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454 statements  

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1import os 

2import sys 

3import textwrap 

4import types 

5import re 

6import warnings 


8from numpy.core.numerictypes import issubclass_, issubsctype, issubdtype 

9from numpy.core.overrides import set_module 

10from numpy.core import ndarray, ufunc, asarray 

11import numpy as np 


13__all__ = [ 

14 'issubclass_', 'issubsctype', 'issubdtype', 'deprecate', 

15 'deprecate_with_doc', 'get_include', 'info', 'source', 'who', 

16 'lookfor', 'byte_bounds', 'safe_eval' 

17 ] 


19def get_include(): 

20 """ 

21 Return the directory that contains the NumPy \\*.h header files. 


23 Extension modules that need to compile against NumPy should use this 

24 function to locate the appropriate include directory. 


26 Notes 

27 ----- 

28 When using ``distutils``, for example in ````:: 


30 import numpy as np 

31 ... 

32 Extension('extension_name', ... 

33 include_dirs=[np.get_include()]) 

34 ... 


36 """ 

37 import numpy 

38 if numpy.show_config is None: 

39 # running from numpy source directory 

40 d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__), 'core', 'include') 

41 else: 

42 # using installed numpy core headers 

43 import numpy.core as core 

44 d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(core.__file__), 'include') 

45 return d 



48def _set_function_name(func, name): 

49 func.__name__ = name 

50 return func 



53class _Deprecate: 

54 """ 

55 Decorator class to deprecate old functions. 


57 Refer to `deprecate` for details. 


59 See Also 

60 -------- 

61 deprecate 


63 """ 


65 def __init__(self, old_name=None, new_name=None, message=None): 

66 self.old_name = old_name 

67 self.new_name = new_name 

68 self.message = message 


70 def __call__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): 

71 """ 

72 Decorator call. Refer to ``decorate``. 


74 """ 

75 old_name = self.old_name 

76 new_name = self.new_name 

77 message = self.message 


79 if old_name is None: 

80 try: 

81 old_name = func.__name__ 

82 except AttributeError: 

83 old_name = func.__name__ 

84 if new_name is None: 

85 depdoc = "`%s` is deprecated!" % old_name 

86 else: 

87 depdoc = "`%s` is deprecated, use `%s` instead!" % \ 

88 (old_name, new_name) 


90 if message is not None: 

91 depdoc += "\n" + message 


93 def newfunc(*args,**kwds): 

94 """`arrayrange` is deprecated, use `arange` instead!""" 

95 warnings.warn(depdoc, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) 

96 return func(*args, **kwds) 


98 newfunc = _set_function_name(newfunc, old_name) 

99 doc = func.__doc__ 

100 if doc is None: 

101 doc = depdoc 

102 else: 

103 lines = doc.expandtabs().split('\n') 

104 indent = _get_indent(lines[1:]) 

105 if lines[0].lstrip(): 

106 # Indent the original first line to let inspect.cleandoc() 

107 # dedent the docstring despite the deprecation notice. 

108 doc = indent * ' ' + doc 

109 else: 

110 # Remove the same leading blank lines as cleandoc() would. 

111 skip = len(lines[0]) + 1 

112 for line in lines[1:]: 

113 if len(line) > indent: 

114 break 

115 skip += len(line) + 1 

116 doc = doc[skip:] 

117 depdoc = textwrap.indent(depdoc, ' ' * indent) 

118 doc = '\n\n'.join([depdoc, doc]) 

119 newfunc.__doc__ = doc 

120 try: 

121 d = func.__dict__ 

122 except AttributeError: 

123 pass 

124 else: 

125 newfunc.__dict__.update(d) 

126 return newfunc 



129def _get_indent(lines): 

130 """ 

131 Determines the leading whitespace that could be removed from all the lines. 

132 """ 

133 indent = sys.maxsize 

134 for line in lines: 

135 content = len(line.lstrip()) 

136 if content: 

137 indent = min(indent, len(line) - content) 

138 if indent == sys.maxsize: 

139 indent = 0 

140 return indent 



143def deprecate(*args, **kwargs): 

144 """ 

145 Issues a DeprecationWarning, adds warning to `old_name`'s 

146 docstring, rebinds ``old_name.__name__`` and returns the new 

147 function object. 


149 This function may also be used as a decorator. 


151 Parameters 

152 ---------- 

153 func : function 

154 The function to be deprecated. 

155 old_name : str, optional 

156 The name of the function to be deprecated. Default is None, in 

157 which case the name of `func` is used. 

158 new_name : str, optional 

159 The new name for the function. Default is None, in which case the 

160 deprecation message is that `old_name` is deprecated. If given, the 

161 deprecation message is that `old_name` is deprecated and `new_name` 

162 should be used instead. 

163 message : str, optional 

164 Additional explanation of the deprecation. Displayed in the 

165 docstring after the warning. 


167 Returns 

168 ------- 

169 old_func : function 

170 The deprecated function. 


172 Examples 

173 -------- 

174 Note that ``olduint`` returns a value after printing Deprecation 

175 Warning: 


177 >>> olduint = np.deprecate(np.uint) 

178 DeprecationWarning: `uint64` is deprecated! # may vary 

179 >>> olduint(6) 

180 6 


182 """ 

183 # Deprecate may be run as a function or as a decorator 

184 # If run as a function, we initialise the decorator class 

185 # and execute its __call__ method. 


187 if args: 

188 fn = args[0] 

189 args = args[1:] 


191 return _Deprecate(*args, **kwargs)(fn) 

192 else: 

193 return _Deprecate(*args, **kwargs) 



196def deprecate_with_doc(msg): 

197 """ 

198 Deprecates a function and includes the deprecation in its docstring. 


200 This function is used as a decorator. It returns an object that can be 

201 used to issue a DeprecationWarning, by passing the to-be decorated 

202 function as argument, this adds warning to the to-be decorated function's 

203 docstring and returns the new function object. 


205 See Also 

206 -------- 

207 deprecate : Decorate a function such that it issues a `DeprecationWarning` 


209 Parameters 

210 ---------- 

211 msg : str 

212 Additional explanation of the deprecation. Displayed in the 

213 docstring after the warning. 


215 Returns 

216 ------- 

217 obj : object 


219 """ 

220 return _Deprecate(message=msg) 




224# Determine if two arrays can share memory 



227def byte_bounds(a): 

228 """ 

229 Returns pointers to the end-points of an array. 


231 Parameters 

232 ---------- 

233 a : ndarray 

234 Input array. It must conform to the Python-side of the array 

235 interface. 


237 Returns 

238 ------- 

239 (low, high) : tuple of 2 integers 

240 The first integer is the first byte of the array, the second 

241 integer is just past the last byte of the array. If `a` is not 

242 contiguous it will not use every byte between the (`low`, `high`) 

243 values. 


245 Examples 

246 -------- 

247 >>> I = np.eye(2, dtype='f'); I.dtype 

248 dtype('float32') 

249 >>> low, high = np.byte_bounds(I) 

250 >>> high - low == I.size*I.itemsize 

251 True 

252 >>> I = np.eye(2); I.dtype 

253 dtype('float64') 

254 >>> low, high = np.byte_bounds(I) 

255 >>> high - low == I.size*I.itemsize 

256 True 


258 """ 

259 ai = a.__array_interface__ 

260 a_data = ai['data'][0] 

261 astrides = ai['strides'] 

262 ashape = ai['shape'] 

263 bytes_a = asarray(a).dtype.itemsize 


265 a_low = a_high = a_data 

266 if astrides is None: 

267 # contiguous case 

268 a_high += a.size * bytes_a 

269 else: 

270 for shape, stride in zip(ashape, astrides): 

271 if stride < 0: 

272 a_low += (shape-1)*stride 

273 else: 

274 a_high += (shape-1)*stride 

275 a_high += bytes_a 

276 return a_low, a_high 




280# Function for output and information on the variables used. 




284def who(vardict=None): 

285 """ 

286 Print the NumPy arrays in the given dictionary. 


288 If there is no dictionary passed in or `vardict` is None then returns 

289 NumPy arrays in the globals() dictionary (all NumPy arrays in the 

290 namespace). 


292 Parameters 

293 ---------- 

294 vardict : dict, optional 

295 A dictionary possibly containing ndarrays. Default is globals(). 


297 Returns 

298 ------- 

299 out : None 

300 Returns 'None'. 


302 Notes 

303 ----- 

304 Prints out the name, shape, bytes and type of all of the ndarrays 

305 present in `vardict`. 


307 Examples 

308 -------- 

309 >>> a = np.arange(10) 

310 >>> b = np.ones(20) 

311 >>> np.who() 

312 Name Shape Bytes Type 

313 =========================================================== 

314 a 10 80 int64 

315 b 20 160 float64 

316 Upper bound on total bytes = 240 


318 >>> d = {'x': np.arange(2.0), 'y': np.arange(3.0), 'txt': 'Some str', 

319 ... 'idx':5} 

320 >>> np.who(d) 

321 Name Shape Bytes Type 

322 =========================================================== 

323 x 2 16 float64 

324 y 3 24 float64 

325 Upper bound on total bytes = 40 


327 """ 

328 if vardict is None: 

329 frame = sys._getframe().f_back 

330 vardict = frame.f_globals 

331 sta = [] 

332 cache = {} 

333 for name in vardict.keys(): 

334 if isinstance(vardict[name], ndarray): 

335 var = vardict[name] 

336 idv = id(var) 

337 if idv in cache.keys(): 

338 namestr = name + " (%s)" % cache[idv] 

339 original = 0 

340 else: 

341 cache[idv] = name 

342 namestr = name 

343 original = 1 

344 shapestr = " x ".join(map(str, var.shape)) 

345 bytestr = str(var.nbytes) 

346 sta.append([namestr, shapestr, bytestr,, 

347 original]) 


349 maxname = 0 

350 maxshape = 0 

351 maxbyte = 0 

352 totalbytes = 0 

353 for val in sta: 

354 if maxname < len(val[0]): 

355 maxname = len(val[0]) 

356 if maxshape < len(val[1]): 

357 maxshape = len(val[1]) 

358 if maxbyte < len(val[2]): 

359 maxbyte = len(val[2]) 

360 if val[4]: 

361 totalbytes += int(val[2]) 


363 if len(sta) > 0: 

364 sp1 = max(10, maxname) 

365 sp2 = max(10, maxshape) 

366 sp3 = max(10, maxbyte) 

367 prval = "Name %s Shape %s Bytes %s Type" % (sp1*' ', sp2*' ', sp3*' ') 

368 print(prval + "\n" + "="*(len(prval)+5) + "\n") 


370 for val in sta: 

371 print("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (val[0], ' '*(sp1-len(val[0])+4), 

372 val[1], ' '*(sp2-len(val[1])+5), 

373 val[2], ' '*(sp3-len(val[2])+5), 

374 val[3])) 

375 print("\nUpper bound on total bytes = %d" % totalbytes) 

376 return 





381# NOTE: pydoc defines a help function which works similarly to this 

382# except it uses a pager to take over the screen. 


384# combine name and arguments and split to multiple lines of width 

385# characters. End lines on a comma and begin argument list indented with 

386# the rest of the arguments. 

387def _split_line(name, arguments, width): 

388 firstwidth = len(name) 

389 k = firstwidth 

390 newstr = name 

391 sepstr = ", " 

392 arglist = arguments.split(sepstr) 

393 for argument in arglist: 

394 if k == firstwidth: 

395 addstr = "" 

396 else: 

397 addstr = sepstr 

398 k = k + len(argument) + len(addstr) 

399 if k > width: 

400 k = firstwidth + 1 + len(argument) 

401 newstr = newstr + ",\n" + " "*(firstwidth+2) + argument 

402 else: 

403 newstr = newstr + addstr + argument 

404 return newstr 


406_namedict = None 

407_dictlist = None 


409# Traverse all module directories underneath globals 

410# to see if something is defined 

411def _makenamedict(module='numpy'): 

412 module = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), []) 

413 thedict = {module.__name__:module.__dict__} 

414 dictlist = [module.__name__] 

415 totraverse = [module.__dict__] 

416 while True: 

417 if len(totraverse) == 0: 

418 break 

419 thisdict = totraverse.pop(0) 

420 for x in thisdict.keys(): 

421 if isinstance(thisdict[x], types.ModuleType): 

422 modname = thisdict[x].__name__ 

423 if modname not in dictlist: 

424 moddict = thisdict[x].__dict__ 

425 dictlist.append(modname) 

426 totraverse.append(moddict) 

427 thedict[modname] = moddict 

428 return thedict, dictlist 



431def _info(obj, output=None): 

432 """Provide information about ndarray obj. 


434 Parameters 

435 ---------- 

436 obj : ndarray 

437 Must be ndarray, not checked. 

438 output 

439 Where printed output goes. 


441 Notes 

442 ----- 

443 Copied over from the numarray module prior to its removal. 

444 Adapted somewhat as only numpy is an option now. 


446 Called by info. 


448 """ 

449 extra = "" 

450 tic = "" 

451 bp = lambda x: x 

452 cls = getattr(obj, '__class__', type(obj)) 

453 nm = getattr(cls, '__name__', cls) 

454 strides = obj.strides 

455 endian = obj.dtype.byteorder 


457 if output is None: 

458 output = sys.stdout 


460 print("class: ", nm, file=output) 

461 print("shape: ", obj.shape, file=output) 

462 print("strides: ", strides, file=output) 

463 print("itemsize: ", obj.itemsize, file=output) 

464 print("aligned: ", bp(obj.flags.aligned), file=output) 

465 print("contiguous: ", bp(obj.flags.contiguous), file=output) 

466 print("fortran: ", obj.flags.fortran, file=output) 

467 print( 

468 "data pointer: %s%s" % (hex(obj.ctypes._as_parameter_.value), extra), 

469 file=output 

470 ) 

471 print("byteorder: ", end=' ', file=output) 

472 if endian in ['|', '=']: 

473 print("%s%s%s" % (tic, sys.byteorder, tic), file=output) 

474 byteswap = False 

475 elif endian == '>': 

476 print("%sbig%s" % (tic, tic), file=output) 

477 byteswap = sys.byteorder != "big" 

478 else: 

479 print("%slittle%s" % (tic, tic), file=output) 

480 byteswap = sys.byteorder != "little" 

481 print("byteswap: ", bp(byteswap), file=output) 

482 print("type: %s" % obj.dtype, file=output) 




486def info(object=None, maxwidth=76, output=None, toplevel='numpy'): 

487 """ 

488 Get help information for a function, class, or module. 


490 Parameters 

491 ---------- 

492 object : object or str, optional 

493 Input object or name to get information about. If `object` is a 

494 numpy object, its docstring is given. If it is a string, available 

495 modules are searched for matching objects. If None, information 

496 about `info` itself is returned. 

497 maxwidth : int, optional 

498 Printing width. 

499 output : file like object, optional 

500 File like object that the output is written to, default is 

501 ``None``, in which case ``sys.stdout`` will be used. 

502 The object has to be opened in 'w' or 'a' mode. 

503 toplevel : str, optional 

504 Start search at this level. 


506 See Also 

507 -------- 

508 source, lookfor 


510 Notes 

511 ----- 

512 When used interactively with an object, ```` is equivalent 

513 to ``help(obj)`` on the Python prompt or ``obj?`` on the IPython 

514 prompt. 


516 Examples 

517 -------- 

518 >>> # doctest: +SKIP 

519 polyval(p, x) 

520 Evaluate the polynomial p at x. 

521 ... 


523 When using a string for `object` it is possible to get multiple results. 


525 >>>'fft') # doctest: +SKIP 

526 *** Found in numpy *** 

527 Core FFT routines 

528 ... 

529 *** Found in numpy.fft *** 

530 fft(a, n=None, axis=-1) 

531 ... 

532 *** Repeat reference found in numpy.fft.fftpack *** 

533 *** Total of 3 references found. *** 


535 """ 

536 global _namedict, _dictlist 

537 # Local import to speed up numpy's import time. 

538 import pydoc 

539 import inspect 


541 if (hasattr(object, '_ppimport_importer') or 

542 hasattr(object, '_ppimport_module')): 

543 object = object._ppimport_module 

544 elif hasattr(object, '_ppimport_attr'): 

545 object = object._ppimport_attr 


547 if output is None: 

548 output = sys.stdout 


550 if object is None: 

551 info(info) 

552 elif isinstance(object, ndarray): 

553 _info(object, output=output) 

554 elif isinstance(object, str): 

555 if _namedict is None: 

556 _namedict, _dictlist = _makenamedict(toplevel) 

557 numfound = 0 

558 objlist = [] 

559 for namestr in _dictlist: 

560 try: 

561 obj = _namedict[namestr][object] 

562 if id(obj) in objlist: 

563 print("\n " 

564 "*** Repeat reference found in %s *** " % namestr, 

565 file=output 

566 ) 

567 else: 

568 objlist.append(id(obj)) 

569 print(" *** Found in %s ***" % namestr, file=output) 

570 info(obj) 

571 print("-"*maxwidth, file=output) 

572 numfound += 1 

573 except KeyError: 

574 pass 

575 if numfound == 0: 

576 print("Help for %s not found." % object, file=output) 

577 else: 

578 print("\n " 

579 "*** Total of %d references found. ***" % numfound, 

580 file=output 

581 ) 


583 elif inspect.isfunction(object) or inspect.ismethod(object): 

584 name = object.__name__ 

585 try: 

586 arguments = str(inspect.signature(object)) 

587 except Exception: 

588 arguments = "()" 


590 if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth: 

591 argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth) 

592 else: 

593 argstr = name + arguments 


595 print(" " + argstr + "\n", file=output) 

596 print(inspect.getdoc(object), file=output) 


598 elif inspect.isclass(object): 

599 name = object.__name__ 

600 try: 

601 arguments = str(inspect.signature(object)) 

602 except Exception: 

603 arguments = "()" 


605 if len(name+arguments) > maxwidth: 

606 argstr = _split_line(name, arguments, maxwidth) 

607 else: 

608 argstr = name + arguments 


610 print(" " + argstr + "\n", file=output) 

611 doc1 = inspect.getdoc(object) 

612 if doc1 is None: 

613 if hasattr(object, '__init__'): 

614 print(inspect.getdoc(object.__init__), file=output) 

615 else: 

616 print(inspect.getdoc(object), file=output) 


618 methods = pydoc.allmethods(object) 


620 public_methods = [meth for meth in methods if meth[0] != '_'] 

621 if public_methods: 

622 print("\n\nMethods:\n", file=output) 

623 for meth in public_methods: 

624 thisobj = getattr(object, meth, None) 

625 if thisobj is not None: 

626 methstr, other = pydoc.splitdoc( 

627 inspect.getdoc(thisobj) or "None" 

628 ) 

629 print(" %s -- %s" % (meth, methstr), file=output) 


631 elif hasattr(object, '__doc__'): 

632 print(inspect.getdoc(object), file=output) 




636def source(object, output=sys.stdout): 

637 """ 

638 Print or write to a file the source code for a NumPy object. 


640 The source code is only returned for objects written in Python. Many 

641 functions and classes are defined in C and will therefore not return 

642 useful information. 


644 Parameters 

645 ---------- 

646 object : numpy object 

647 Input object. This can be any object (function, class, module, 

648 ...). 

649 output : file object, optional 

650 If `output` not supplied then source code is printed to screen 

651 (sys.stdout). File object must be created with either write 'w' or 

652 append 'a' modes. 


654 See Also 

655 -------- 

656 lookfor, info 


658 Examples 

659 -------- 

660 >>> np.source(np.interp) #doctest: +SKIP 

661 In file: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/numpy/lib/ 

662 def interp(x, xp, fp, left=None, right=None): 

663 \"\"\".... (full docstring printed)\"\"\" 

664 if isinstance(x, (float, int, number)): 

665 return compiled_interp([x], xp, fp, left, right).item() 

666 else: 

667 return compiled_interp(x, xp, fp, left, right) 


669 The source code is only returned for objects written in Python. 


671 >>> np.source(np.array) #doctest: +SKIP 

672 Not available for this object. 


674 """ 

675 # Local import to speed up numpy's import time. 

676 import inspect 

677 try: 

678 print("In file: %s\n" % inspect.getsourcefile(object), file=output) 

679 print(inspect.getsource(object), file=output) 

680 except Exception: 

681 print("Not available for this object.", file=output) 



684# Cache for lookfor: {id(module): {name: (docstring, kind, index), ...}...} 

685# where kind: "func", "class", "module", "object" 

686# and index: index in breadth-first namespace traversal 

687_lookfor_caches = {} 


689# regexp whose match indicates that the string may contain a function 

690# signature 

691_function_signature_re = re.compile(r"[a-z0-9_]+\(.*[,=].*\)", re.I) 




695def lookfor(what, module=None, import_modules=True, regenerate=False, 

696 output=None): 

697 """ 

698 Do a keyword search on docstrings. 


700 A list of objects that matched the search is displayed, 

701 sorted by relevance. All given keywords need to be found in the 

702 docstring for it to be returned as a result, but the order does 

703 not matter. 


705 Parameters 

706 ---------- 

707 what : str 

708 String containing words to look for. 

709 module : str or list, optional 

710 Name of module(s) whose docstrings to go through. 

711 import_modules : bool, optional 

712 Whether to import sub-modules in packages. Default is True. 

713 regenerate : bool, optional 

714 Whether to re-generate the docstring cache. Default is False. 

715 output : file-like, optional 

716 File-like object to write the output to. If omitted, use a pager. 


718 See Also 

719 -------- 

720 source, info 


722 Notes 

723 ----- 

724 Relevance is determined only roughly, by checking if the keywords occur 

725 in the function name, at the start of a docstring, etc. 


727 Examples 

728 -------- 

729 >>> np.lookfor('binary representation') # doctest: +SKIP 

730 Search results for 'binary representation' 

731 ------------------------------------------ 

732 numpy.binary_repr 

733 Return the binary representation of the input number as a string. 

734 numpy.core.setup_common.long_double_representation 

735 Given a binary dump as given by GNU od -b, look for long double 

736 numpy.base_repr 

737 Return a string representation of a number in the given base system. 

738 ... 


740 """ 

741 import pydoc 


743 # Cache 

744 cache = _lookfor_generate_cache(module, import_modules, regenerate) 


746 # Search 

747 # XXX: maybe using a real stemming search engine would be better? 

748 found = [] 

749 whats = str(what).lower().split() 

750 if not whats: 

751 return 


753 for name, (docstring, kind, index) in cache.items(): 

754 if kind in ('module', 'object'): 

755 # don't show modules or objects 

756 continue 

757 doc = docstring.lower() 

758 if all(w in doc for w in whats): 

759 found.append(name) 


761 # Relevance sort 

762 # XXX: this is full Harrison-Stetson heuristics now, 

763 # XXX: it probably could be improved 


765 kind_relevance = {'func': 1000, 'class': 1000, 

766 'module': -1000, 'object': -1000} 


768 def relevance(name, docstr, kind, index): 

769 r = 0 

770 # do the keywords occur within the start of the docstring? 

771 first_doc = "\n".join(docstr.lower().strip().split("\n")[:3]) 

772 r += sum([200 for w in whats if w in first_doc]) 

773 # do the keywords occur in the function name? 

774 r += sum([30 for w in whats if w in name]) 

775 # is the full name long? 

776 r += -len(name) * 5 

777 # is the object of bad type? 

778 r += kind_relevance.get(kind, -1000) 

779 # is the object deep in namespace hierarchy? 

780 r += -name.count('.') * 10 

781 r += max(-index / 100, -100) 

782 return r 


784 def relevance_value(a): 

785 return relevance(a, *cache[a]) 

786 found.sort(key=relevance_value) 


788 # Pretty-print 

789 s = "Search results for '%s'" % (' '.join(whats)) 

790 help_text = [s, "-"*len(s)] 

791 for name in found[::-1]: 

792 doc, kind, ix = cache[name] 


794 doclines = [line.strip() for line in doc.strip().split("\n") 

795 if line.strip()] 


797 # find a suitable short description 

798 try: 

799 first_doc = doclines[0].strip() 

800 if 

801 first_doc = doclines[1].strip() 

802 except IndexError: 

803 first_doc = "" 

804 help_text.append("%s\n %s" % (name, first_doc)) 


806 if not found: 

807 help_text.append("Nothing found.") 


809 # Output 

810 if output is not None: 

811 output.write("\n".join(help_text)) 

812 elif len(help_text) > 10: 

813 pager = pydoc.getpager() 

814 pager("\n".join(help_text)) 

815 else: 

816 print("\n".join(help_text)) 


818def _lookfor_generate_cache(module, import_modules, regenerate): 

819 """ 

820 Generate docstring cache for given module. 


822 Parameters 

823 ---------- 

824 module : str, None, module 

825 Module for which to generate docstring cache 

826 import_modules : bool 

827 Whether to import sub-modules in packages. 

828 regenerate : bool 

829 Re-generate the docstring cache 


831 Returns 

832 ------- 

833 cache : dict {obj_full_name: (docstring, kind, index), ...} 

834 Docstring cache for the module, either cached one (regenerate=False) 

835 or newly generated. 


837 """ 

838 # Local import to speed up numpy's import time. 

839 import inspect 


841 from io import StringIO 


843 if module is None: 

844 module = "numpy" 


846 if isinstance(module, str): 

847 try: 

848 __import__(module) 

849 except ImportError: 

850 return {} 

851 module = sys.modules[module] 

852 elif isinstance(module, list) or isinstance(module, tuple): 

853 cache = {} 

854 for mod in module: 

855 cache.update(_lookfor_generate_cache(mod, import_modules, 

856 regenerate)) 

857 return cache 


859 if id(module) in _lookfor_caches and not regenerate: 

860 return _lookfor_caches[id(module)] 


862 # walk items and collect docstrings 

863 cache = {} 

864 _lookfor_caches[id(module)] = cache 

865 seen = {} 

866 index = 0 

867 stack = [(module.__name__, module)] 

868 while stack: 

869 name, item = stack.pop(0) 

870 if id(item) in seen: 

871 continue 

872 seen[id(item)] = True 


874 index += 1 

875 kind = "object" 


877 if inspect.ismodule(item): 

878 kind = "module" 

879 try: 

880 _all = item.__all__ 

881 except AttributeError: 

882 _all = None 


884 # import sub-packages 

885 if import_modules and hasattr(item, '__path__'): 

886 for pth in item.__path__: 

887 for mod_path in os.listdir(pth): 

888 this_py = os.path.join(pth, mod_path) 

889 init_py = os.path.join(pth, mod_path, '') 

890 if (os.path.isfile(this_py) and 

891 mod_path.endswith('.py')): 

892 to_import = mod_path[:-3] 

893 elif os.path.isfile(init_py): 

894 to_import = mod_path 

895 else: 

896 continue 

897 if to_import == '__init__': 

898 continue 


900 try: 

901 old_stdout = sys.stdout 

902 old_stderr = sys.stderr 

903 try: 

904 sys.stdout = StringIO() 

905 sys.stderr = StringIO() 

906 __import__("%s.%s" % (name, to_import)) 

907 finally: 

908 sys.stdout = old_stdout 

909 sys.stderr = old_stderr 

910 except KeyboardInterrupt: 

911 # Assume keyboard interrupt came from a user 

912 raise 

913 except BaseException: 

914 # Ignore also SystemExit and pytests.importorskip 

915 # `Skipped` (these are BaseExceptions; gh-22345) 

916 continue 


918 for n, v in _getmembers(item): 

919 try: 

920 item_name = getattr(v, '__name__', "%s.%s" % (name, n)) 

921 mod_name = getattr(v, '__module__', None) 

922 except NameError: 

923 # ref. SWIG's global cvars 

924 # NameError: Unknown C global variable 

925 item_name = "%s.%s" % (name, n) 

926 mod_name = None 

927 if '.' not in item_name and mod_name: 

928 item_name = "%s.%s" % (mod_name, item_name) 


930 if not item_name.startswith(name + '.'): 

931 # don't crawl "foreign" objects 

932 if isinstance(v, ufunc): 

933 # ... unless they are ufuncs 

934 pass 

935 else: 

936 continue 

937 elif not (inspect.ismodule(v) or _all is None or n in _all): 

938 continue 

939 stack.append(("%s.%s" % (name, n), v)) 

940 elif inspect.isclass(item): 

941 kind = "class" 

942 for n, v in _getmembers(item): 

943 stack.append(("%s.%s" % (name, n), v)) 

944 elif hasattr(item, "__call__"): 

945 kind = "func" 


947 try: 

948 doc = inspect.getdoc(item) 

949 except NameError: 

950 # ref SWIG's NameError: Unknown C global variable 

951 doc = None 

952 if doc is not None: 

953 cache[name] = (doc, kind, index) 


955 return cache 


957def _getmembers(item): 

958 import inspect 

959 try: 

960 members = inspect.getmembers(item) 

961 except Exception: 

962 members = [(x, getattr(item, x)) for x in dir(item) 

963 if hasattr(item, x)] 

964 return members 



967def safe_eval(source): 

968 """ 

969 Protected string evaluation. 


971 Evaluate a string containing a Python literal expression without 

972 allowing the execution of arbitrary non-literal code. 


974 .. warning:: 


976 This function is identical to :py:meth:`ast.literal_eval` and 

977 has the same security implications. It may not always be safe 

978 to evaluate large input strings. 


980 Parameters 

981 ---------- 

982 source : str 

983 The string to evaluate. 


985 Returns 

986 ------- 

987 obj : object 

988 The result of evaluating `source`. 


990 Raises 

991 ------ 

992 SyntaxError 

993 If the code has invalid Python syntax, or if it contains 

994 non-literal code. 


996 Examples 

997 -------- 

998 >>> np.safe_eval('1') 

999 1 

1000 >>> np.safe_eval('[1, 2, 3]') 

1001 [1, 2, 3] 

1002 >>> np.safe_eval('{"foo": ("bar", 10.0)}') 

1003 {'foo': ('bar', 10.0)} 


1005 >>> np.safe_eval('import os') 

1006 Traceback (most recent call last): 

1007 ... 

1008 SyntaxError: invalid syntax 


1010 >>> np.safe_eval('open("/home/user/.ssh/id_dsa").read()') 

1011 Traceback (most recent call last): 

1012 ... 

1013 ValueError: malformed node or string: <_ast.Call object at 0x...> 


1015 """ 

1016 # Local import to speed up numpy's import time. 

1017 import ast 

1018 return ast.literal_eval(source) 



1021def _median_nancheck(data, result, axis): 

1022 """ 

1023 Utility function to check median result from data for NaN values at the end 

1024 and return NaN in that case. Input result can also be a MaskedArray. 


1026 Parameters 

1027 ---------- 

1028 data : array 

1029 Sorted input data to median function 

1030 result : Array or MaskedArray 

1031 Result of median function. 

1032 axis : int 

1033 Axis along which the median was computed. 


1035 Returns 

1036 ------- 

1037 result : scalar or ndarray 

1038 Median or NaN in axes which contained NaN in the input. If the input 

1039 was an array, NaN will be inserted in-place. If a scalar, either the 

1040 input itself or a scalar NaN. 

1041 """ 

1042 if data.size == 0: 

1043 return result 

1044 n = np.isnan(data.take(-1, axis=axis)) 

1045 # masked NaN values are ok 

1046 if 

1047 n = n.filled(False) 

1048 if np.count_nonzero(n.ravel()) > 0: 

1049 # Without given output, it is possible that the current result is a 

1050 # numpy scalar, which is not writeable. If so, just return nan. 

1051 if isinstance(result, np.generic): 

1052 return data.dtype.type(np.nan) 


1054 result[n] = np.nan 

1055 return result 


1057def _opt_info(): 

1058 """ 

1059 Returns a string contains the supported CPU features by the current build. 


1061 The string format can be explained as follows: 

1062 - dispatched features that are supported by the running machine 

1063 end with `*`. 

1064 - dispatched features that are "not" supported by the running machine 

1065 end with `?`. 

1066 - remained features are representing the baseline. 

1067 """ 

1068 from numpy.core._multiarray_umath import ( 

1069 __cpu_features__, __cpu_baseline__, __cpu_dispatch__ 

1070 ) 


1072 if len(__cpu_baseline__) == 0 and len(__cpu_dispatch__) == 0: 

1073 return '' 


1075 enabled_features = ' '.join(__cpu_baseline__) 

1076 for feature in __cpu_dispatch__: 

1077 if __cpu_features__[feature]: 

1078 enabled_features += f" {feature}*" 

1079 else: 

1080 enabled_features += f" {feature}?" 


1082 return enabled_features 
