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1"""Subset of inspect module from upstream python 


3We use this instead of upstream because upstream inspect is slow to import, and 

4significantly contributes to numpy import times. Importing this copy has almost 

5no overhead. 



8import types 


10__all__ = ['getargspec', 'formatargspec'] 


12# ----------------------------------------------------------- type-checking 

13def ismethod(object): 

14 """Return true if the object is an instance method. 


16 Instance method objects provide these attributes: 

17 __doc__ documentation string 

18 __name__ name with which this method was defined 

19 im_class class object in which this method belongs 

20 im_func function object containing implementation of method 

21 im_self instance to which this method is bound, or None 


23 """ 

24 return isinstance(object, types.MethodType) 


26def isfunction(object): 

27 """Return true if the object is a user-defined function. 


29 Function objects provide these attributes: 

30 __doc__ documentation string 

31 __name__ name with which this function was defined 

32 func_code code object containing compiled function bytecode 

33 func_defaults tuple of any default values for arguments 

34 func_doc (same as __doc__) 

35 func_globals global namespace in which this function was defined 

36 func_name (same as __name__) 


38 """ 

39 return isinstance(object, types.FunctionType) 


41def iscode(object): 

42 """Return true if the object is a code object. 


44 Code objects provide these attributes: 

45 co_argcount number of arguments (not including * or ** args) 

46 co_code string of raw compiled bytecode 

47 co_consts tuple of constants used in the bytecode 

48 co_filename name of file in which this code object was created 

49 co_firstlineno number of first line in Python source code 

50 co_flags bitmap: 1=optimized | 2=newlocals | 4=*arg | 8=**arg 

51 co_lnotab encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices 

52 co_name name with which this code object was defined 

53 co_names tuple of names of local variables 

54 co_nlocals number of local variables 

55 co_stacksize virtual machine stack space required 

56 co_varnames tuple of names of arguments and local variables 


58 """ 

59 return isinstance(object, types.CodeType) 


61# ------------------------------------------------ argument list extraction 

62# These constants are from Python's compile.h. 



65def getargs(co): 

66 """Get information about the arguments accepted by a code object. 


68 Three things are returned: (args, varargs, varkw), where 'args' is 

69 a list of argument names (possibly containing nested lists), and 

70 'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None. 


72 """ 


74 if not iscode(co): 74 ↛ 75line 74 didn't jump to line 75, because the condition on line 74 was never true

75 raise TypeError('arg is not a code object') 


77 nargs = co.co_argcount 

78 names = co.co_varnames 

79 args = list(names[:nargs]) 


81 # The following acrobatics are for anonymous (tuple) arguments. 

82 # Which we do not need to support, so remove to avoid importing 

83 # the dis module. 

84 for i in range(nargs): 

85 if args[i][:1] in ['', '.']: 85 ↛ 86line 85 didn't jump to line 86, because the condition on line 85 was never true

86 raise TypeError("tuple function arguments are not supported") 

87 varargs = None 

88 if co.co_flags & CO_VARARGS: 

89 varargs = co.co_varnames[nargs] 

90 nargs = nargs + 1 

91 varkw = None 

92 if co.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS: 

93 varkw = co.co_varnames[nargs] 

94 return args, varargs, varkw 


96def getargspec(func): 

97 """Get the names and default values of a function's arguments. 


99 A tuple of four things is returned: (args, varargs, varkw, defaults). 

100 'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists). 

101 'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None. 

102 'defaults' is an n-tuple of the default values of the last n arguments. 


104 """ 


106 if ismethod(func): 106 ↛ 107line 106 didn't jump to line 107, because the condition on line 106 was never true

107 func = func.__func__ 

108 if not isfunction(func): 

109 raise TypeError('arg is not a Python function') 

110 args, varargs, varkw = getargs(func.__code__) 

111 return args, varargs, varkw, func.__defaults__ 


113def getargvalues(frame): 

114 """Get information about arguments passed into a particular frame. 


116 A tuple of four things is returned: (args, varargs, varkw, locals). 

117 'args' is a list of the argument names (it may contain nested lists). 

118 'varargs' and 'varkw' are the names of the * and ** arguments or None. 

119 'locals' is the locals dictionary of the given frame. 


121 """ 

122 args, varargs, varkw = getargs(frame.f_code) 

123 return args, varargs, varkw, frame.f_locals 


125def joinseq(seq): 

126 if len(seq) == 1: 

127 return '(' + seq[0] + ',)' 

128 else: 

129 return '(' + ', '.join(seq) + ')' 


131def strseq(object, convert, join=joinseq): 

132 """Recursively walk a sequence, stringifying each element. 


134 """ 

135 if type(object) in [list, tuple]: 135 ↛ 136line 135 didn't jump to line 136, because the condition on line 135 was never true

136 return join([strseq(_o, convert, join) for _o in object]) 

137 else: 

138 return convert(object) 


140def formatargspec(args, varargs=None, varkw=None, defaults=None, 

141 formatarg=str, 

142 formatvarargs=lambda name: '*' + name, 

143 formatvarkw=lambda name: '**' + name, 

144 formatvalue=lambda value: '=' + repr(value), 

145 join=joinseq): 

146 """Format an argument spec from the 4 values returned by getargspec. 


148 The first four arguments are (args, varargs, varkw, defaults). The 

149 other four arguments are the corresponding optional formatting functions 

150 that are called to turn names and values into strings. The ninth 

151 argument is an optional function to format the sequence of arguments. 


153 """ 

154 specs = [] 

155 if defaults: 

156 firstdefault = len(args) - len(defaults) 

157 for i in range(len(args)): 

158 spec = strseq(args[i], formatarg, join) 

159 if defaults and i >= firstdefault: 

160 spec = spec + formatvalue(defaults[i - firstdefault]) 

161 specs.append(spec) 

162 if varargs is not None: 

163 specs.append(formatvarargs(varargs)) 

164 if varkw is not None: 

165 specs.append(formatvarkw(varkw)) 

166 return '(' + ', '.join(specs) + ')' 


168def formatargvalues(args, varargs, varkw, locals, 168 ↛ exitline 168 didn't jump to the function exit

169 formatarg=str, 

170 formatvarargs=lambda name: '*' + name, 

171 formatvarkw=lambda name: '**' + name, 

172 formatvalue=lambda value: '=' + repr(value), 

173 join=joinseq): 

174 """Format an argument spec from the 4 values returned by getargvalues. 


176 The first four arguments are (args, varargs, varkw, locals). The 

177 next four arguments are the corresponding optional formatting functions 

178 that are called to turn names and values into strings. The ninth 

179 argument is an optional function to format the sequence of arguments. 


181 """ 

182 def convert(name, locals=locals, 

183 formatarg=formatarg, formatvalue=formatvalue): 

184 return formatarg(name) + formatvalue(locals[name]) 

185 specs = [strseq(arg, convert, join) for arg in args] 


187 if varargs: 

188 specs.append(formatvarargs(varargs) + formatvalue(locals[varargs])) 

189 if varkw: 

190 specs.append(formatvarkw(varkw) + formatvalue(locals[varkw])) 

191 return '(' + ', '.join(specs) + ')'