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1import pkgutil 

2from importlib import import_module 


4from django.conf import settings 

5from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured 


7# For backwards compatibility with Django < 3.2 

8from django.utils.connection import ConnectionDoesNotExist # NOQA: F401 

9from django.utils.connection import BaseConnectionHandler 

10from django.utils.functional import cached_property 

11from django.utils.module_loading import import_string 


13DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS = "default" 

14DJANGO_VERSION_PICKLE_KEY = "_django_version" 



17class Error(Exception): 

18 pass 



21class InterfaceError(Error): 

22 pass 



25class DatabaseError(Error): 

26 pass 



29class DataError(DatabaseError): 

30 pass 



33class OperationalError(DatabaseError): 

34 pass 



37class IntegrityError(DatabaseError): 

38 pass 



41class InternalError(DatabaseError): 

42 pass 



45class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError): 

46 pass 



49class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError): 

50 pass 



53class DatabaseErrorWrapper: 

54 """ 

55 Context manager and decorator that reraises backend-specific database 

56 exceptions using Django's common wrappers. 

57 """ 


59 def __init__(self, wrapper): 

60 """ 

61 wrapper is a database wrapper. 


63 It must have a Database attribute defining PEP-249 exceptions. 

64 """ 

65 self.wrapper = wrapper 


67 def __enter__(self): 

68 pass 


70 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): 

71 if exc_type is None: 71 ↛ 73line 71 didn't jump to line 73, because the condition on line 71 was never false

72 return 

73 for dj_exc_type in ( 

74 DataError, 

75 OperationalError, 

76 IntegrityError, 

77 InternalError, 

78 ProgrammingError, 

79 NotSupportedError, 

80 DatabaseError, 

81 InterfaceError, 

82 Error, 

83 ): 

84 db_exc_type = getattr(self.wrapper.Database, dj_exc_type.__name__) 

85 if issubclass(exc_type, db_exc_type): 

86 dj_exc_value = dj_exc_type(*exc_value.args) 

87 # Only set the 'errors_occurred' flag for errors that may make 

88 # the connection unusable. 

89 if dj_exc_type not in (DataError, IntegrityError): 

90 self.wrapper.errors_occurred = True 

91 raise dj_exc_value.with_traceback(traceback) from exc_value 


93 def __call__(self, func): 

94 # Note that we are intentionally not using @wraps here for performance 

95 # reasons. Refs #21109. 

96 def inner(*args, **kwargs): 

97 with self: 

98 return func(*args, **kwargs) 


100 return inner 



103def load_backend(backend_name): 

104 """ 

105 Return a database backend's "base" module given a fully qualified database 

106 backend name, or raise an error if it doesn't exist. 

107 """ 

108 # This backend was renamed in Django 1.9. 

109 if backend_name == "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2": 109 ↛ 110line 109 didn't jump to line 110, because the condition on line 109 was never true

110 backend_name = "django.db.backends.postgresql" 


112 try: 

113 return import_module("%s.base" % backend_name) 

114 except ImportError as e_user: 

115 # The database backend wasn't found. Display a helpful error message 

116 # listing all built-in database backends. 

117 import django.db.backends 


119 builtin_backends = [ 

120 name 

121 for _, name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(django.db.backends.__path__) 

122 if ispkg and name not in {"base", "dummy"} 

123 ] 

124 if backend_name not in ["django.db.backends.%s" % b for b in builtin_backends]: 

125 backend_reprs = map(repr, sorted(builtin_backends)) 

126 raise ImproperlyConfigured( 

127 "%r isn't an available database backend or couldn't be " 

128 "imported. Check the above exception. To use one of the " 

129 "built-in backends, use 'django.db.backends.XXX', where XXX " 

130 "is one of:\n" 

131 " %s" % (backend_name, ", ".join(backend_reprs)) 

132 ) from e_user 

133 else: 

134 # If there's some other error, this must be an error in Django 

135 raise 



138class ConnectionHandler(BaseConnectionHandler): 

139 settings_name = "DATABASES" 

140 # Connections needs to still be an actual thread local, as it's truly 

141 # thread-critical. Database backends should use @async_unsafe to protect 

142 # their code from async contexts, but this will give those contexts 

143 # separate connections in case it's needed as well. There's no cleanup 

144 # after async contexts, though, so we don't allow that if we can help it. 

145 thread_critical = True 


147 def configure_settings(self, databases): 

148 databases = super().configure_settings(databases) 

149 if databases == {}: 149 ↛ 150line 149 didn't jump to line 150, because the condition on line 149 was never true

150 databases[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS] = {"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.dummy"} 

151 elif DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS not in databases: 151 ↛ 152line 151 didn't jump to line 152, because the condition on line 151 was never true

152 raise ImproperlyConfigured( 

153 f"You must define a '{DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS}' database." 

154 ) 

155 elif databases[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS] == {}: 155 ↛ 156line 155 didn't jump to line 156, because the condition on line 155 was never true

156 databases[DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]["ENGINE"] = "django.db.backends.dummy" 

157 return databases 


159 @property 

160 def databases(self): 

161 return self.settings 


163 def ensure_defaults(self, alias): 

164 """ 

165 Put the defaults into the settings dictionary for a given connection 

166 where no settings is provided. 

167 """ 

168 try: 

169 conn = self.databases[alias] 

170 except KeyError: 

171 raise self.exception_class(f"The connection '{alias}' doesn't exist.") 


173 conn.setdefault("ATOMIC_REQUESTS", False) 

174 conn.setdefault("AUTOCOMMIT", True) 

175 conn.setdefault("ENGINE", "django.db.backends.dummy") 

176 if conn["ENGINE"] == "django.db.backends." or not conn["ENGINE"]: 176 ↛ 177line 176 didn't jump to line 177, because the condition on line 176 was never true

177 conn["ENGINE"] = "django.db.backends.dummy" 

178 conn.setdefault("CONN_MAX_AGE", 0) 

179 conn.setdefault("OPTIONS", {}) 

180 conn.setdefault("TIME_ZONE", None) 

181 for setting in ["NAME", "USER", "PASSWORD", "HOST", "PORT"]: 

182 conn.setdefault(setting, "") 


184 def prepare_test_settings(self, alias): 

185 """ 

186 Make sure the test settings are available in the 'TEST' sub-dictionary. 

187 """ 

188 try: 

189 conn = self.databases[alias] 

190 except KeyError: 

191 raise self.exception_class(f"The connection '{alias}' doesn't exist.") 


193 test_settings = conn.setdefault("TEST", {}) 

194 default_test_settings = [ 

195 ("CHARSET", None), 

196 ("COLLATION", None), 

197 ("MIGRATE", True), 

198 ("MIRROR", None), 

199 ("NAME", None), 

200 ] 

201 for key, value in default_test_settings: 

202 test_settings.setdefault(key, value) 


204 def create_connection(self, alias): 

205 self.ensure_defaults(alias) 

206 self.prepare_test_settings(alias) 

207 db = self.databases[alias] 

208 backend = load_backend(db["ENGINE"]) 

209 return backend.DatabaseWrapper(db, alias) 


211 def close_all(self): 

212 for alias in self: 

213 try: 

214 connection = getattr(self._connections, alias) 

215 except AttributeError: 

216 continue 

217 connection.close() 



220class ConnectionRouter: 

221 def __init__(self, routers=None): 

222 """ 

223 If routers is not specified, default to settings.DATABASE_ROUTERS. 

224 """ 

225 self._routers = routers 


227 @cached_property 

228 def routers(self): 

229 if self._routers is None: 229 ↛ 231line 229 didn't jump to line 231, because the condition on line 229 was never false

230 self._routers = settings.DATABASE_ROUTERS 

231 routers = [] 

232 for r in self._routers: 232 ↛ 233line 232 didn't jump to line 233, because the loop on line 232 never started

233 if isinstance(r, str): 

234 router = import_string(r)() 

235 else: 

236 router = r 

237 routers.append(router) 

238 return routers 


240 def _router_func(action): 

241 def _route_db(self, model, **hints): 

242 chosen_db = None 

243 for router in self.routers: 243 ↛ 244line 243 didn't jump to line 244, because the loop on line 243 never started

244 try: 

245 method = getattr(router, action) 

246 except AttributeError: 

247 # If the router doesn't have a method, skip to the next one. 

248 pass 

249 else: 

250 chosen_db = method(model, **hints) 

251 if chosen_db: 

252 return chosen_db 

253 instance = hints.get("instance") 

254 if instance is not None and instance._state.db: 

255 return instance._state.db 

256 return DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS 


258 return _route_db 


260 db_for_read = _router_func("db_for_read") 

261 db_for_write = _router_func("db_for_write") 


263 def allow_relation(self, obj1, obj2, **hints): 

264 for router in self.routers: 264 ↛ 265line 264 didn't jump to line 265, because the loop on line 264 never started

265 try: 

266 method = router.allow_relation 

267 except AttributeError: 

268 # If the router doesn't have a method, skip to the next one. 

269 pass 

270 else: 

271 allow = method(obj1, obj2, **hints) 

272 if allow is not None: 

273 return allow 

274 return obj1._state.db == obj2._state.db 


276 def allow_migrate(self, db, app_label, **hints): 

277 for router in self.routers: 277 ↛ 278line 277 didn't jump to line 278, because the loop on line 277 never started

278 try: 

279 method = router.allow_migrate 

280 except AttributeError: 

281 # If the router doesn't have a method, skip to the next one. 

282 continue 


284 allow = method(db, app_label, **hints) 


286 if allow is not None: 

287 return allow 

288 return True 


290 def allow_migrate_model(self, db, model): 

291 return self.allow_migrate( 

292 db, 

293 model._meta.app_label, 

294 model_name=model._meta.model_name, 

295 model=model, 

296 ) 


298 def get_migratable_models(self, app_config, db, include_auto_created=False): 

299 """Return app models allowed to be migrated on provided db.""" 

300 models = app_config.get_models(include_auto_created=include_auto_created) 

301 return [model for model in models if self.allow_migrate_model(db, model)]