 

1209 try: 

1210 repo = git.Repo(module_checkout_abspath) 

1211 if repo != self.repo: 

1212 return repo 

1213 # END handle repo uninitialized 

1214 except (InvalidGitRepositoryError, NoSuchPathError) as e: 

1215 raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("No valid repository at %s" % module_checkout_abspath) from e 

1216 else: 

1217 raise InvalidGitRepositoryError("Repository at %r was not yet checked out" % module_checkout_abspath) 

1218 # END handle exceptions 


1220 def module_exists(self) -> bool: 

1221 """:return: True if our module exists and is a valid git repository. See module() method""" 

1222 try: 

1223 self.module() 

1224 return True 

1225 except Exception: 

1226 return False 

1227 # END handle exception 


1229 def exists(self) -> bool: 

1230 """ 

1231 :return: True if the submodule exists, False otherwise. Please note that 

1232 a submodule may exist ( in the .gitmodules file) even though its module 

1233 doesn't exist on disk""" 

1234 # keep attributes for later, and restore them if we have no valid data 

1235 # this way we do not actually alter the state of the object 

1236 loc = locals() 

1237 for attr in self._cache_attrs: 

1238 try: 

1239 if hasattr(self, attr): 

1240 loc[attr] = getattr(self, attr) 

1241 # END if we have the attribute cache 

1242 except (cp.NoSectionError, ValueError): 

1243 # on PY3, this can happen apparently ... don't know why this doesn't happen on PY2 

1244 pass 

1245 # END for each attr 

1246 self._clear_cache() 


1248 try: 

1249 try: 

1250 self.path 

1251 return True 

1252 except Exception: 

1253 return False 

1254 # END handle exceptions 

1255 finally: 

1256 for attr in self._cache_attrs: 

1257 if attr in loc: 

1258 setattr(self, attr, loc[attr]) 

1259 # END if we have a cache 

1260 # END reapply each attribute 

1261 # END handle object state consistency 


1263 @property 

1264 def branch(self) -> "Head": 

1265 """:return: The branch instance that we are to checkout 

1266 :raise InvalidGitRepositoryError: if our module is not yet checked out""" 

1267 return mkhead(self.module(), self._branch_path) 


1269 @property 

1270 def branch_path(self) -> PathLike: 

1271 """ 

1272 :return: full(relative) path as string to the branch we would checkout 

1273 from the remote and track""" 

1274 return self._branch_path 


1276 @property 

1277 def branch_name(self) -> str: 

1278 """:return: the name of the branch, which is the shortest possible branch name""" 

1279 # use an instance method, for this we create a temporary Head instance 

1280 # which uses a repository that is available at least ( it makes no difference ) 

1281 return git.Head(self.repo, self._branch_path).name 


1283 @property 

1284 def url(self) -> str: 

1285 """:return: The url to the repository which our module - repository refers to""" 

1286 return self._url 


1288 @property 

1289 def parent_commit(self) -> "Commit_ish": 

1290 """:return: Commit instance with the tree containing the .gitmodules file 

1291 :note: will always point to the current head's commit if it was not set explicitly""" 

1292 if self._parent_commit is None: 

1293 return self.repo.commit() 

1294 return self._parent_commit 


1296 @property 

1297 def name(self) -> str: 

1298 """:return: The name of this submodule. It is used to identify it within the 

1299 .gitmodules file. 

1300 :note: by default, the name is the path at which to find the submodule, but 

1301 in git - python it should be a unique identifier similar to the identifiers 

1302 used for remotes, which allows to change the path of the submodule 

1303 easily 

1304 """ 

1305 return self._name 


1307 def config_reader(self) -> SectionConstraint[SubmoduleConfigParser]: 

1308 """ 

1309 :return: ConfigReader instance which allows you to qurey the configuration values 

1310 of this submodule, as provided by the .gitmodules file 

1311 :note: The config reader will actually read the data directly from the repository 

1312 and thus does not need nor care about your working tree. 

1313 :note: Should be cached by the caller and only kept as long as needed 

1314 :raise IOError: If the .gitmodules file/blob could not be read""" 

1315 return self._config_parser_constrained(read_only=True) 


1317 def children(self) -> IterableList["Submodule"]: 

1318 """ 

1319 :return: IterableList(Submodule, ...) an iterable list of submodules instances 

1320 which are children of this submodule or 0 if the submodule is not checked out""" 

1321 return self._get_intermediate_items(self) 


1323 # } END query interface 


1325 # { Iterable Interface 


1327 @classmethod 

1328 def iter_items( 

1329 cls, 

1330 repo: "Repo", 

1331 parent_commit: Union[Commit_ish, str] = "HEAD", 

1332 *Args: Any, 

1333 **kwargs: Any, 

1334 ) -> Iterator["Submodule"]: 

1335 """:return: iterator yielding Submodule instances available in the given repository""" 

1336 try: 

1337 pc = repo.commit(parent_commit) # parent commit instance 

1338 parser = cls._config_parser(repo, pc, read_only=True) 

1339 except (IOError, BadName): 

1340 return iter([]) 

1341 # END handle empty iterator 


1343 for sms in parser.sections(): 

1344 n = sm_name(sms) 

1345 p = parser.get(sms, "path") 

1346 u = parser.get(sms, "url") 

1347 b = cls.k_head_default 

1348 if parser.has_option(sms, cls.k_head_option): 

1349 b = str(parser.get(sms, cls.k_head_option)) 

1350 # END handle optional information 


1352 # get the binsha 

1353 index = repo.index 

1354 try: 

1355 rt = pc.tree # root tree 

1356 sm = rt[p] 

1357 except KeyError: 

1358 # try the index, maybe it was just added 

1359 try: 

1360 entry = index.entries[index.entry_key(p, 0)] 

1361 sm = Submodule(repo, entry.binsha, entry.mode, entry.path) 

1362 except KeyError: 

1363 # The submodule doesn't exist, probably it wasn't 

1364 # removed from the .gitmodules file. 

1365 continue 

1366 # END handle keyerror 

1367 # END handle critical error 


1369 # fill in remaining info - saves time as it doesn't have to be parsed again 

1370 sm._name = n 

1371 if pc != repo.commit(): 

1372 sm._parent_commit = pc 

1373 # end set only if not most recent ! 

1374 sm._branch_path = git.Head.to_full_path(b) 

1375 sm._url = u 


1377 yield sm 

1378 # END for each section 


1380 # } END iterable interface