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196 statements  

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1import inspect 

2import io 

3import itertools 

4import os 

5import sys 

6import typing as t 

7from gettext import gettext as _ 


9from ._compat import isatty 

10from ._compat import strip_ansi 

11from ._compat import WIN 

12from .exceptions import Abort 

13from .exceptions import UsageError 

14from .globals import resolve_color_default 

15from .types import Choice 

16from .types import convert_type 

17from .types import ParamType 

18from .utils import echo 

19from .utils import LazyFile 


21if t.TYPE_CHECKING: 21 ↛ 22line 21 didn't jump to line 22, because the condition on line 21 was never true

22 from ._termui_impl import ProgressBar 


24V = t.TypeVar("V") 


26# The prompt functions to use. The doc tools currently override these 

27# functions to customize how they work. 

28visible_prompt_func: t.Callable[[str], str] = input 


30_ansi_colors = { 

31 "black": 30, 

32 "red": 31, 

33 "green": 32, 

34 "yellow": 33, 

35 "blue": 34, 

36 "magenta": 35, 

37 "cyan": 36, 

38 "white": 37, 

39 "reset": 39, 

40 "bright_black": 90, 

41 "bright_red": 91, 

42 "bright_green": 92, 

43 "bright_yellow": 93, 

44 "bright_blue": 94, 

45 "bright_magenta": 95, 

46 "bright_cyan": 96, 

47 "bright_white": 97, 


49_ansi_reset_all = "\033[0m" 



52def hidden_prompt_func(prompt: str) -> str: 

53 import getpass 


55 return getpass.getpass(prompt) 



58def _build_prompt( 

59 text: str, 

60 suffix: str, 

61 show_default: bool = False, 

62 default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, 

63 show_choices: bool = True, 

64 type: t.Optional[ParamType] = None, 

65) -> str: 

66 prompt = text 

67 if type is not None and show_choices and isinstance(type, Choice): 

68 prompt += f" ({', '.join(map(str, type.choices))})" 

69 if default is not None and show_default: 

70 prompt = f"{prompt} [{_format_default(default)}]" 

71 return f"{prompt}{suffix}" 



74def _format_default(default: t.Any) -> t.Any: 

75 if isinstance(default, (io.IOBase, LazyFile)) and hasattr(default, "name"): 

76 return # type: ignore 


78 return default 



81def prompt( 

82 text: str, 

83 default: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, 

84 hide_input: bool = False, 

85 confirmation_prompt: t.Union[bool, str] = False, 

86 type: t.Optional[t.Union[ParamType, t.Any]] = None, 

87 value_proc: t.Optional[t.Callable[[str], t.Any]] = None, 

88 prompt_suffix: str = ": ", 

89 show_default: bool = True, 

90 err: bool = False, 

91 show_choices: bool = True, 

92) -> t.Any: 

93 """Prompts a user for input. This is a convenience function that can 

94 be used to prompt a user for input later. 


96 If the user aborts the input by sending an interrupt signal, this 

97 function will catch it and raise a :exc:`Abort` exception. 


99 :param text: the text to show for the prompt. 

100 :param default: the default value to use if no input happens. If this 

101 is not given it will prompt until it's aborted. 

102 :param hide_input: if this is set to true then the input value will 

103 be hidden. 

104 :param confirmation_prompt: Prompt a second time to confirm the 

105 value. Can be set to a string instead of ``True`` to customize 

106 the message. 

107 :param type: the type to use to check the value against. 

108 :param value_proc: if this parameter is provided it's a function that 

109 is invoked instead of the type conversion to 

110 convert a value. 

111 :param prompt_suffix: a suffix that should be added to the prompt. 

112 :param show_default: shows or hides the default value in the prompt. 

113 :param err: if set to true the file defaults to ``stderr`` instead of 

114 ``stdout``, the same as with echo. 

115 :param show_choices: Show or hide choices if the passed type is a Choice. 

116 For example if type is a Choice of either day or week, 

117 show_choices is true and text is "Group by" then the 

118 prompt will be "Group by (day, week): ". 


120 .. versionadded:: 8.0 

121 ``confirmation_prompt`` can be a custom string. 


123 .. versionadded:: 7.0 

124 Added the ``show_choices`` parameter. 


126 .. versionadded:: 6.0 

127 Added unicode support for cmd.exe on Windows. 


129 .. versionadded:: 4.0 

130 Added the `err` parameter. 


132 """ 


134 def prompt_func(text: str) -> str: 

135 f = hidden_prompt_func if hide_input else visible_prompt_func 

136 try: 

137 # Write the prompt separately so that we get nice 

138 # coloring through colorama on Windows 

139 echo(text.rstrip(" "), nl=False, err=err) 

140 # Echo a space to stdout to work around an issue where 

141 # readline causes backspace to clear the whole line. 

142 return f(" ") 

143 except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): 

144 # getpass doesn't print a newline if the user aborts input with ^C. 

145 # Allegedly this behavior is inherited from getpass(3). 

146 # A doc bug has been filed at 

147 if hide_input: 

148 echo(None, err=err) 

149 raise Abort() from None 


151 if value_proc is None: 

152 value_proc = convert_type(type, default) 


154 prompt = _build_prompt( 

155 text, prompt_suffix, show_default, default, show_choices, type 

156 ) 


158 if confirmation_prompt: 

159 if confirmation_prompt is True: 

160 confirmation_prompt = _("Repeat for confirmation") 


162 confirmation_prompt = _build_prompt(confirmation_prompt, prompt_suffix) 


164 while True: 

165 while True: 

166 value = prompt_func(prompt) 

167 if value: 

168 break 

169 elif default is not None: 

170 value = default 

171 break 

172 try: 

173 result = value_proc(value) 

174 except UsageError as e: 

175 if hide_input: 

176 echo(_("Error: The value you entered was invalid."), err=err) 

177 else: 

178 echo(_("Error: {e.message}").format(e=e), err=err) # noqa: B306 

179 continue 

180 if not confirmation_prompt: 

181 return result 

182 while True: 

183 value2 = prompt_func(confirmation_prompt) 

184 is_empty = not value and not value2 

185 if value2 or is_empty: 

186 break 

187 if value == value2: 

188 return result 

189 echo(_("Error: The two entered values do not match."), err=err) 



192def confirm( 

193 text: str, 

194 default: t.Optional[bool] = False, 

195 abort: bool = False, 

196 prompt_suffix: str = ": ", 

197 show_default: bool = True, 

198 err: bool = False, 

199) -> bool: 

200 """Prompts for confirmation (yes/no question). 


202 If the user aborts the input by sending a interrupt signal this 

203 function will catch it and raise a :exc:`Abort` exception. 


205 :param text: the question to ask. 

206 :param default: The default value to use when no input is given. If 

207 ``None``, repeat until input is given. 

208 :param abort: if this is set to `True` a negative answer aborts the 

209 exception by raising :exc:`Abort`. 

210 :param prompt_suffix: a suffix that should be added to the prompt. 

211 :param show_default: shows or hides the default value in the prompt. 

212 :param err: if set to true the file defaults to ``stderr`` instead of 

213 ``stdout``, the same as with echo. 


215 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

216 Repeat until input is given if ``default`` is ``None``. 


218 .. versionadded:: 4.0 

219 Added the ``err`` parameter. 

220 """ 

221 prompt = _build_prompt( 

222 text, 

223 prompt_suffix, 

224 show_default, 

225 "y/n" if default is None else ("Y/n" if default else "y/N"), 

226 ) 


228 while True: 

229 try: 

230 # Write the prompt separately so that we get nice 

231 # coloring through colorama on Windows 

232 echo(prompt.rstrip(" "), nl=False, err=err) 

233 # Echo a space to stdout to work around an issue where 

234 # readline causes backspace to clear the whole line. 

235 value = visible_prompt_func(" ").lower().strip() 

236 except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): 

237 raise Abort() from None 

238 if value in ("y", "yes"): 

239 rv = True 

240 elif value in ("n", "no"): 

241 rv = False 

242 elif default is not None and value == "": 

243 rv = default 

244 else: 

245 echo(_("Error: invalid input"), err=err) 

246 continue 

247 break 

248 if abort and not rv: 

249 raise Abort() 

250 return rv 



253def echo_via_pager( 

254 text_or_generator: t.Union[t.Iterable[str], t.Callable[[], t.Iterable[str]], str], 

255 color: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

256) -> None: 

257 """This function takes a text and shows it via an environment specific 

258 pager on stdout. 


260 .. versionchanged:: 3.0 

261 Added the `color` flag. 


263 :param text_or_generator: the text to page, or alternatively, a 

264 generator emitting the text to page. 

265 :param color: controls if the pager supports ANSI colors or not. The 

266 default is autodetection. 

267 """ 

268 color = resolve_color_default(color) 


270 if inspect.isgeneratorfunction(text_or_generator): 

271 i = t.cast(t.Callable[[], t.Iterable[str]], text_or_generator)() 

272 elif isinstance(text_or_generator, str): 

273 i = [text_or_generator] 

274 else: 

275 i = iter(t.cast(t.Iterable[str], text_or_generator)) 


277 # convert every element of i to a text type if necessary 

278 text_generator = (el if isinstance(el, str) else str(el) for el in i) 


280 from ._termui_impl import pager 


282 return pager(itertools.chain(text_generator, "\n"), color) 



285def progressbar( 

286 iterable: t.Optional[t.Iterable[V]] = None, 

287 length: t.Optional[int] = None, 

288 label: t.Optional[str] = None, 

289 show_eta: bool = True, 

290 show_percent: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

291 show_pos: bool = False, 

292 item_show_func: t.Optional[t.Callable[[t.Optional[V]], t.Optional[str]]] = None, 

293 fill_char: str = "#", 

294 empty_char: str = "-", 

295 bar_template: str = "%(label)s [%(bar)s] %(info)s", 

296 info_sep: str = " ", 

297 width: int = 36, 

298 file: t.Optional[t.TextIO] = None, 

299 color: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

300 update_min_steps: int = 1, 

301) -> "ProgressBar[V]": 

302 """This function creates an iterable context manager that can be used 

303 to iterate over something while showing a progress bar. It will 

304 either iterate over the `iterable` or `length` items (that are counted 

305 up). While iteration happens, this function will print a rendered 

306 progress bar to the given `file` (defaults to stdout) and will attempt 

307 to calculate remaining time and more. By default, this progress bar 

308 will not be rendered if the file is not a terminal. 


310 The context manager creates the progress bar. When the context 

311 manager is entered the progress bar is already created. With every 

312 iteration over the progress bar, the iterable passed to the bar is 

313 advanced and the bar is updated. When the context manager exits, 

314 a newline is printed and the progress bar is finalized on screen. 


316 Note: The progress bar is currently designed for use cases where the 

317 total progress can be expected to take at least several seconds. 

318 Because of this, the ProgressBar class object won't display 

319 progress that is considered too fast, and progress where the time 

320 between steps is less than a second. 


322 No printing must happen or the progress bar will be unintentionally 

323 destroyed. 


325 Example usage:: 


327 with progressbar(items) as bar: 

328 for item in bar: 

329 do_something_with(item) 


331 Alternatively, if no iterable is specified, one can manually update the 

332 progress bar through the `update()` method instead of directly 

333 iterating over the progress bar. The update method accepts the number 

334 of steps to increment the bar with:: 


336 with progressbar(length=chunks.total_bytes) as bar: 

337 for chunk in chunks: 

338 process_chunk(chunk) 

339 bar.update(chunks.bytes) 


341 The ``update()`` method also takes an optional value specifying the 

342 ``current_item`` at the new position. This is useful when used 

343 together with ``item_show_func`` to customize the output for each 

344 manual step:: 


346 with click.progressbar( 

347 length=total_size, 

348 label='Unzipping archive', 

349 item_show_func=lambda a: a.filename 

350 ) as bar: 

351 for archive in zip_file: 

352 archive.extract() 

353 bar.update(archive.size, archive) 


355 :param iterable: an iterable to iterate over. If not provided the length 

356 is required. 

357 :param length: the number of items to iterate over. By default the 

358 progressbar will attempt to ask the iterator about its 

359 length, which might or might not work. If an iterable is 

360 also provided this parameter can be used to override the 

361 length. If an iterable is not provided the progress bar 

362 will iterate over a range of that length. 

363 :param label: the label to show next to the progress bar. 

364 :param show_eta: enables or disables the estimated time display. This is 

365 automatically disabled if the length cannot be 

366 determined. 

367 :param show_percent: enables or disables the percentage display. The 

368 default is `True` if the iterable has a length or 

369 `False` if not. 

370 :param show_pos: enables or disables the absolute position display. The 

371 default is `False`. 

372 :param item_show_func: A function called with the current item which 

373 can return a string to show next to the progress bar. If the 

374 function returns ``None`` nothing is shown. The current item can 

375 be ``None``, such as when entering and exiting the bar. 

376 :param fill_char: the character to use to show the filled part of the 

377 progress bar. 

378 :param empty_char: the character to use to show the non-filled part of 

379 the progress bar. 

380 :param bar_template: the format string to use as template for the bar. 

381 The parameters in it are ``label`` for the label, 

382 ``bar`` for the progress bar and ``info`` for the 

383 info section. 

384 :param info_sep: the separator between multiple info items (eta etc.) 

385 :param width: the width of the progress bar in characters, 0 means full 

386 terminal width 

387 :param file: The file to write to. If this is not a terminal then 

388 only the label is printed. 

389 :param color: controls if the terminal supports ANSI colors or not. The 

390 default is autodetection. This is only needed if ANSI 

391 codes are included anywhere in the progress bar output 

392 which is not the case by default. 

393 :param update_min_steps: Render only when this many updates have 

394 completed. This allows tuning for very fast iterators. 


396 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

397 Output is shown even if execution time is less than 0.5 seconds. 


399 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

400 ``item_show_func`` shows the current item, not the previous one. 


402 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

403 Labels are echoed if the output is not a TTY. Reverts a change 

404 in 7.0 that removed all output. 


406 .. versionadded:: 8.0 

407 Added the ``update_min_steps`` parameter. 


409 .. versionchanged:: 4.0 

410 Added the ``color`` parameter. Added the ``update`` method to 

411 the object. 


413 .. versionadded:: 2.0 

414 """ 

415 from ._termui_impl import ProgressBar 


417 color = resolve_color_default(color) 

418 return ProgressBar( 

419 iterable=iterable, 

420 length=length, 

421 show_eta=show_eta, 

422 show_percent=show_percent, 

423 show_pos=show_pos, 

424 item_show_func=item_show_func, 

425 fill_char=fill_char, 

426 empty_char=empty_char, 

427 bar_template=bar_template, 

428 info_sep=info_sep, 

429 file=file, 

430 label=label, 

431 width=width, 

432 color=color, 

433 update_min_steps=update_min_steps, 

434 ) 



437def clear() -> None: 

438 """Clears the terminal screen. This will have the effect of clearing 

439 the whole visible space of the terminal and moving the cursor to the 

440 top left. This does not do anything if not connected to a terminal. 


442 .. versionadded:: 2.0 

443 """ 

444 if not isatty(sys.stdout): 

445 return 

446 if WIN: 

447 os.system("cls") 

448 else: 

449 sys.stdout.write("\033[2J\033[1;1H") 



452def _interpret_color( 

453 color: t.Union[int, t.Tuple[int, int, int], str], offset: int = 0 

454) -> str: 

455 if isinstance(color, int): 

456 return f"{38 + offset};5;{color:d}" 


458 if isinstance(color, (tuple, list)): 

459 r, g, b = color 

460 return f"{38 + offset};2;{r:d};{g:d};{b:d}" 


462 return str(_ansi_colors[color] + offset) 



465def style( 

466 text: t.Any, 

467 fg: t.Optional[t.Union[int, t.Tuple[int, int, int], str]] = None, 

468 bg: t.Optional[t.Union[int, t.Tuple[int, int, int], str]] = None, 

469 bold: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

470 dim: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

471 underline: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

472 overline: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

473 italic: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

474 blink: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

475 reverse: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

476 strikethrough: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

477 reset: bool = True, 

478) -> str: 

479 """Styles a text with ANSI styles and returns the new string. By 

480 default the styling is self contained which means that at the end 

481 of the string a reset code is issued. This can be prevented by 

482 passing ``reset=False``. 


484 Examples:: 


486 click.echo('Hello World!', fg='green')) 

487 click.echo('ATTENTION!', blink=True)) 

488 click.echo('Some things', reverse=True, fg='cyan')) 

489 click.echo('More colors', fg=(255, 12, 128), bg=117)) 


491 Supported color names: 


493 * ``black`` (might be a gray) 

494 * ``red`` 

495 * ``green`` 

496 * ``yellow`` (might be an orange) 

497 * ``blue`` 

498 * ``magenta`` 

499 * ``cyan`` 

500 * ``white`` (might be light gray) 

501 * ``bright_black`` 

502 * ``bright_red`` 

503 * ``bright_green`` 

504 * ``bright_yellow`` 

505 * ``bright_blue`` 

506 * ``bright_magenta`` 

507 * ``bright_cyan`` 

508 * ``bright_white`` 

509 * ``reset`` (reset the color code only) 


511 If the terminal supports it, color may also be specified as: 


513 - An integer in the interval [0, 255]. The terminal must support 

514 8-bit/256-color mode. 

515 - An RGB tuple of three integers in [0, 255]. The terminal must 

516 support 24-bit/true-color mode. 


518 See and 

519 for more information. 


521 :param text: the string to style with ansi codes. 

522 :param fg: if provided this will become the foreground color. 

523 :param bg: if provided this will become the background color. 

524 :param bold: if provided this will enable or disable bold mode. 

525 :param dim: if provided this will enable or disable dim mode. This is 

526 badly supported. 

527 :param underline: if provided this will enable or disable underline. 

528 :param overline: if provided this will enable or disable overline. 

529 :param italic: if provided this will enable or disable italic. 

530 :param blink: if provided this will enable or disable blinking. 

531 :param reverse: if provided this will enable or disable inverse 

532 rendering (foreground becomes background and the 

533 other way round). 

534 :param strikethrough: if provided this will enable or disable 

535 striking through text. 

536 :param reset: by default a reset-all code is added at the end of the 

537 string which means that styles do not carry over. This 

538 can be disabled to compose styles. 


540 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

541 A non-string ``message`` is converted to a string. 


543 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

544 Added support for 256 and RGB color codes. 


546 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

547 Added the ``strikethrough``, ``italic``, and ``overline`` 

548 parameters. 


550 .. versionchanged:: 7.0 

551 Added support for bright colors. 


553 .. versionadded:: 2.0 

554 """ 

555 if not isinstance(text, str): 

556 text = str(text) 


558 bits = [] 


560 if fg: 

561 try: 

562 bits.append(f"\033[{_interpret_color(fg)}m") 

563 except KeyError: 

564 raise TypeError(f"Unknown color {fg!r}") from None 


566 if bg: 

567 try: 

568 bits.append(f"\033[{_interpret_color(bg, 10)}m") 

569 except KeyError: 

570 raise TypeError(f"Unknown color {bg!r}") from None 


572 if bold is not None: 

573 bits.append(f"\033[{1 if bold else 22}m") 

574 if dim is not None: 

575 bits.append(f"\033[{2 if dim else 22}m") 

576 if underline is not None: 

577 bits.append(f"\033[{4 if underline else 24}m") 

578 if overline is not None: 

579 bits.append(f"\033[{53 if overline else 55}m") 

580 if italic is not None: 

581 bits.append(f"\033[{3 if italic else 23}m") 

582 if blink is not None: 

583 bits.append(f"\033[{5 if blink else 25}m") 

584 if reverse is not None: 

585 bits.append(f"\033[{7 if reverse else 27}m") 

586 if strikethrough is not None: 

587 bits.append(f"\033[{9 if strikethrough else 29}m") 

588 bits.append(text) 

589 if reset: 

590 bits.append(_ansi_reset_all) 

591 return "".join(bits) 



594def unstyle(text: str) -> str: 

595 """Removes ANSI styling information from a string. Usually it's not 

596 necessary to use this function as Click's echo function will 

597 automatically remove styling if necessary. 


599 .. versionadded:: 2.0 


601 :param text: the text to remove style information from. 

602 """ 

603 return strip_ansi(text) 



606def secho( 

607 message: t.Optional[t.Any] = None, 

608 file: t.Optional[t.IO[t.AnyStr]] = None, 

609 nl: bool = True, 

610 err: bool = False, 

611 color: t.Optional[bool] = None, 

612 **styles: t.Any, 

613) -> None: 

614 """This function combines :func:`echo` and :func:`style` into one 

615 call. As such the following two calls are the same:: 


617 click.secho('Hello World!', fg='green') 

618 click.echo('Hello World!', fg='green')) 


620 All keyword arguments are forwarded to the underlying functions 

621 depending on which one they go with. 


623 Non-string types will be converted to :class:`str`. However, 

624 :class:`bytes` are passed directly to :meth:`echo` without applying 

625 style. If you want to style bytes that represent text, call 

626 :meth:`bytes.decode` first. 


628 .. versionchanged:: 8.0 

629 A non-string ``message`` is converted to a string. Bytes are 

630 passed through without style applied. 


632 .. versionadded:: 2.0 

633 """ 

634 if message is not None and not isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)): 

635 message = style(message, **styles) 


637 return echo(message, file=file, nl=nl, err=err, color=color) 



640def edit( 

641 text: t.Optional[t.AnyStr] = None, 

642 editor: t.Optional[str] = None, 

643 env: t.Optional[t.Mapping[str, str]] = None, 

644 require_save: bool = True, 

645 extension: str = ".txt", 

646 filename: t.Optional[str] = None, 

647) -> t.Optional[t.AnyStr]: 

648 r"""Edits the given text in the defined editor. If an editor is given 

649 (should be the full path to the executable but the regular operating 

650 system search path is used for finding the executable) it overrides 

651 the detected editor. Optionally, some environment variables can be 

652 used. If the editor is closed without changes, `None` is returned. In 

653 case a file is edited directly the return value is always `None` and 

654 `require_save` and `extension` are ignored. 


656 If the editor cannot be opened a :exc:`UsageError` is raised. 


658 Note for Windows: to simplify cross-platform usage, the newlines are 

659 automatically converted from POSIX to Windows and vice versa. As such, 

660 the message here will have ``\n`` as newline markers. 


662 :param text: the text to edit. 

663 :param editor: optionally the editor to use. Defaults to automatic 

664 detection. 

665 :param env: environment variables to forward to the editor. 

666 :param require_save: if this is true, then not saving in the editor 

667 will make the return value become `None`. 

668 :param extension: the extension to tell the editor about. This defaults 

669 to `.txt` but changing this might change syntax 

670 highlighting. 

671 :param filename: if provided it will edit this file instead of the 

672 provided text contents. It will not use a temporary 

673 file as an indirection in that case. 

674 """ 

675 from ._termui_impl import Editor 


677 ed = Editor(editor=editor, env=env, require_save=require_save, extension=extension) 


679 if filename is None: 

680 return ed.edit(text) 


682 ed.edit_file(filename) 

683 return None 



686def launch(url: str, wait: bool = False, locate: bool = False) -> int: 

687 """This function launches the given URL (or filename) in the default 

688 viewer application for this file type. If this is an executable, it 

689 might launch the executable in a new session. The return value is 

690 the exit code of the launched application. Usually, ``0`` indicates 

691 success. 


693 Examples:: 


695 click.launch('') 

696 click.launch('/my/downloaded/file', locate=True) 


698 .. versionadded:: 2.0 


700 :param url: URL or filename of the thing to launch. 

701 :param wait: Wait for the program to exit before returning. This 

702 only works if the launched program blocks. In particular, 

703 ``xdg-open`` on Linux does not block. 

704 :param locate: if this is set to `True` then instead of launching the 

705 application associated with the URL it will attempt to 

706 launch a file manager with the file located. This 

707 might have weird effects if the URL does not point to 

708 the filesystem. 

709 """ 

710 from ._termui_impl import open_url 


712 return open_url(url, wait=wait, locate=locate) 



715# If this is provided, getchar() calls into this instead. This is used 

716# for unittesting purposes. 

717_getchar: t.Optional[t.Callable[[bool], str]] = None 



720def getchar(echo: bool = False) -> str: 

721 """Fetches a single character from the terminal and returns it. This 

722 will always return a unicode character and under certain rare 

723 circumstances this might return more than one character. The 

724 situations which more than one character is returned is when for 

725 whatever reason multiple characters end up in the terminal buffer or 

726 standard input was not actually a terminal. 


728 Note that this will always read from the terminal, even if something 

729 is piped into the standard input. 


731 Note for Windows: in rare cases when typing non-ASCII characters, this 

732 function might wait for a second character and then return both at once. 

733 This is because certain Unicode characters look like special-key markers. 


735 .. versionadded:: 2.0 


737 :param echo: if set to `True`, the character read will also show up on 

738 the terminal. The default is to not show it. 

739 """ 

740 global _getchar 


742 if _getchar is None: 

743 from ._termui_impl import getchar as f 


745 _getchar = f 


747 return _getchar(echo) 



750def raw_terminal() -> t.ContextManager[int]: 

751 from ._termui_impl import raw_terminal as f 


753 return f() 



756def pause(info: t.Optional[str] = None, err: bool = False) -> None: 

757 """This command stops execution and waits for the user to press any 

758 key to continue. This is similar to the Windows batch "pause" 

759 command. If the program is not run through a terminal, this command 

760 will instead do nothing. 


762 .. versionadded:: 2.0 


764 .. versionadded:: 4.0 

765 Added the `err` parameter. 


767 :param info: The message to print before pausing. Defaults to 

768 ``"Press any key to continue..."``. 

769 :param err: if set to message goes to ``stderr`` instead of 

770 ``stdout``, the same as with echo. 

771 """ 

772 if not isatty(sys.stdin) or not isatty(sys.stdout): 

773 return 


775 if info is None: 

776 info = _("Press any key to continue...") 


778 try: 

779 if info: 

780 echo(info, nl=False, err=err) 

781 try: 

782 getchar() 

783 except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): 

784 pass 

785 finally: 

786 if info: 

787 echo(err=err)